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New rustpkg tutorial.
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steveklabnik committed Sep 16, 2013
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244 changes: 244 additions & 0 deletions doc/
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% Rust Packaging Tutorial

# Introduction

Sharing is caring. Rust comes with a tool, `rustpkg`, which allows you to
package up your Rust code and share it with other people. This tutorial will
get you started on all of the concepts and commands you need to give the gift
of Rust code to someone else.

## Installing External Packages

First, let's try to use an external package somehow. I've made a sample package
called `hello` to demonstrate how to do so. Here's how `hello` is used:

extern mod hello;
fn main() {

Easy! But if you try to compile this, you'll get an error:

~~~~ {.notrust}
$ rustc 1:17 error: can't find crate for `hello` extern mod hello;

This makes sense, as we haven't gotten it from anywhere yet! Luckily for us,
`rustpkg` has an easy way to fetch others' code: the `install` command. It's
used like this:
~~~ {.notrust}
$ rustpkg install fragment
This will install a package named 'fragment' into your current Rust
environment. I called it 'fragment' in this example because when using it with
an external package like this, it's often a URI fragment. You see, Rust has no
central authority for packages. You can build your own `hello` library if you
want, and that's fine. We'd both host them in different places and different
projects would rely on whichever version they preferred.
To install the `hello` library, simply run this in your terminal:
~~~ {.notrust}
$ rustpkg install
You should see a message that looks like this:
~~~ {.notrust}
note: Installed package to /some/path/.rust
Now, compiling our example should work:
~~~ {.notrust}
$ rustc
$ ./main
Hello, world.
Simple! That's all it takes.
## Workspaces
Before we can talk about how to make packages of your own, you have to
understand the big concept with `rustpkg`: workspaces. A 'workspace' is simply
a directory that has certain folders that `rustpkg` expects. Different Rust
projects will go into different workspaces.
A workspace consists of any folder that has the following
* `src`: The directory where all the source code goes.
* `build`: This directory contains all of the build output.
* `lib`: The directory where any libraries distributed with the package go.
* `bin`: This directory holds any binaries distributed with the package.
There are also default file names you'll want to follow as well:
* ``: A file that's going to become an executable.
* ``: A file that's going to become a library.
## Building your own Package
Now that you've got workspaces down, let's build your own copy of `hello`. Go
to wherever you keep your personal projects, and let's make all of the
directories we'll need. I'll refer to this personal project directory as
`~/src` for the rest of this tutorial.
### Creating neccesary files
~~~ {.notrust}
$ cd ~/src
$ mkdir -p hello/{src/hello,build,lib,bin}
$ cd hello
Easy enough! Let's do one or two more things that are nice to do:
~~~ {.notrust}
$ git init .
$ cat >
# hello
A simple package for Rust.
## Installation
$ rustpkg install
$ cat > .gitignore
$ git commit -am "Initial commit."
If you're not familliar with the `cat >` idiom, it will make files with the
text you type insie. Control-D (`^D`) ends the text for the file.
Anyway, we've got a README and a `.gitignore`. Let's talk about that
`.gitignore` for a minute: we are ignoring two directories, `build` and
`.rust`. `build`, as we discussed earlier, is for build artifacts, and we don't
want to check those into a repository. `.rust` is a folder that `rustpkg` uses
to keep track of its own settings, as well as the source code of any other
external packages that this workspace uses. This is where that `rustpkg
install` puts all of its files. Those are also not to go into our repository,
so we ignore it all as well.
Next, let's add a source file:
#[link(name = "hello",
vers = "0.1.0",
uuid = "0028fbe0-1f1f-11e3-8224-0800200c9a66",
url = "")];
#[desc = "A hello world Rust package."];
#[license = "MIT"];
#[crate_type = "lib"];
pub fn world() {
println("Hello, world.");
Put this into `src/hello/`. Let's talk about each of these attributes:
### Crate attributes for packages
`crate_type` is the simplest: we're building a library here, so we set it to
`"lib"`. If we were making an executable of some kind, we'd set this to `"bin"`
`license` is equally simple: the license we want this code to have. I chose MIT
here, but you should pick whatever license makes the most sense for you.
`desc` is a description of the package and what it does. This should just be a
sentence or two.
`link` is the big complex attribute here. It's still not too complex: `name` is
the name of the package, and `vers` is the version. If you're building a
library, consider using [Semantic Versioning]( as your
versioning scheme. Future versions of `rustpkg` will assume SemVer.
`uuid` is simply a unique identifier. You can generate a UUID by visiting [this
page]( Just copy whatever it puts out
into the value for `uuid`. For more on UUIDs, see
Finally, `url` is a URL where this package is located. Easy.
### Building your package
Building your package is simple:
~~~ {.notrust}
$ rustpkg build hello
This will compile `src/hello/` into a library. After this process
completes, you'll want to check out `build`:
~~~ {.notrust}
$ ls build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/hello/
This directory naming structure is called a 'build triple,' and is because I'm
on 64 bit Linux. Yours may differ based on platform.
You'll also notice that `src/hello/` turned into
``. This is a simple combination of the
library name, a hash of its content, and the version.
Now that your library builds, you'll want to commit:
~~~ {.notrust}
$ git add src
$ git commit -m "Adding source code."
If you're using GitHub, after creating the project, do this:
~~~ {.notrust}
$ git remote add origin
$ git push origin -u master
Now you can install and use it! Go anywhere else in your filesystem:
~~~ {.notrust}
$ cd ~/src/foo
$ rustpkg install github/YOUR_USERNAME/hello
WARNING: The Rust package manager is experimental and may be unstable
note: Installed package to /home/yourusername/src/hello/.rust
That's it!
## More resources
There's a lot more going on with `rustpkg`, this is just to get you started.
Check out [the rustpkg manual](rustpkg.html) for the full details on how to
customize `rustpkg`.
A tag was created on GitHub specifically for `rustpkg`-related issues. You can
[see all the Issues for rustpkg
with bugs as well as new feature plans. `rustpkg` is still under development,
and so may be a bit flaky at the moment.
You may also want to check out [this blog
post](, which contains some of the early
design decisions and justifications.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions doc/
Expand Up @@ -2979,13 +2979,15 @@ tutorials on individual topics.
* [The foreign function interface][ffi]
* [Containers and iterators](tutorial-container.html)
* [Error-handling and Conditions](tutorial-conditions.html)
* [Packaging up Rust code](rustpkg)

There is further documentation on the [wiki], however those tend to be even more out of date as this document.

[borrow]: tutorial-borrowed-ptr.html
[tasks]: tutorial-tasks.html
[macros]: tutorial-macros.html
[ffi]: tutorial-ffi.html
[rustpkg]: tutorial-rustpkg.html


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