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Releases: motioneye-project/motioneyeos


16 Sep 19:24
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What's new:

  • motionEye: fixed a bug where upload services credentials would be lost after applying settings
  • motionEye: fixed an error where background tasks wouldn't be persisted
  • motionEye: fixed an error that would show up in log when adding a camera with an inexistent target dirrectory


28 Aug 16:00
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20160828 Pre-release

What's new:

  • OS: dot is now allowed in hostname
  • OS: added support for networkless mode
  • OS: various Odroid XU4 fixes
  • motionEye: the movie quality setting should now be closer to what the user expects, as percentage
  • motionEye: the media root directory of each camera is now created automatically upon hitting apply
  • motionEye: the default root directory of each camera contains now the (initial) name of the camera
  • motionEye: added the validate_certs setting to allow talking to sites with self-signed certificates
  • motionEye: fixed various bugs when changing upload services settings or provider
  • motionEye: the previous/next arrows in the media browser are no longer reversed
  • motionEye: added support for numerical action buttons (1 to 9), that could be used for PTZ presets


01 Aug 20:37
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20160801 Pre-release

What's new:

  • OS: better wired connectivity monitoring (through /sys/class/net/*/operstate rather than using mii-tool)
  • OS: another set of OSX fixes (thanks to @mikebanks)
  • OS: added support for kernel module blacklisting (see Loading Custom Modules At Startup)
  • motionEye: added support for choosing movie formats/codecs (including h264, which is selected by default - you might want to reduce the video quality to 50% or even less)
  • motionEye: RTSP: TCP is now preferred over UDP (it seems that TCP offers better streaming experience overall)
  • motionEye: added action buttons for pan/tilt/zoom (only the buttons, not the underlying functionality!)
  • motionEye: notifications emails now contain the Date header, for better compatibility (thanks to @luemmel)


05 Jul 20:15
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What's new:

  • fixed the upload services (Google Drive, Dropbox) bug introduced with 20160703


03 Jul 17:02
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20160703 Pre-release

What's new:

  • OS: added logrotate support (log files are now rotated based on their size)
  • OS: added support for custom NTP server
  • OS: added support for the official Raspberry PI WiFi adapter (bcm43430) to all boards
  • OS: Raspberry PI: added support for system monitoring (Expert Settings -> Enable System Monitoring)
  • OS: Raspberry PI: frequencies imposed by default by the firmware on each board are now used
  • OS: Banana PI, Cubietruck: reverted to kernel 4.1 as the USB support is broken in 4.4
  • motionEye: more than 10 cameras can now be added to a motionEye server
  • motionEye: fixed a bug where media files cleanup wouldn't work when having multiple cameras
  • motionEye: RTSP network cameras: added support for basic authentication
  • motionEye: Dropbox API v2 is now used (v1 has been deprecated)
  • motionEye: Google Drive: added support for relative path (subfolders for media files)
  • motionEye: Google Drive: media files are no longer uploaded to folders that have been moved to trash
  • motionEye: added a test button for email notifications
  • motionEye: added a test button for network shares
  • motionEye: HEAD method is now supported by all URIs


05 Jun 22:25
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What's new:

  • OS: sync is now used to minimize the odds of data loss during boot
  • OS: wired connection is now accepted as fallback if wifi configured, but not available
  • OS: static_ip.conf now allows setting a custom mtu (for VPN or other unusual network scenarios)
  • OS: Raspberry PI (all models): kernel updated to 4.4.12
  • OS: Raspberry PI (all models): kernel is now 100% identical to that used by Raspbian
  • OS: Raspberry PI (all models): ondemand CPU governor is now used by default
  • OS: Raspberry PI (all models): Mr Dave's motion version is now always preferred, even for CSI camera boards
  • OS: added support for Raspberry PI Zero
  • OS: added support for Raspberry CSI Camera v2.1
  • OS: OdroidC1, OdroidXU4: updated kernel to latest version
  • motionEye: still images and movies can now be separately uploaded to Google Drive/Dropbox
  • motionEye: fixed a bunch of security issues (potential shell code injections)
  • motionEye: added support for HEAD HTTP method
  • motionEye: fixed a Dropbox authorization issue
  • motionEye: fixed email notifications and file uploads when using special characters in passwords


12 Apr 18:55
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What's new:

  • the default CPU governor is now ondemand
  • current system time is now printed to kernel log at every boot
  • added support for reading some config files (e.g. wpa_supplicant.conf) directly from the boot partition (making life easier for Windows users)
  • no longer requires ext4 filesystem support and should work out-of-the-box on OSX


20 Mar 08:41
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20160320 Pre-release

What's new:

  • OS: the system will refuse to successfully boot without a network connection
  • OS: the wifi driver used is now shown in the boot log
  • OS: fixed error when tweaking Raspberry PI 3 board-specific settings
  • OS: odroidc1, odroidxu4 builds are back again
  • motionEye: fixed a bug with numeric passwords used for remote motionEye cameras
  • motionEye: when removing a single movie file from the media browser, the associated .thumb file is removed as well


07 Mar 17:53
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20160306 Pre-release

What's new:

  • OS: added support for Raspberry PI3
  • motionEye: fixed a bug where the root media folder would get removed
  • motionEye: fixed Simple MJPEG Camera settings panel bug
  • motionEye: motion -> motionEye event passing is now a bit faster


21 Feb 20:36
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20160221 Pre-release

What's new:

  • motionEye: hidden folders are ignored when listing media files
  • motionEye: media file listing performance improvements
  • motionEye: added support for more network share security methods
  • motionEye: added support for open wifi networks
  • motionEye: SMTP passwords can now contain percent characters
  • motionEye: the From field can now be customized when configuring email notifications
  • OS: module parameters are now properly read from modprobe.conf (wifi power management is now disabled via these parameters)
  • OS: fixed Windows 10 SMB compatibility issue
  • OS: hostname is now customizable via UI
  • OS: base path is now customizable via UI
  • OS: wpa_supplicant: added EAP support
  • OS: dmesg.log is now an actual file persisted across reboots
  • OS: minor fix to prevent a fork bomb