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rustc: Fill out remaining parts of C-unwind ABI
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This commit intends to fill out some of the remaining pieces of the
C-unwind ABI. This has a number of other changes with it though to move
this design space forward a bit. Notably contained within here is:

* On `panic=unwind`, the `extern "C"` ABI is now considered as "may
  unwind". This fixes a longstanding soundness issue where if you
  `panic!()` in an `extern "C"` function defined in Rust that's actually
  UB because the LLVM representation for the function has the `nounwind`
  attribute, but then you unwind.

* Whether or not a function unwinds now mainly considers the ABI of the
  function instead of first checking the panic strategy. This fixes a
  miscompile of `extern "C-unwind"` with `panic=abort` because that ABI
  can still unwind.

* The aborting stub for non-unwinding ABIs with `panic=unwind` has been
  reimplemented. Previously this was done as a small tweak during MIR
  generation, but this has been moved to a separate and dedicated MIR
  pass. This new pass will, for appropriate functions and function
  calls, insert a `cleanup` landing pad for any function call that may
  unwind within a function that is itself not allowed to unwind. Note
  that this subtly changes some behavior from before where previously on
  an unwind which was caught-to-abort it would run active destructors in
  the function, and now it simply immediately aborts the process.

* The `#[unwind]` attribute has been removed and all users in tests and
  such are now using `C-unwind` and `#![feature(c_unwind)]`.

I think this is largely the last piece of the RFC to implement.
Unfortunately I believe this is still not stabilizable as-is because
activating the feature gate changes the behavior of the existing `extern
"C"` ABI in a way that has no replacement. My thinking for how to enable
this is that we add support for the `C-unwind` ABI on stable Rust first,
and then after it hits stable we change the behavior of the `C` ABI.
That way anyone straddling stable/beta/nightly can switch to `C-unwind`
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alexcrichton committed Aug 3, 2021
1 parent 2939249 commit 1c07096
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Showing 46 changed files with 431 additions and 478 deletions.
44 changes: 0 additions & 44 deletions compiler/rustc_attr/src/
Expand Up @@ -87,50 +87,6 @@ pub enum OptimizeAttr {

#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum UnwindAttr {

/// Determine what `#[unwind]` attribute is present in `attrs`, if any.
pub fn find_unwind_attr(sess: &Session, attrs: &[Attribute]) -> Option<UnwindAttr> {
attrs.iter().fold(None, |ia, attr| {
if sess.check_name(attr, sym::unwind) {
if let Some(meta) = attr.meta() {
if let MetaItemKind::List(items) = meta.kind {
if items.len() == 1 {
if items[0].has_name(sym::allowed) {
return Some(UnwindAttr::Allowed);
} else if items[0].has_name(sym::aborts) {
return Some(UnwindAttr::Aborts);

"malformed `unwind` attribute input"
.span_label(attr.span, "invalid argument")
"the allowed arguments are `allowed` and `aborts`",
(vec!["allowed", "aborts"])
.map(|s| format!("#[unwind({})]", s)),


/// Represents the following attributes:
/// - `#[stable]`
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion compiler/rustc_error_codes/src/error_codes/
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
#### Note: this error code is no longer emitted by the compiler.

The `unwind` attribute was malformed.

Erroneous code example:

#[unwind()] // error: expected one argument
Expand Down
5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions compiler/rustc_feature/src/
Expand Up @@ -311,11 +311,6 @@ declare_features! (
/// Allows `extern "platform-intrinsic" { ... }`.
(active, platform_intrinsics, "1.4.0", Some(27731), None),

/// Allows `#[unwind(..)]`.
/// Permits specifying whether a function should permit unwinding or abort on unwind.
(active, unwind_attributes, "1.4.0", Some(58760), None),

/// Allows attributes on expressions and non-item statements.
(active, stmt_expr_attributes, "1.6.0", Some(15701), None),

