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Switch numeric suffix parsing to use the new system.
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This moves errors and all handling of numeric suffixes into the parser
rather than the lexer.
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huonw committed Nov 19, 2014
1 parent 6679595 commit 606a309
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Showing 4 changed files with 108 additions and 149 deletions.
74 changes: 4 additions & 70 deletions src/libsyntax/parse/lexer/
Expand Up @@ -672,16 +672,6 @@ impl<'a> StringReader<'a> {
'0'...'9' | '_' | '.' => {
num_digits = self.scan_digits(10) + 1;
'u' | 'i' => {
return token::Integer(self.name_from(start_bpos));
'f' => {
let last_pos = self.last_pos;
self.check_float_base(start_bpos, last_pos, base);
return token::Float(self.name_from(start_bpos));
_ => {
// just a 0
return token::Integer(self.name_from(start_bpos));
Expand All @@ -695,8 +685,6 @@ impl<'a> StringReader<'a> {

if num_digits == 0 {
self.err_span_(start_bpos, self.last_pos, "no valid digits found for number");
// eat any suffix
return token::Integer(token::intern("0"));

Expand All @@ -711,28 +699,19 @@ impl<'a> StringReader<'a> {
if self.curr.unwrap_or('\0').is_digit_radix(10) {
let last_pos = self.last_pos;
self.check_float_base(start_bpos, last_pos, base);
return token::Float(self.name_from(start_bpos));
} else if self.curr_is('f') {
// or it might be an integer literal suffixed as a float
let last_pos = self.last_pos;
self.check_float_base(start_bpos, last_pos, base);
return token::Float(self.name_from(start_bpos));
} else {
// it might be a float if it has an exponent
if self.curr_is('e') || self.curr_is('E') {
let last_pos = self.last_pos;
self.check_float_base(start_bpos, last_pos, base);
return token::Float(self.name_from(start_bpos));
// but we certainly have an integer!
return token::Integer(self.name_from(start_bpos));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -869,55 +848,6 @@ impl<'a> StringReader<'a> {

/// Scan over an int literal suffix.
fn scan_int_suffix(&mut self) {
match self.curr {
Some('i') | Some('u') => {

if self.curr_is('8') {
} else if self.curr_is('1') {
if !self.nextch_is('6') {
self.err_span_(self.last_pos, self.pos,
"illegal int suffix");
} else {
self.bump(); self.bump();
} else if self.curr_is('3') {
if !self.nextch_is('2') {
self.err_span_(self.last_pos, self.pos,
"illegal int suffix");
} else {
self.bump(); self.bump();
} else if self.curr_is('6') {
if !self.nextch_is('4') {
self.err_span_(self.last_pos, self.pos,
"illegal int suffix");
} else {
self.bump(); self.bump();
_ => { }

/// Scan over a float literal suffix
fn scan_float_suffix(&mut self) {
if self.curr_is('f') {
if (self.nextch_is('3') && self.nextnextch_is('2'))
|| (self.nextch_is('6') && self.nextnextch_is('4')) {
} else {
self.err_span_(self.last_pos, self.pos, "illegal float suffix");

/// Scan over a float exponent.
fn scan_float_exponent(&mut self) {
if self.curr_is('e') || self.curr_is('E') {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -988,6 +918,7 @@ impl<'a> StringReader<'a> {
if is_dec_digit(c) {
let num = self.scan_number(c.unwrap());
let suffix = self.scan_optional_raw_name();
debug!("next_token_inner: scanned number {}, {}", num, suffix);
return token::Literal(num, suffix)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1609,6 +1540,9 @@ mod test {
test!("1.0", Float, "1.0");
test!("1.0e10", Float, "1.0e10");

assert_eq!(setup(&mk_sh(), "2u".to_string()).next_token().tok,
assert_eq!(setup(&mk_sh(), "r###\"raw\"###suffix".to_string()).next_token().tok,
token::Literal(token::StrRaw(token::intern("raw"), 3),
Expand Down
145 changes: 76 additions & 69 deletions src/libsyntax/parse/
Expand Up @@ -511,28 +511,41 @@ pub fn raw_str_lit(lit: &str) -> String {

pub fn float_lit(s: &str) -> ast::Lit_ {
debug!("float_lit: {}", s);
// FIXME #2252: bounds checking float literals is defered until trans
let s2 = s.chars().filter(|&c| c != '_').collect::<String>();
let s = s2.as_slice();

let mut ty = None;

