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Factored MoveData construction code into builder submodule.
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pnkfelix committed Aug 16, 2017
1 parent 9b8b8c6 commit 869f05a
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Showing 2 changed files with 334 additions and 313 deletions.
332 changes: 332 additions & 0 deletions src/librustc_mir/dataflow/move_paths/
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
// Copyright 2017 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.

use rustc::ty::{self, TyCtxt};
use rustc::mir::*;
use rustc::mir::tcx::RvalueInitializationState;
use rustc::util::nodemap::FxHashMap;
use rustc_data_structures::indexed_vec::{IndexVec};

use syntax::codemap::DUMMY_SP;

use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
use std::mem;

use super::abs_domain::Lift;

use super::{LocationMap, MoveData, MovePath, MovePathLookup, MovePathIndex, MoveOut, MoveOutIndex};

pub(super) struct MoveDataBuilder<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
mir: &'a Mir<'tcx>,
tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
data: MoveData<'tcx>,

pub enum MovePathError {
UnionMove { path: MovePathIndex },

impl<'a, 'tcx> MoveDataBuilder<'a, 'tcx> {
fn new(mir: &'a Mir<'tcx>,
tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>)
-> Self {
let mut move_paths = IndexVec::new();
let mut path_map = IndexVec::new();

MoveDataBuilder {
data: MoveData {
moves: IndexVec::new(),
loc_map: LocationMap::new(mir),
rev_lookup: MovePathLookup {
locals: mir.local_decls.indices().map(Lvalue::Local).map(|v| {
Self::new_move_path(&mut move_paths, &mut path_map, None, v)
projections: FxHashMap(),

fn new_move_path(move_paths: &mut IndexVec<MovePathIndex, MovePath<'tcx>>,
path_map: &mut IndexVec<MovePathIndex, Vec<MoveOutIndex>>,
parent: Option<MovePathIndex>,
lvalue: Lvalue<'tcx>)
-> MovePathIndex
let move_path = move_paths.push(MovePath {
next_sibling: None,
first_child: None,

if let Some(parent) = parent {
let next_sibling =
mem::replace(&mut move_paths[parent].first_child, Some(move_path));
move_paths[move_path].next_sibling = next_sibling;

let path_map_ent = path_map.push(vec![]);
assert_eq!(path_map_ent, move_path);

/// This creates a MovePath for a given lvalue, returning an `MovePathError`
/// if that lvalue can't be moved from.
/// NOTE: lvalues behind references *do not* get a move path, which is
/// problematic for borrowck.
/// Maybe we should have separate "borrowck" and "moveck" modes.
fn move_path_for(&mut self, lval: &Lvalue<'tcx>)
-> Result<MovePathIndex, MovePathError>
debug!("lookup({:?})", lval);
match *lval {
Lvalue::Local(local) => Ok([local]),
// error: can't move out of a static
Lvalue::Static(..) => Err(MovePathError::IllegalMove),
Lvalue::Projection(ref proj) => {
self.move_path_for_projection(lval, proj)

fn create_move_path(&mut self, lval: &Lvalue<'tcx>) {
// This is an assignment, not a move, so this not being a valid
// move path is OK.
let _ = self.move_path_for(lval);

fn move_path_for_projection(&mut self,
lval: &Lvalue<'tcx>,
proj: &LvalueProjection<'tcx>)
-> Result<MovePathIndex, MovePathError>
let base = try!(self.move_path_for(&proj.base));
let lv_ty = proj.base.ty(self.mir, self.tcx).to_ty(self.tcx);
match lv_ty.sty {
// error: can't move out of borrowed content
ty::TyRef(..) | ty::TyRawPtr(..) => return Err(MovePathError::IllegalMove),
// error: can't move out of struct with destructor
ty::TyAdt(adt, _) if adt.has_dtor(self.tcx) && !adt.is_box() =>
return Err(MovePathError::IllegalMove),
// move out of union - always move the entire union
ty::TyAdt(adt, _) if adt.is_union() =>
return Err(MovePathError::UnionMove { path: base }),
// error: can't move out of a slice
ty::TySlice(..) =>
return Err(MovePathError::IllegalMove),
ty::TyArray(..) => match proj.elem {
// error: can't move out of an array
ProjectionElem::Index(..) => return Err(MovePathError::IllegalMove),
_ => {
// FIXME: still badly broken
_ => {}
match, proj.elem.lift())) {
Entry::Occupied(ent) => Ok(*ent.get()),
Entry::Vacant(ent) => {
let path = Self::new_move_path(

fn finalize(self) -> MoveData<'tcx> {
debug!("{}", {
debug!("moves for {:?}:", self.mir.span);
for (j, mo) in {
debug!(" {:?} = {:?}", j, mo);
debug!("move paths for {:?}:", self.mir.span);
for (j, path) in {
debug!(" {:?} = {:?}", j, path);
"done dumping moves"

