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Factor out inner current Earley item loop.
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Change multiple functions to be non-public.
Change nameize to accept an iterator so as to avoid an allocation.
  • Loading branch information
Mark-Simulacrum committed Nov 12, 2016
1 parent 27c0986 commit b8d6686
Showing 1 changed file with 153 additions and 146 deletions.
299 changes: 153 additions & 146 deletions src/libsyntax/ext/tt/
Expand Up @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ struct MatcherTtFrame {

pub struct MatcherPos {
struct MatcherPos {
stack: Vec<MatcherTtFrame>,
top_elts: TokenTreeOrTokenTreeVec,
sep: Option<Token>,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,14 +162,13 @@ pub fn count_names(ms: &[TokenTree]) -> usize {

pub fn initial_matcher_pos(ms: Vec<TokenTree>, sep: Option<Token>, lo: BytePos)
-> Box<MatcherPos> {
fn initial_matcher_pos(ms: Vec<TokenTree>, lo: BytePos) -> Box<MatcherPos> {
let match_idx_hi = count_names(&ms[..]);
let matches: Vec<_> = (0..match_idx_hi).map(|_| Vec::new()).collect();
let matches = create_matches(match_idx_hi);
Box::new(MatcherPos {
stack: vec![],
top_elts: TtSeq(ms),
sep: sep,
sep: None,
idx: 0,
up: None,
matches: matches,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,26 +201,25 @@ pub enum NamedMatch {

fn nameize(ms: &[TokenTree], res: &[Rc<NamedMatch>]) -> NamedParseResult {
fn n_rec(m: &TokenTree, res: &[Rc<NamedMatch>],
ret_val: &mut HashMap<Ident, Rc<NamedMatch>>, idx: &mut usize)
fn nameize<I: Iterator<Item=Rc<NamedMatch>>>(ms: &[TokenTree], mut res: I) -> NamedParseResult {
fn n_rec<I: Iterator<Item=Rc<NamedMatch>>>(m: &TokenTree, mut res: &mut I,
ret_val: &mut HashMap<Ident, Rc<NamedMatch>>)
-> Result<(), (syntax_pos::Span, String)> {
match *m {
TokenTree::Sequence(_, ref seq) => {
for next_m in &seq.tts {
n_rec(next_m, res, ret_val, idx)?
n_rec(next_m, res.by_ref(), ret_val)?
TokenTree::Delimited(_, ref delim) => {
for next_m in &delim.tts {
n_rec(next_m, res, ret_val, idx)?;
n_rec(next_m, res.by_ref(), ret_val)?;
TokenTree::Token(sp, MatchNt(bind_name, _)) => {
match ret_val.entry(bind_name) {
Vacant(spot) => {
*idx += 1;
Occupied(..) => {
return Err((sp, format!("duplicated bind name: {}", bind_name)))
Expand All @@ -238,9 +236,8 @@ fn nameize(ms: &[TokenTree], res: &[Rc<NamedMatch>]) -> NamedParseResult {

let mut ret_val = HashMap::new();
let mut idx = 0;
for m in ms {
match n_rec(m, res, &mut ret_val, &mut idx) {
match n_rec(m, res.by_ref(), &mut ret_val) {
Ok(_) => {},
Err((sp, msg)) => return Error(sp, msg),
Expand All @@ -266,9 +263,8 @@ pub fn parse_failure_msg(tok: Token) -> String {

/// Perform a token equality check, ignoring syntax context (that is, an
/// unhygienic comparison)
pub fn token_name_eq(t1 : &Token, t2 : &Token) -> bool {
/// Perform a token equality check, ignoring syntax context (that is, an unhygienic comparison)
fn token_name_eq(t1 : &Token, t2 : &Token) -> bool {
match (t1,t2) {
| (&token::Lifetime(id1),&token::Lifetime(id2)) =>
Expand All @@ -277,154 +273,165 @@ pub fn token_name_eq(t1 : &Token, t2 : &Token) -> bool {

pub fn parse(sess: &ParseSess, rdr: TtReader, ms: &[TokenTree]) -> NamedParseResult {
let mut parser = Parser::new_with_doc_flag(sess, Box::new(rdr), true);
let mut cur_eis = SmallVector::one(initial_matcher_pos(ms.to_owned(), None, parser.span.lo));

loop {
let mut bb_eis = Vec::new(); // black-box parsed by
let mut next_eis = Vec::new(); // or proceed normally
let mut eof_eis = Vec::new();
fn create_matches(len: usize) -> Vec<Vec<Rc<NamedMatch>>> {
(0..len).into_iter().map(|_| Vec::new()).collect()

