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rish - Ruby interactive shell

Version 0.1, April 14, 2010

rush is a replacement for/extension of irb which has some nice features:

  • Automatically reload files/watch directories for new files. That way, you can stay in your shell, keep all your data and play around with your files.

  • Integrated help feature. Typing ?String invokes qri (a faster ri replacement) and prints the help

  • Shell-out. Typing !ls gives you a shell-out. With !ls& even as a background process (or !&ls for the IRB mode)

  • Profiling. With @p some_really_long_running_function invokes the expression and runs the profiler at the same time.

  • Either runs as an extension of IRB or in it's own version which has less features (e.g. no debugging, no sub-shells, no multi-line edits), but integrates better with the above features.

Installing rish

Download the gem file and type

   > gem install rish-0.1.gem


rish is distributed under a BSD-style license. See COPYING

Running rish

To invoke rish, type rish at the command line. The following options are available:

-I dir     : adds dir to the load path
-a dir     : loads all files in dir on startup
-h, --help : shows help
-e expr    : executes expression
-w dir     : watches dir for changes and automatically loads those
--irb      : runs in IRB mode
--rish     : runs in rish's own interactive mode
other	   : requires other

Files which are loaded ones are automatically watched for changes.

Through the "-I", "-a" and "-w" flags, you can use rish in a project-dependent way. For example, you lay out your files as usual like this:


Then, you can cd to project, and run "rish -I lib -w lib" to load and watch all files in "lib" for changes.