pub(super) fn gather_moves<'a, 'tcx>(mir: &Mir<'tcx>,
tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>)
-> MoveData<'tcx> {
let mut builder = MoveDataBuilder::new(mir, tcx, param_env);

for (bb, block) in mir.basic_blocks().iter_enumerated() {
for (i, stmt) in block.statements.iter().enumerate() {
let source = Location { block: bb, statement_index: i };
builder.gather_statement(source, stmt);

let terminator_loc = Location {
block: bb,
statement_index: block.statements.len()
builder.gather_terminator(terminator_loc, block.terminator());


impl<'a, 'tcx> MoveDataBuilder<'a, 'tcx> {
fn gather_statement(&mut self, loc: Location, stmt: &Statement<'tcx>) {
debug!("gather_statement({:?}, {:?})", loc, stmt);
match stmt.kind {
StatementKind::Assign(ref lval, ref rval) => {
if let RvalueInitializationState::Shallow = rval.initialization_state() {
// Box starts out uninitialized - need to create a separate
// move-path for the interior so it will be separate from
// the exterior.
self.gather_rvalue(loc, rval);
StatementKind::StorageLive(_) |
StatementKind::StorageDead(_) => {}
StatementKind::SetDiscriminant{ .. } => {
"SetDiscriminant should not exist during borrowck");
StatementKind::InlineAsm { .. } |
StatementKind::EndRegion(_) |
StatementKind::Validate(..) |
StatementKind::Nop => {}

fn gather_rvalue(&mut self, loc: Location, rvalue: &Rvalue<'tcx>) {
match *rvalue {
Rvalue::Use(ref operand) |
Rvalue::Repeat(ref operand, _) |
Rvalue::Cast(_, ref operand, _) |
Rvalue::UnaryOp(_, ref operand) => {
self.gather_operand(loc, operand)
Rvalue::BinaryOp(ref _binop, ref lhs, ref rhs) |
Rvalue::CheckedBinaryOp(ref _binop, ref lhs, ref rhs) => {
self.gather_operand(loc, lhs);
self.gather_operand(loc, rhs);
Rvalue::Aggregate(ref _kind, ref operands) => {
for operand in operands {
self.gather_operand(loc, operand);
Rvalue::Ref(..) |
Rvalue::Discriminant(..) |
Rvalue::Len(..) |
Rvalue::NullaryOp(NullOp::SizeOf, _) |
Rvalue::NullaryOp(NullOp::Box, _) => {
// This returns an rvalue with uninitialized contents. We can't
// move out of it here because it is an rvalue - assignments always
// completely initialize their lvalue.
// However, this does not matter - MIR building is careful to
// only emit a shallow free for the partially-initialized
// temporary.
// In any case, if we want to fix this, we have to register a
// special move and change the `statement_effect` functions.

fn gather_terminator(&mut self, loc: Location, term: &Terminator<'tcx>) {
debug!("gather_terminator({:?}, {:?})", loc, term);
match term.kind {
TerminatorKind::Goto { target: _ } |
TerminatorKind::Resume |
TerminatorKind::Unreachable => { }

TerminatorKind::Return => {
self.gather_move(loc, &Lvalue::Local(RETURN_POINTER));

TerminatorKind::Assert { .. } |
TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { .. } => {
// branching terminators - these don't move anything

TerminatorKind::Drop { ref location, target: _, unwind: _ } => {
self.gather_move(loc, location);
TerminatorKind::DropAndReplace { ref location, ref value, .. } => {
self.gather_operand(loc, value);
TerminatorKind::Call { ref func, ref args, ref destination, cleanup: _ } => {
self.gather_operand(loc, func);
for arg in args {
self.gather_operand(loc, arg);
if let Some((ref destination, _bb)) = *destination {

fn gather_operand(&mut self, loc: Location, operand: &Operand<'tcx>) {
match *operand {
Operand::Constant(..) => {} // not-a-move
Operand::Consume(ref lval) => { // a move
self.gather_move(loc, lval);

fn gather_move(&mut self, loc: Location, lval: &Lvalue<'tcx>) {
debug!("gather_move({:?}, {:?})", loc, lval);

let lv_ty = lval.ty(self.mir, self.tcx).to_ty(self.tcx);
if !lv_ty.moves_by_default(self.tcx, self.param_env, DUMMY_SP) {
debug!("gather_move({:?}, {:?}) - {:?} is Copy. skipping", loc, lval, lv_ty);

let path = match self.move_path_for(lval) {
Ok(path) | Err(MovePathError::UnionMove { path }) => path,
Err(MovePathError::IllegalMove) => {
// Moving out of a bad path. Eventually, this should be a MIR
// borrowck error instead of a bug.
"Broken MIR: moving out of lvalue {:?}: {:?} at {:?}",
lval, lv_ty, loc);
let move_out = { path: path, source: loc });

debug!("gather_move({:?}, {:?}): adding move {:?} of {:?}",
loc, lval, move_out, path);[path].push(move_out);[loc].push(move_out);

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