// for each Earley item
while let Some(mut ei) = cur_eis.pop() {
// When unzipped trees end, remove them
while ei.idx >= ei.top_elts.len() {
match ei.stack.pop() {
Some(MatcherTtFrame { elts, idx }) => {
ei.top_elts = elts;
ei.idx = idx + 1;
None => break
fn inner_parse_loop(cur_eis: &mut SmallVector<Box<MatcherPos>>,
next_eis: &mut Vec<Box<MatcherPos>>,
eof_eis: &mut Vec<Box<MatcherPos>>,
bb_eis: &mut Vec<Box<MatcherPos>>,
token: &Token, span: &syntax_pos::Span) -> ParseResult<()> {
while let Some(mut ei) = cur_eis.pop() {
// When unzipped trees end, remove them
while ei.idx >= ei.top_elts.len() {
match ei.stack.pop() {
Some(MatcherTtFrame { elts, idx }) => {
ei.top_elts = elts;
ei.idx = idx + 1;
None => break

let idx = ei.idx;
let len = ei.top_elts.len();

/* at end of sequence */
if idx >= len {
// can't move out of `match`es, so:
if ei.up.is_some() {
// hack: a matcher sequence is repeating iff it has a
// parent (the top level is just a container)

// disregard separator, try to go up
// (remove this condition to make trailing seps ok)
if idx == len {
// pop from the matcher position

let mut new_pos = ei.up.clone().unwrap();

// update matches (the MBE "parse tree") by appending
// each tree as a subtree.

// I bet this is a perf problem: we're preemptively
// doing a lot of array work that will get thrown away
// most of the time.

// Only touch the binders we have actually bound
for idx in ei.match_lo..ei.match_hi {
let sub = ei.matches[idx].clone();
.push(Rc::new(MatchedSeq(sub, mk_sp(ei.sp_lo,

new_pos.match_cur = ei.match_hi;
new_pos.idx += 1;
let idx = ei.idx;
let len = ei.top_elts.len();

// at end of sequence
if idx >= len {
// We are repeating iff there is a parent
if ei.up.is_some() {
// Disregarding the separator, add the "up" case to the tokens that should be
// examined.
// (remove this condition to make trailing seps ok)
if idx == len {
let mut new_pos = ei.up.clone().unwrap();

// update matches (the MBE "parse tree") by appending
// each tree as a subtree.

// I bet this is a perf problem: we're preemptively
// doing a lot of array work that will get thrown away
// most of the time.

// Only touch the binders we have actually bound
for idx in ei.match_lo..ei.match_hi {
let sub = ei.matches[idx].clone();
.push(Rc::new(MatchedSeq(sub, mk_sp(ei.sp_lo,

// can we go around again?

// Check if we need a separator
if idx == len && ei.sep.is_some() {
if ei.sep.as_ref().map(|ref sep| token_name_eq(&parser.token, sep))
.unwrap_or(false) {
// i'm conflicted about whether this should be hygienic.... though in
// this case, if the separators are never legal idents, it shouldn't
// matter.
// ei.match_cur = ei.match_lo;
ei.idx += 1;
} else { // we don't need a separator
ei.match_cur = ei.match_lo;
ei.idx = 0;
} else {
new_pos.match_cur = ei.match_hi;
new_pos.idx += 1;
} else {
match ei.top_elts.get_tt(idx) {
/* need to descend into sequence */
TokenTree::Sequence(sp, seq) => {
if seq.op == tokenstream::KleeneOp::ZeroOrMore {
let mut new_ei = ei.clone();
new_ei.match_cur += seq.num_captures;
new_ei.idx += 1;
//we specifically matched zero repeats.
for idx in ei.match_cur..ei.match_cur + seq.num_captures {
new_ei.matches[idx].push(Rc::new(MatchedSeq(vec![], sp)));