Expand Down
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions compiler/rustc_feature/src/
Expand Up @@ -419,10 +419,6 @@ pub const BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES: &[BuiltinAttribute] = &[
gated!(panic_runtime, AssumedUsed, template!(Word), experimental!(panic_runtime)),
gated!(needs_panic_runtime, AssumedUsed, template!(Word), experimental!(needs_panic_runtime)),
unwind, AssumedUsed, template!(List: "allowed|aborts"), unwind_attributes,
compiler_builtins, AssumedUsed, template!(Word),
"the `#[compiler_builtins]` attribute is used to identify the `compiler_builtins` crate \
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions compiler/rustc_feature/src/
Expand Up @@ -156,6 +156,11 @@ declare_features! (
(removed, min_type_alias_impl_trait, "1.56.0", Some(63063), None,
Some("removed in favor of full type_alias_impl_trait")),

/// Allows `#[unwind(..)]`.
/// Permits specifying whether a function should permit unwinding or abort on unwind.
(removed, unwind_attributes, "1.56.0", Some(58760), None, Some("use the C-unwind ABI instead")),

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// feature-group-end: removed features
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Expand Down
10 changes: 3 additions & 7 deletions compiler/rustc_middle/src/middle/
Expand Up @@ -52,13 +52,9 @@ bitflags! {
/// `#[rustc_allocator]`: a hint to LLVM that the pointer returned from this
/// function is never null.
const ALLOCATOR = 1 << 1;
/// `#[unwind]`: an indicator that this function may unwind despite what
/// its ABI signature may otherwise imply.
const UNWIND = 1 << 2;
/// `#[rust_allocator_nounwind]`, an indicator that an imported FFI
/// function will never unwind. Probably obsolete by recent changes with
/// #[unwind], but hasn't been removed/migrated yet
/// An indicator that function will never unwind. Will become obsolete
/// once C-unwind is fully stabilized.
const NEVER_UNWIND = 1 << 3;
/// `#[naked]`: an indicator to LLVM that no function prologue/epilogue
/// should be generated.
const NAKED = 1 << 4;
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion compiler/rustc_middle/src/mir/
Expand Up @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ pub enum TerminatorKind<'tcx> {
/// consider it in borrowck. We don't want to accept programs which
/// pass borrowck only when `panic=abort` or some assertions are disabled
/// due to release vs. debug mode builds. This needs to be an `Option` because
/// of the `remove_noop_landing_pads` and `no_landing_pads` passes.
/// of the `remove_noop_landing_pads` and `abort_unwinding_calls` passes.
unwind: Option<BasicBlock>,

Expand Down
181 changes: 115 additions & 66 deletions compiler/rustc_middle/src/ty/
Expand Up @@ -2601,65 +2601,124 @@ where
fn adjust_for_abi(&mut self, cx: &C, abi: SpecAbi);

