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IniEd IniEd

Command line .ini file editor.


This project has the following goals:

  • Support for wide range of .ini file formats (e.g. both # and ; for comment).

  • No unintended modifications. Lines that are not modified will be written without unnecessary corrections.


inied [OPTIONS] <file>
Option Value Description
-s --section <section> Section to show or replace
-k --key <key> Key to show or replace
-p --print Show value only
-r --print-raw Value will not have quotes removed upon printing
-d --delete Specified entry or section will be deleted
-a --append <value> Value will be appended
-c --change <value> Value will be changed only if it exists
-e --edit <value> Value will be changed if exists or added if it doesn't
--pretty-print Format output to look nicer
--trim Trim leading and trailing spaces
--no-comments Remove all comments
-i --in-place Writes content back to the same file after processing
-v --verbose Sets the level of verbosity
-h --help Prints help information
-V --version Prints version information
[file] File to process
Exit code Description
0 Success
1 Input read error
2 Output write error
255 Argument error


Showing value

To show just the value, we need to specify --section, --key, and --print.

inied --section mysqld --key key_buffer --print  examples/my.cnf

Editing value

To edit key to a particular value, you need to specify --section, --key, and --edit. If value is not present it will be appended to the end of section.

inied --section mysqld --key key_buffer --edit 200M  examples/my.cnf

Changing value

To change key to a particular value, you need to specify --section, --key, and --change. If value is not present, nothing will happen.

inied --section mysqld --key key_buffer --edit 200M  examples/my.cnf

Appending value

To append key with a particular value, you need to specify --section, --key, and --append. Value will be appended to the end of section.

inied --section mysqld --key key_buffer --edit 200M  examples/my.cnf

Deleting key

To delete the key, one has to specify --section, key, and --delete.

inied --section mysqld --key key_buffer --delete  examples/my.cnf

Deleting section

To delete the whole section, one has to specify only --section and --delete.

inied --section mysqld --delete  examples/my.cnf

Showing section

To show a single section, one has to specify only --section.

inied --section mysqld  examples/my.cnf

Pretty print

To clean up output, one can use --pretty-print.

inied --pretty-print  examples/my.cnf

Removing comments

To remove all comments, one can use --no-comments.

inied --no-comments  examples/my.cnf

In-place changes

To do all those changes directly to a file, one can use --in-place.

inied --pretty-print --in-place  examples/my.cnf

Chaining calls

As inied supports reading from standard input and writing to standard output, multiple calls can be chained together.

inied --section mysqld examples/my.cnf | inied --key key_buffer | inied --print