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Pegasus v1.01

Changes from v1.0 - modifed this README file to update contact information and to remove erroneous references to translocations from section V.

Matthew Hayes, Jeremy Pearson, "A Method to Detect Large Deletions at Base Pair Level using Next-Generation Sequencing Data", International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA) 2016.  


	* - Matthew Hayes

	Jeremy Pearson

	* - corresponding author

	I. Requirements
	II. Installation
	III. Associated programs
	IV. Configuring Pegasus
	V. Output format

Note: Much of the code (and this README) were recycled from the Bellerophon program published in 2013 by Matthew Hayes (primary developer) and Jing Li.

I. Requirements

	********NOTE: Pegasus currently can only analyze data produced with **Illumina** platforms (i.e. read pairs with forward-reverse orientation).************

	Please make sure that chromosome names in the input BAM file are in the following format: chr1, chr2, chr3...

	Pegasus has two external dependencies: Blat and SamTools. The link to each is provided here:

	***NOTE: Be sure to download the gfClient and gfServer programs. Pegasus uses the Blat server and not the Blat executable. This results in a considerable increase in speed.


II. Installation
	****Be sure to add the SamTools directory to your PATH variable****.

	Once the dependencies have been installed and the files have been extracted, Pegasus can be executed with the following command:


III. Associated programs
	Pegasus includes several scripts that are used by main program. They are described here.
		Parses the specified Blat config file if it exists. If the config file does not exist, it uses default values for the parameters.
		Estimates mean and standard deviation of read pairs in the data. 
		Only used if the user does not turn off the option to estimate mean and stdev from data.

	This is the preprocessor. It extracts *only* discordant read pairs and soft-clipped reads from an input bam file, and it filters the discordant reads by alternative mapping quality (i.e. quality score of BOTH mates is >= some threshold). Unless your BAM file is already filtered by discordant reads and soft-clipped reads, then skipping this step is NOT recommended since it will result in a substantial increase in running time and disk usage.
		This program looks for discordant read clusters that can denote a possible deletion structural variant. It then looks for soft-clipped reads near these clusters and attempts to refine the breakpoints by mapping the clipped subreads with Blat.

IV. Configuring Pegasus 

	The program requires as input 1) The full path to a sorted, indexed BAM file, and 2) the path to a configuration file which stores parameters used by the Blat client program (gfClient).


		Before running Pegasus, you must first run the Blat server (gfServer) so that it can listen for queries. An example of running the server is:
				gfServer start localhost 8000 human_build_36.2bit &
		It is probably better to run the server in the background (hence the ampersand). 
		This server will run on localhost and will listen for queries on port 8000. 
		The reference fasta file must be converted to .2bit format from fasta format. The program faToTwoBit is part of the Blat package and can be downloaded from here:

		Command line parameters for the Blat server must be set by the user unless default parameters will be used.


		Pegasus uses a configuration file to store information needed for the Blat client (gfClient).
		The Blat configuration file has the following format (the values are just examples):

		The blat_port field contains the port on which the Blat server is listening. The blat_server field contains the server on which Blat is running.
		blat_path provides a full path for the location of the gfClient program.
		minScore and minIdentity are parameters used by the gfClient program. See the gfClient documentation for information on these parameters.


Pegasus v1.0

perl --input_bam {indexed and sorted bam file} --blat_config {path to Blat config file} [OPTIONS]


	--min_del				Minimum number of abnormally long forward-reverse read pairs in a cluster [4]
	--min_soft_clipped			Minimum total soft-clipped reads from either side to predict precise breakpoints [3]
	--max_soft_clipped			Cease breakpoint refinement procedure if number of processed soft-clipped reads exceeds this number [20]
	--min_score				Minimum alternative mapping quality of chimeric read pairs (if preprocessing is skipped, then this is a threshold for individual read mapping quality) [30]
	--min_clip_len				Minimum length of a soft-clipped read to trigger breakpoint refinement (NOTE: it is NOT recommended to choose a value less than 20) [20]
	--ne					Do NOT estimate mean and standard deviation from data [unset]
	--mean_pairs				Mean insert length (bp) of read pairs (only used if --ne is set) [400]
	--std_pairs				Standard deviation of insert lengths of read pairs (only used if --ne is set) [80]	
	--num_pairs				Number of pairs to estimate mean and standard deviation [10000]
	--k					Standard deviation cutoff for determining discordant read pairs [4]
	--skip_pre				Skip preprocess step (NOT recommended if BAM file is not filtered by 1) chimeric pairs with alt quality >= some threshold and 2) soft clipped reads) [do not skip]


V. Output format

	Upon completion, Pegasus generates the following five output files, where BAMFILE is the name of the input bam file:


	A. Breakpoints file (BAMFILE.breakpoints.txt)

			chrA - The chromosome on the chrA side of the boundary. Chr1 refers to the first chromosome of the variant, and NOT necessarily chromosome 1 of the genome.
			posA - The chrA breakpoint
			chrB - The chromosome on the downstream end of the deletion (should be the same as chrA)
			posB - The chrB breakpoint
			strand1 - The chrA strand (should be +)
			strand2 - The chrB strand (should be +)
			num_discordant - The number of discordant read pairs that support the variant
			SC1 - The number of soft-clipped subreads that realign to the chrA side of the variant
			SC2 - The number of soft-clipped subreads that realign to the chrB side of the variant


Program to detect genomic deletions using paired-end reads mapped to a reference






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