let matches: Vec<_> = (0..ei.matches.len())
.map(|_| Vec::new()).collect();
cur_eis.push(Box::new(MatcherPos {
stack: vec![],
sep: seq.separator.clone(),
idx: 0,
matches: matches,
match_lo: ei.match_cur,
match_cur: ei.match_cur,
match_hi: ei.match_cur + seq.num_captures,
up: Some(ei),
sp_lo: sp.lo,
top_elts: Tt(TokenTree::Sequence(sp, seq)),
// Check if we need a separator
if idx == len && ei.sep.is_some() {
// We have a separator, and it is the current token.
if ei.sep.as_ref().map(|ref sep| token_name_eq(&token, sep)).unwrap_or(false) {
ei.idx += 1;
TokenTree::Token(_, MatchNt(..)) => {
// Built-in nonterminals never start with these tokens,
// so we can eliminate them from consideration.
match parser.token {
token::CloseDelim(_) => {},
_ => bb_eis.push(ei),
} else { // we don't need a separator
ei.match_cur = ei.match_lo;
ei.idx = 0;
} else {
// We aren't repeating, so we must be potentially at the end of the input.
} else {
match ei.top_elts.get_tt(idx) {
/* need to descend into sequence */
TokenTree::Sequence(sp, seq) => {
if seq.op == tokenstream::KleeneOp::ZeroOrMore {
// Examine the case where there are 0 matches of this sequence
let mut new_ei = ei.clone();
new_ei.match_cur += seq.num_captures;
new_ei.idx += 1;
for idx in ei.match_cur..ei.match_cur + seq.num_captures {
new_ei.matches[idx].push(Rc::new(MatchedSeq(vec![], sp)));
TokenTree::Token(sp, SubstNt(..)) => {
return Error(sp, "missing fragment specifier".to_string())
seq @ TokenTree::Delimited(..) | seq @ TokenTree::Token(_, DocComment(..)) => {
let lower_elts = mem::replace(&mut ei.top_elts, Tt(seq));
let idx = ei.idx;
ei.stack.push(MatcherTtFrame {
elts: lower_elts,
idx: idx,
ei.idx = 0;

// Examine the case where there is at least one match of this sequence
let matches = create_matches(ei.matches.len());
cur_eis.push(Box::new(MatcherPos {
stack: vec![],
sep: seq.separator.clone(),
idx: 0,
matches: matches,
match_lo: ei.match_cur,
match_cur: ei.match_cur,
match_hi: ei.match_cur + seq.num_captures,
up: Some(ei),
sp_lo: sp.lo,
top_elts: Tt(TokenTree::Sequence(sp, seq)),
TokenTree::Token(_, MatchNt(..)) => {
// Built-in nonterminals never start with these tokens,
// so we can eliminate them from consideration.
match *token {
token::CloseDelim(_) => {},
_ => bb_eis.push(ei),
TokenTree::Token(_, ref t) => {
if token_name_eq(t, &parser.token) {
ei.idx += 1;
TokenTree::Token(sp, SubstNt(..)) => {
return Error(sp, "missing fragment specifier".to_string())
seq @ TokenTree::Delimited(..) | seq @ TokenTree::Token(_, DocComment(..)) => {
let lower_elts = mem::replace(&mut ei.top_elts, Tt(seq));
let idx = ei.idx;
ei.stack.push(MatcherTtFrame {
elts: lower_elts,
idx: idx,
ei.idx = 0;
TokenTree::Token(_, ref t) => {
if token_name_eq(t, &token) {
ei.idx += 1;


pub fn parse(sess: &ParseSess, rdr: TtReader, ms: &[TokenTree]) -> NamedParseResult {
let mut parser = Parser::new_with_doc_flag(sess, Box::new(rdr), true);
let mut cur_eis = SmallVector::one(initial_matcher_pos(ms.to_owned(), parser.span.lo));

loop {
let mut bb_eis = Vec::new(); // black-box parsed by
let mut next_eis = Vec::new(); // or proceed normally

// FIXME: Use SmallVector since in the successful case we will only have one
let mut eof_eis = Vec::new();

match inner_parse_loop(&mut cur_eis, &mut next_eis, &mut eof_eis, &mut bb_eis,
&parser.token, &parser.span) {
Success(_) => {},
Failure(sp, tok) => return Failure(sp, tok),
Error(sp, msg) => return Error(sp, msg),

// inner parse loop handled all cur_eis, so it's empty

/* error messages here could be improved with links to orig. rules */
if token_name_eq(&parser.token, &token::Eof) {
if eof_eis.len() == 1 {
let v = eof_eis[0].matches.iter_mut()
.map(|dv| dv.pop().unwrap()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
return nameize(ms, &v[..]);
return nameize(ms, eof_eis[0].matches.iter_mut().map(|mut dv| dv.pop().unwrap()));
} else if eof_eis.len() > 1 {
return Error(parser.span, "ambiguity: multiple successful parses".to_string());
} else {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -473,7 +480,7 @@ pub fn parse(sess: &ParseSess, rdr: TtReader, ms: &[TokenTree]) -> NamedParseRes

pub fn parse_nt<'a>(p: &mut Parser<'a>, sp: Span, name: &str) -> Nonterminal {
fn parse_nt<'a>(p: &mut Parser<'a>, sp: Span, name: &str) -> Nonterminal {
match name {
"tt" => {
p.quote_depth += 1; //but in theory, non-quoted tts might be useful
Expand Down

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