/// Calculates whether a function's ABI can unwind or not.
/// This takes two primary parameters:
/// * `codegen_fn_attr_flags` - these are flags calculated as part of the
/// codegen attrs for a defined function. For function pointers this set of
/// flags is the empty set. This is only applicable for Rust-defined
/// functions, and generally isn't needed except for small optimizations where
/// we try to say a function which otherwise might look like it could unwind
/// doesn't actually unwind (such as for intrinsics and such).
/// * `abi` - this is the ABI that the function is defined with. This is the
/// primary factor for determining whether a function can unwind or not.
/// Note that in this case unwinding is not necessarily panicking in Rust. Rust
/// panics are implemented with unwinds on most platform (when
/// `-Cpanic=unwind`), but this also accounts for `-Cpanic=abort` build modes.
/// Notably unwinding is disallowed for more non-Rust ABIs unless it's
/// specifically in the name (e.g. `"C-unwind"`). Unwinding within each ABI is
/// defined for each ABI individually, but it always corresponds to some form of
/// stack-based unwinding (the exact mechanism of which varies
/// platform-by-platform).
/// Rust functions are classfied whether or not they can unwind based on the
/// active "panic strategy". In other words Rust functions are considered to
/// unwind in `-Cpanic=unwind` mode and cannot unwind in `-Cpanic=abort` mode.
/// Note that Rust supports intermingling panic=abort and panic=unwind code, but
/// only if the final panic mode is panic=abort. In this scenario any code
/// previously compiled assuming that a function can unwind is still correct, it
/// just never happens to actually unwind at runtime.
/// This function's answer to whether or not a function can unwind is quite
/// impactful throughout the compiler. This affects things like:
/// * Calling a function which can't unwind means codegen simply ignores any
/// associated unwinding cleanup.
/// * Calling a function which can unwind from a function which can't unwind
/// causes the `abort_unwinding_calls` MIR pass to insert a landing pad that
/// aborts the process.
/// * This affects whether functions have the LLVM `nounwind` attribute, which
/// affects various optimizations and codegen.
/// FIXME: this is actually buggy with respect to Rust functions. Rust functions
/// compiled with `-Cpanic=unwind` and referenced from another crate compiled
/// with `-Cpanic=abort` will look like they can't unwind when in fact they
/// might (from a foreign exception or similar).
pub fn fn_can_unwind(
panic_strategy: PanicStrategy,
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
codegen_fn_attr_flags: CodegenFnAttrFlags,
call_conv: Conv,
abi: SpecAbi,
) -> bool {
if panic_strategy != PanicStrategy::Unwind {
// In panic=abort mode we assume nothing can unwind anywhere, so
// optimize based on this!
} else if codegen_fn_attr_flags.contains(CodegenFnAttrFlags::UNWIND) {
// If a specific #[unwind] attribute is present, use that.
} else if codegen_fn_attr_flags.contains(CodegenFnAttrFlags::RUSTC_ALLOCATOR_NOUNWIND) {
// Special attribute for allocator functions, which can't unwind.
} else {
if call_conv == Conv::Rust {
// Any Rust method (or `extern "Rust" fn` or `extern
// "rust-call" fn`) is explicitly allowed to unwind
// (unless it has no-unwind attribute, handled above).
} else {
// Anything else is either:
// 1. A foreign item using a non-Rust ABI (like `extern "C" { fn foo(); }`), or
// 2. A Rust item using a non-Rust ABI (like `extern "C" fn foo() { ... }`).
// In both of these cases, we should refer to the ABI to determine whether or not we
// should unwind. See Rust RFC 2945 for more information on this behavior, here:
use SpecAbi::*;
match abi {
C { unwind } | Stdcall { unwind } | System { unwind } | Thiscall { unwind } => {
| Fastcall
| Vectorcall
| Aapcs
| Win64
| SysV64
| PtxKernel
| Msp430Interrupt
| X86Interrupt
| AmdGpuKernel
| EfiApi
| AvrInterrupt
| AvrNonBlockingInterrupt
| CCmseNonSecureCall
| Wasm
| RustIntrinsic
| PlatformIntrinsic
| Unadjusted => false,
// In the `if` above, we checked for functions with the Rust calling convention.
Rust | RustCall => unreachable!(),
// Special attribute for functions which can't unwind.
if codegen_fn_attr_flags.contains(CodegenFnAttrFlags::NEVER_UNWIND) {
return false;