if s.ends_with("f32") {
ty = Some(ast::TyF32);
} else if s.ends_with("f64") {
ty = Some(ast::TyF64);
// check if `s` looks like i32 or u1234 etc.
fn looks_like_width_suffix(first_chars: &[char], s: &str) -> bool {
s.len() > 1 &&
first_chars.contains(&s.char_at(0)) &&
s.slice_from(1).chars().all(|c| '0' <= c && c <= '9')

fn filtered_float_lit(data: token::InternedString, suffix: Option<&str>,
sd: &SpanHandler, sp: Span) -> ast::Lit_ {
debug!("filtered_float_lit: {}, {}", data, suffix);
match suffix {
Some("f32") => ast::LitFloat(data, ast::TyF32),
Some("f64") => ast::LitFloat(data, ast::TyF64),
Some(suf) => {
if suf.len() >= 2 && looks_like_width_suffix(&['f'], suf) {
// if it looks like a width, lets try to be helpful.
sd.span_err(sp, &*format!("illegal width `{}` for float literal, \
valid widths are 32 and 64", suf.slice_from(1)));
} else {
sd.span_err(sp, &*format!("illegal suffix `{}` for float literal, \
valid suffixes are `f32` and `f64`", suf));

match ty {
Some(t) => {
ast::LitFloat(token::intern_and_get_ident(s.slice_to(s.len() - t.suffix_len())), t)
None => ast::LitFloatUnsuffixed(token::intern_and_get_ident(s))
None => ast::LitFloatUnsuffixed(data)
pub fn float_lit(s: &str, suffix: Option<&str>, sd: &SpanHandler, sp: Span) -> ast::Lit_ {
debug!("float_lit: {}, {}", s, suffix);
// FIXME #2252: bounds checking float literals is defered until trans
let s = s.chars().filter(|&c| c != '_').collect::<String>();
let data = token::intern_and_get_ident(&*s);
filtered_float_lit(data, suffix, sd, sp)

/// Parse a string representing a byte literal into its final form. Similar to `char_lit`
pub fn byte_lit(lit: &str) -> (u8, uint) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -626,24 +639,19 @@ pub fn binary_lit(lit: &str) -> Rc<Vec<u8>> {

pub fn integer_lit(s: &str, sd: &SpanHandler, sp: Span) -> ast::Lit_ {
pub fn integer_lit(s: &str, suffix: Option<&str>, sd: &SpanHandler, sp: Span) -> ast::Lit_ {
// s can only be ascii, byte indexing is fine

let s2 = s.chars().filter(|&c| c != '_').collect::<String>();
let mut s = s2.as_slice();

debug!("parse_integer_lit: {}", s);

if s.len() == 1 {
let n = (s.char_at(0)).to_digit(10).unwrap();
return ast::LitInt(n as u64, ast::UnsuffixedIntLit(ast::Sign::new(n)));
debug!("integer_lit: {}, {}", s, suffix);

let mut base = 10;
let orig = s;
let mut ty = ast::UnsuffixedIntLit(ast::Plus);

if s.char_at(0) == '0' {
if s.char_at(0) == '0' && s.len() > 1 {
match s.char_at(1) {
'x' => base = 16,
'o' => base = 8,
Expand All @@ -652,57 +660,56 @@ pub fn integer_lit(s: &str, sd: &SpanHandler, sp: Span) -> ast::Lit_ {

// 1f64 and 2f32 etc. are valid float literals.
match suffix {
Some(suf) if looks_like_width_suffix(&['f'], suf) => {
match base {
16u => sd.span_err(sp, "hexadecimal float literal is not supported"),
8u => sd.span_err(sp, "octal float literal is not supported"),
2u => sd.span_err(sp, "binary float literal is not supported"),
_ => ()
let ident = token::intern_and_get_ident(&*s);
return filtered_float_lit(ident, suffix, sd, sp)
_ => {}

if base != 10 {
s = s.slice_from(2);

