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type-check lvalues
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Ariel Ben-Yehuda authored and arielb1 committed Feb 19, 2016
1 parent 880b6c2 commit ae919d0
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Showing 2 changed files with 218 additions and 10 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/librustc_mir/
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Rust MIR: a lowered representation of Rust. Also: an experiment!
#![cfg_attr(not(stage0), deny(warnings))]
#![unstable(feature = "rustc_private", issue = "27812")]


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227 changes: 217 additions & 10 deletions src/librustc_mir/transform/
Expand Up @@ -12,9 +12,11 @@

use rustc::middle::infer;
use rustc::middle::traits;
use rustc::middle::ty::{self, Ty};
use rustc::middle::ty::fold::TypeFoldable;
use rustc::mir::repr::*;
use rustc::mir::tcx::LvalueTy;
use rustc::mir::transform::MirPass;
use rustc::mir::visit::{self, Visitor};

Expand All @@ -25,11 +27,27 @@ macro_rules! span_mirbug {
($context:expr, $elem:expr, $($message:tt)*) => ({
&format!("broken MIR ({:?}): {:?}", $elem, format!($($message)*))
&format!("broken MIR ({:?}): {}", $elem, format!($($message)*))

macro_rules! span_mirbug_and_err {
($context:expr, $elem:expr, $($message:tt)*) => ({
&format!("broken MIR ({:?}): {:?}", $elem, format!($($message)*))

enum FieldAccessError {
OutOfRange { field_count: usize }

/// Verifies that MIR types are sane to not crash further
/// checks.
struct TypeVerifier<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
Expand All @@ -46,11 +64,8 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for TypeVerifier<'a, 'tcx> {

fn visit_lvalue(&mut self, lvalue: &Lvalue<'tcx>, context: visit::LvalueContext) {
self.super_lvalue(lvalue, context);
debug!("visiting lvalue {:?}", lvalue);
let lv_ty = self.mir.lvalue_ty(self.tcx(), lvalue).to_ty(self.tcx());
self.sanitize_type(lvalue, lv_ty);
fn visit_lvalue(&mut self, lvalue: &Lvalue<'tcx>, _context: visit::LvalueContext) {

fn visit_constant(&mut self, constant: &Constant<'tcx>) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,6 +93,9 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for TypeVerifier<'a, 'tcx> {
for (n, tmp_decl) in mir.temp_decls.iter().enumerate() {
self.sanitize_type(&(n, tmp_decl), tmp_decl.ty);
if self.errors_reported {
Expand All @@ -96,12 +114,201 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> TypeVerifier<'a, 'tcx> {

fn sanitize_type(&mut self, parent: &fmt::Debug, ty: Ty<'tcx>) {
if !(ty.needs_infer() || ty.has_escaping_regions()) {
fn sanitize_type(&mut self, parent: &fmt::Debug, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
if !(ty.needs_infer() || ty.has_escaping_regions() ||
ty.references_error()) {
return ty;
span_mirbug_and_err!(self, parent, "bad type {:?}", ty)

fn sanitize_lvalue(&mut self, lvalue: &Lvalue<'tcx>) -> LvalueTy<'tcx> {
debug!("sanitize_lvalue: {:?}", lvalue);
match *lvalue {
Lvalue::Var(index) => LvalueTy::Ty { ty: self.mir.var_decls[index as usize].ty },
Lvalue::Temp(index) =>
LvalueTy::Ty { ty: self.mir.temp_decls[index as usize].ty },
Lvalue::Arg(index) =>
LvalueTy::Ty { ty: self.mir.arg_decls[index as usize].ty },
Lvalue::Static(def_id) =>
LvalueTy::Ty { ty: self.tcx().lookup_item_type(def_id).ty },
Lvalue::ReturnPointer => {
if let ty::FnConverging(return_ty) = self.mir.return_ty {
LvalueTy::Ty { ty: return_ty }
} else {
LvalueTy::Ty {
ty: span_mirbug_and_err!(
self, lvalue, "return in diverging function")
Lvalue::Projection(ref proj) => {
let base_ty = self.sanitize_lvalue(&proj.base);
if let LvalueTy::Ty { ty } = base_ty {
if ty.references_error() {
return LvalueTy::Ty { ty: self.tcx().types.err };
self.sanitize_projection(base_ty, &proj.elem, lvalue)

