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Move description of the Error trait to its own doc-comment
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Remove code definition of the Error trait from its doc-comment

It was out of date, and rustdoc already shows the same information.

Add a default impl for Error::description and document it as deprecated.

It is redundant with Display while being much less flexible for implementors.

This is only a "soft" deprecation: it is not worth the hassle of a warning to existing users.

Tweak Error trait docs to reflect actual requirements
  • Loading branch information
SimonSapin authored and kornelski committed Apr 25, 2018
1 parent 25749ad commit a5655b8
Showing 1 changed file with 24 additions and 39 deletions.
63 changes: 24 additions & 39 deletions src/libstd/
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// except according to those terms.

//! Traits for working with Errors.
//! # The `Error` trait
//! `Error` is a trait representing the basic expectations for error values,
//! i.e. values of type `E` in [`Result<T, E>`]. At a minimum, errors must provide
//! a description, but they may optionally provide additional detail (via
//! [`Display`]) and cause chain information:
//! ```
//! use std::fmt::Display;
//! trait Error: Display {
//! fn description(&self) -> &str;
//! fn cause(&self) -> Option<&Error> { None }
//! }
//! ```
//! The [`cause`] method is generally used when errors cross "abstraction
//! boundaries", i.e. when a one module must report an error that is "caused"
//! by an error from a lower-level module. This setup makes it possible for the
//! high-level module to provide its own errors that do not commit to any
//! particular implementation, but also reveal some of its implementation for
//! debugging via [`cause`] chains.
//! [`Result<T, E>`]: ../result/enum.Result.html
//! [`Display`]: ../fmt/trait.Display.html
//! [`cause`]: trait.Error.html#method.cause

#![stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]

Expand All @@ -63,33 +35,46 @@ use num;
use str;
use string;

/// Base functionality for all errors in Rust.
/// `Error` is a trait representing the basic expectations for error values,
/// i.e. values of type `E` in [`Result<T, E>`]. Errors must describe
/// themselves through the [`Display`] and [`Debug`] traits, and may provide
/// cause chain information:
/// The [`cause`] method is generally used when errors cross "abstraction
/// boundaries", i.e. when a one module must report an error that is "caused"
/// by an error from a lower-level module. This setup makes it possible for the
/// high-level module to provide its own errors that do not commit to any
/// particular implementation, but also reveal some of its implementation for
/// debugging via [`cause`] chains.
/// [`Result<T, E>`]: ../result/enum.Result.html
/// [`Display`]: ../fmt/trait.Display.html
/// [`cause`]: trait.Error.html#method.cause
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub trait Error: Debug + Display {
/// A short description of the error.
/// **This method is soft-deprecated.**
/// The description should only be used for a simple message.
/// It should not contain newlines or sentence-ending punctuation,
/// to facilitate embedding in larger user-facing strings.
/// For showing formatted error messages with more information see
/// [`Display`].
/// Although using it won’t cause compilation warning,
/// new code should use [`Display`] instead
/// and new `impl`s can omit it.
/// [`Display`]: ../fmt/trait.Display.html
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::error::Error;
/// match "xc".parse::<u32>() {
/// Err(e) => {
/// println!("Error: {}", e.description());
/// // Print `e` itself, not `e.description()`.
/// println!("Error: {}", e);
/// }
/// _ => println!("No error"),
/// }
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
fn description(&self) -> &str;
fn description(&self) -> &str {

/// The lower-level cause of this error, if any.
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