// Otherwise if this isn't special then unwinding is generally determined by
// the ABI of the itself. ABIs like `C` have variants which also
// specifically allow unwinding (`C-unwind`), but not all platform-specific
// ABIs have such an option. Otherwise the only other thing here is Rust
// itself, and those ABIs are determined by the panic strategy configured
// for this compilation.
// Unfortunately at this time there's also another caveat. Rust [RFC
// 2945][rfc] has been accepted and is in the process of being implemented
// and stabilized. In this interim state we need to deal with historical
// rustc behavior as well as plan for future rustc behavior.
// Historically functions declared with `extern "C"` were marked at the
// codegen layer as `nounwind`. This happened regardless of `panic=unwind`
// or not. This is UB for functions in `panic=unwind` mode that then
// actually panic and unwind. Note that this behavior is true for both
// externally declared functions as well as Rust-defined function.
// To fix this UB rustc would like to change in the future to catch unwinds
// from function calls that may unwind within a Rust-defined `extern "C"`
// function and forcibly abort the process, thereby respecting the
// `nounwind` attribut emitted for `extern "C"`. This behavior change isn't
// ready to roll out, so determining whether or not the `C` family of ABIs
// unwinds is conditional not only on their definition but also whether the
// `#![feature(c_unwind)]` feature gate is active.
// Note that this means that unlike historical compilers rustc now, by
// default, unconditionally thinks that the `C` ABI may unwind. This will
// prevent some optimization opportunities, however, so we try to scope this
// change and only assume that `C` unwinds with `panic=unwind` (as opposed
// to `panic=abort`).
// Eventually the check against `c_unwind` here will ideally get removed and
// this'll be a little cleaner as it'll be a straightforward check of the
// ABI.
// [rfc]:
use SpecAbi::*;
match abi {
C { unwind } | Stdcall { unwind } | System { unwind } | Thiscall { unwind } => {
|| (!tcx.features().c_unwind && tcx.sess.panic_strategy() == PanicStrategy::Unwind)
| Fastcall
| Vectorcall
| Aapcs
| Win64
| SysV64
| PtxKernel
| Msp430Interrupt
| X86Interrupt
| AmdGpuKernel
| EfiApi
| AvrInterrupt
| AvrNonBlockingInterrupt
| CCmseNonSecureCall
| Wasm
| RustIntrinsic
| PlatformIntrinsic
| Unadjusted => false,
Rust | RustCall => tcx.sess.panic_strategy() == PanicStrategy::Unwind,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2695,11 +2754,6 @@ pub fn conv_from_spec_abi(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, abi: SpecAbi) -> Conv {

pub fn fn_ptr_codegen_fn_attr_flags() -> CodegenFnAttrFlags {
// Assume that fn pointers may always unwind

impl<'tcx, C> FnAbiExt<'tcx, C> for call::FnAbi<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>
C: LayoutOf<Ty = Ty<'tcx>, TyAndLayout = TyAndLayout<'tcx>>
Expand All @@ -2709,7 +2763,7 @@ where
+ HasParamEnv<'tcx>,
fn of_fn_ptr(cx: &C, sig: ty::PolyFnSig<'tcx>, extra_args: &[Ty<'tcx>]) -> Self {
call::FnAbi::new_internal(cx, sig, extra_args, None, fn_ptr_codegen_fn_attr_flags(), false)
call::FnAbi::new_internal(cx, sig, extra_args, None, CodegenFnAttrFlags::empty(), false)

fn of_instance(cx: &C, instance: ty::Instance<'tcx>, extra_args: &[Ty<'tcx>]) -> Self {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2901,12 +2955,7 @@ where
c_variadic: sig.c_variadic,
fixed_count: inputs.len(),
can_unwind: fn_can_unwind(
can_unwind: fn_can_unwind(cx.tcx(), codegen_fn_attr_flags, sig.abi),
fn_abi.adjust_for_abi(cx, sig.abi);
debug!("FnAbi::new_internal = {:?}", fn_abi);
Expand Down
9 changes: 2 additions & 7 deletions compiler/rustc_mir/src/interpret/
Expand Up @@ -18,12 +18,7 @@ use super::{

impl<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir, M: Machine<'mir, 'tcx>> InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, M> {
fn fn_can_unwind(&self, attrs: CodegenFnAttrFlags, abi: Abi) -> bool {
layout::conv_from_spec_abi(*self.tcx, abi),
layout::fn_can_unwind(*self.tcx, attrs, abi)

pub(super) fn eval_terminator(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,7 +72,7 @@ impl<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir, M: Machine<'mir, 'tcx>> InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, M> {
self.fn_can_unwind(layout::fn_ptr_codegen_fn_attr_flags(), caller_abi),
self.fn_can_unwind(CodegenFnAttrFlags::empty(), caller_abi),
ty::FnDef(def_id, substs) => {
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions compiler/rustc_mir/src/
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ use std::fmt;
use std::iter;

use crate::transform::{
add_call_guards, add_moves_for_packed_drops, no_landing_pads, remove_noop_landing_pads,
abort_unwinding_calls, add_call_guards, add_moves_for_packed_drops, remove_noop_landing_pads,
run_passes, simplify,
use crate::util::elaborate_drops::{self, DropElaborator, DropFlagMode, DropStyle};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ fn make_shim<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, instance: ty::InstanceDef<'tcx>) -> Body<'

Expand Down

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