fn sanitize_projection(&mut self,
base: LvalueTy<'tcx>,
pi: &LvalueElem<'tcx>,
lvalue: &Lvalue<'tcx>)
-> LvalueTy<'tcx> {
debug!("sanitize_projection: {:?} {:?} {:?}", base, pi, lvalue);
let tcx = self.tcx();
let base_ty = base.to_ty(tcx);
match *pi {
ProjectionElem::Deref => {
let deref_ty = base_ty.builtin_deref(true, ty::LvaluePreference::NoPreference);
LvalueTy::Ty {
ty:|t| t.ty).unwrap_or_else(|| {
self, lvalue, "deref of non-pointer {:?}", base_ty)
ProjectionElem::Index(ref i) => {
let index_ty = self.mir.operand_ty(tcx, i);
if index_ty != tcx.types.usize {
LvalueTy::Ty {
ty: span_mirbug_and_err!(self, i, "index by non-usize {:?}", i)
} else {
LvalueTy::Ty {
ty: base_ty.builtin_index().unwrap_or_else(|| {
self, lvalue, "index of non-array {:?}", base_ty)
ProjectionElem::ConstantIndex { .. } => {
// consider verifying in-bounds
LvalueTy::Ty {
ty: base_ty.builtin_index().unwrap_or_else(|| {
self, lvalue, "index of non-array {:?}", base_ty)
ProjectionElem::Downcast(adt_def1, index) =>
match base_ty.sty {
ty::TyEnum(adt_def, substs) if adt_def == adt_def1 => {
if index >= adt_def.variants.len() {
LvalueTy::Ty {
ty: span_mirbug_and_err!(
"cast to variant #{:?} but enum only has {:?}",
} else {
LvalueTy::Downcast {
adt_def: adt_def,
substs: substs,
variant_index: index
_ => LvalueTy::Ty {
ty: span_mirbug_and_err!(
self, lvalue, "can't downcast {:?}", base_ty)
ProjectionElem::Field(field, fty) => {
let fty = self.sanitize_type(lvalue, fty);
match self.field_ty(lvalue, base, field) {
Ok(ty) => {
if let Err(terr) = infer::can_mk_subty(self.infcx, ty, fty) {
self, lvalue, "bad field access ({:?}: {:?}): {:?}",
ty, fty, terr);
Err(FieldAccessError::OutOfRange { field_count }) => {
self, lvalue, "accessed field #{} but variant only has {}",
field.index(), field_count)
LvalueTy::Ty { ty: fty }
span_mirbug!(self, parent, "bad type {:?}", ty);

fn error(&mut self) -> Ty<'tcx> {
self.errors_reported = true;

fn field_ty(&mut self,
parent: &fmt::Debug,
base_ty: LvalueTy<'tcx>,
field: Field)
-> Result<Ty<'tcx>, FieldAccessError>
let tcx = self.tcx();

let (variant, substs) = match base_ty {
LvalueTy::Downcast { adt_def, substs, variant_index } => {
(&adt_def.variants[variant_index], substs)
LvalueTy::Ty { ty } => match ty.sty {
ty::TyStruct(adt_def, substs) | ty::TyEnum(adt_def, substs)
if adt_def.is_univariant() => {
(&adt_def.variants[0], substs)
ty::TyTuple(ref tys) | ty::TyClosure(_, box ty::ClosureSubsts {
upvar_tys: ref tys, ..
}) => {
return match tys.get(field.index()) {
Some(&ty) => Ok(ty),
None => Err(FieldAccessError::OutOfRange {
field_count: tys.len()
_ => return Ok(span_mirbug_and_err!(
self, parent, "can't project out of {:?}", base_ty))

if let Some(field) = variant.fields.get(field.index()) {
Ok(self.normalize(parent, field.ty(tcx, substs)))
} else {
Err(FieldAccessError::OutOfRange { field_count: variant.fields.len() })

fn normalize(&mut self, parent: &fmt::Debug, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
let mut selcx = traits::SelectionContext::new(&self.infcx);
let cause = traits::ObligationCause::misc(self.last_span, 0);
let traits::Normalized { value: ty, obligations } =
traits::normalize(&mut selcx, cause, &ty);

debug!("normalize: ty={:?} obligations={:?}",

let mut fulfill_cx = self.infcx.fulfillment_cx.borrow_mut();
for obligation in obligations {
fulfill_cx.register_predicate_obligation(&self.infcx, obligation);

match infer::drain_fulfillment_cx(&self.infcx, &mut fulfill_cx, &ty) {
Ok(ty) => ty,
Err(e) => {
span_mirbug_and_err!(self, parent, "trait fulfillment failed: {:?}", e)

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