let last = s.len() - 1;
match s.char_at(last) {
'i' => ty = ast::SignedIntLit(ast::TyI, ast::Plus),
'u' => ty = ast::UnsignedIntLit(ast::TyU),
'8' => {
if s.len() > 2 {
match s.char_at(last - 1) {
'i' => ty = ast::SignedIntLit(ast::TyI8, ast::Plus),
'u' => ty = ast::UnsignedIntLit(ast::TyU8),
_ => { }
'6' => {
if s.len() > 3 && s.char_at(last - 1) == '1' {
match s.char_at(last - 2) {
'i' => ty = ast::SignedIntLit(ast::TyI16, ast::Plus),
'u' => ty = ast::UnsignedIntLit(ast::TyU16),
_ => { }
'2' => {
if s.len() > 3 && s.char_at(last - 1) == '3' {
match s.char_at(last - 2) {
'i' => ty = ast::SignedIntLit(ast::TyI32, ast::Plus),
'u' => ty = ast::UnsignedIntLit(ast::TyU32),
_ => { }
'4' => {
if s.len() > 3 && s.char_at(last - 1) == '6' {
match s.char_at(last - 2) {
'i' => ty = ast::SignedIntLit(ast::TyI64, ast::Plus),
'u' => ty = ast::UnsignedIntLit(ast::TyU64),
_ => { }
if let Some(suf) = suffix {
if suf.is_empty() { sd.span_bug(sp, "found empty literal suffix in Some")}
ty = match suf {
"i" => ast::SignedIntLit(ast::TyI, ast::Plus),
"i8" => ast::SignedIntLit(ast::TyI8, ast::Plus),
"i16" => ast::SignedIntLit(ast::TyI16, ast::Plus),
"i32" => ast::SignedIntLit(ast::TyI32, ast::Plus),
"i64" => ast::SignedIntLit(ast::TyI64, ast::Plus),
"u" => ast::UnsignedIntLit(ast::TyU),
"u8" => ast::UnsignedIntLit(ast::TyU8),
"u16" => ast::UnsignedIntLit(ast::TyU16),
"u32" => ast::UnsignedIntLit(ast::TyU32),
"u64" => ast::UnsignedIntLit(ast::TyU64),
_ => {
// i<digits> and u<digits> look like widths, so lets
// give an error message along those lines
if looks_like_width_suffix(&['i', 'u'], suf) {
sd.span_err(sp, &*format!("illegal width `{}` for integer literal; \
valid widths are 8, 16, 32 and 64",
} else {
sd.span_err(sp, &*format!("illegal suffix `{}` for numeric literal", suf));

_ => { }

debug!("The suffix is {}, base {}, the new string is {}, the original \
string was {}", ty, base, s, orig);

s = s.slice_to(s.len() - ty.suffix_len());
debug!("integer_lit: the type is {}, base {}, the new string is {}, the original \
string was {}, the original suffix was {}", ty, base, s, orig, suffix);

let res: u64 = match ::std::num::from_str_radix(s, base) {
Some(r) => r,
Expand Down
25 changes: 19 additions & 6 deletions src/libsyntax/parse/
Expand Up @@ -652,9 +652,9 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
Some(suf) => {
let text = suf.as_str();
if text.is_empty() {
self.span_bug(sp, "found empty non-None literal suffix")
self.span_bug(sp, "found empty literal suffix in Some")
self.span_err(sp, &*format!("a {} with a suffix is illegal", kind));
self.span_err(sp, &*format!("{} with a suffix is illegal", kind));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1661,10 +1661,23 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
let (suffix_illegal, out) = match lit {
token::Byte(i) => (true, LitByte(parse::byte_lit(i.as_str()).val0())),
token::Char(i) => (true, LitChar(parse::char_lit(i.as_str()).val0())),
token::Integer(s) => (false, parse::integer_lit(s.as_str(),
token::Float(s) => (false, parse::float_lit(s.as_str())),

// there are some valid suffixes for integer and
// float literals, so all the handling is done
// internally.
token::Integer(s) => {
(false, parse::integer_lit(s.as_str(),
suf.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_str()),
token::Float(s) => {
(false, parse::float_lit(s.as_str(),
suf.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_str()),

token::Str_(s) => {
Expand Down
13 changes: 9 additions & 4 deletions src/test/compile-fail/
Expand Up @@ -29,8 +29,13 @@ fn main() {
'a'suffix; //~ ERROR char literal with a suffix is illegal
b'a'suffix; //~ ERROR byte literal with a suffix is illegal

1234u1024; //~ ERROR illegal width `1024` for integer literal
1234i1024; //~ ERROR illegal width `1024` for integer literal
1234f1024; //~ ERROR illegal width `1024` for float literal
1234.5f1024; //~ ERROR illegal width `1024` for float literal

1234suffix; //~ ERROR illegal suffix `suffix` for numeric literal
0b101suffix; //~ ERROR illegal suffix `suffix` for numeric literal
1.0suffix; //~ ERROR illegal suffix `suffix` for numeric literal
1.0e10suffix; //~ ERROR illegal suffix `suffix` for numeric literal

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