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Special-case Box in rustc_mir::borrow_check.
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This should address issue 45696.

Since we know dropping a box will not access any `&mut` or `&`
references, it is safe to model its destructor as only touching the
contents *owned* by the box.

Note: At some point we may want to generalize this machinery to other
reference and collection types that are "pure" in the same sense as
box. If we add a `&move` reference type, it would probably also fall
into this branch of code. But for the short term, we will be
conservative and restrict this change to `Box<T>` alone.

The code works by recursively descending a deref of the `Box`. We
prevent `visit_terminator_drop` infinite-loop (which can arise in a
very obscure scenario) via a linked-list of seen types.

Note: A similar style stack-only linked-list definition can be found
in `rustc_mir::borrow_check::places_conflict`. It might be good at
some point in the future to unify the two types and put the resulting
definition into `librustc_data_structures/`.


One final note: Review feedback led to significant simplification of
logic here.

During review, eddyb RalfJung and I uncovered the heart of why I
needed a so-called "step 2" aka the Shallow Write to the Deref of the
box. It was because the `visit_terminator_drop`, in its base case,
will not emit any write at all (shallow or deep) to a place unless
that place has a need_drop.

So I was encoding a Shallow Write by hand for a `Box<T>`, as a
separate step from recursively descending through `*a_box` (which was
at the time known as "step 1"; it is now the *only* step, apart from
the change to the base case for `visit_terminator_drop` that this
commit now has encoded).

eddyb aruged that *something* should be emitting some sort of write in
the base case here (even a shallow one), of the dropped place, since
by analogy we also emit a write when you *move* a place. That led
to the revision here in this commit.

 * (Its possible that this desired write should be attached in some
   manner to StorageDead instead of Drop. But in this PR, I tried to
   leave the StorageDead logic alone and focus my attention solely on
   how Drop(x) is modelled in MIR-borrowck.)
  • Loading branch information
pnkfelix committed Aug 1, 2018
1 parent 11f812a commit c3618c8
Showing 1 changed file with 146 additions and 5 deletions.
151 changes: 146 additions & 5 deletions src/librustc_mir/borrow_check/
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ use rustc::mir::{ClearCrossCrate, Local, Location, Mir, Mutability, Operand, Pla
use rustc::mir::{Field, Projection, ProjectionElem, Rvalue, Statement, StatementKind};
use rustc::mir::{Terminator, TerminatorKind};
use rustc::ty::query::Providers;
use rustc::ty::{self, ParamEnv, TyCtxt};
use rustc::ty::{self, ParamEnv, TyCtxt, Ty};

use rustc_errors::{Diagnostic, DiagnosticBuilder, Level};
use rustc_data_structures::graph::dominators::Dominators;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -598,7 +598,12 @@ impl<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx> DataflowResultsConsumer<'cx, 'tcx> for MirBorrowckCtxt<'cx
// that is useful later.
let drop_place_ty = gcx.lift(&drop_place_ty).unwrap();

self.visit_terminator_drop(loc, term, flow_state, drop_place, drop_place_ty, span);
debug!("visit_terminator_drop \
loc: {:?} term: {:?} drop_place: {:?} drop_place_ty: {:?} span: {:?}",
loc, term, drop_place, drop_place_ty, span);

loc, term, flow_state, drop_place, drop_place_ty, span, SeenTy(None));
TerminatorKind::DropAndReplace {
location: ref drop_place,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -832,6 +837,35 @@ impl InitializationRequiringAction {

/// A simple linked-list threaded up the stack of recursive calls in `visit_terminator_drop`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
struct SeenTy<'a, 'gcx: 'a>(Option<(Ty<'gcx>, &'a SeenTy<'a, 'gcx>)>);

impl<'a, 'gcx> SeenTy<'a, 'gcx> {
/// Return a new list with `ty` prepended to the front of `self`.
fn cons(&'a self, ty: Ty<'gcx>) -> Self {
SeenTy(Some((ty, self)))

/// True if and only if `ty` occurs on the linked list `self`.
fn have_seen(self, ty: Ty) -> bool {
let mut this = self.0;
loop {
match this {
None => return false,
Some((seen_ty, recur)) => {
if seen_ty == ty {
return true;
} else {
this = recur.0;

impl<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx> MirBorrowckCtxt<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
/// Invokes `access_place` as appropriate for dropping the value
/// at `drop_place`. Note that the *actual* `Drop` in the MIR is
Expand All @@ -847,14 +881,57 @@ impl<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx> MirBorrowckCtxt<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
drop_place: &Place<'tcx>,
erased_drop_place_ty: ty::Ty<'gcx>,
span: Span,
prev_seen: SeenTy<'_, 'gcx>,
) {
if prev_seen.have_seen(erased_drop_place_ty) {
// if we have directly seen the input ty `T`, then we must
// have had some *direct* ownership loop between `T` and
// some directly-owned (as in, actually traversed by
// recursive calls below) part that is also of type `T`.
// Note: in *all* such cases, the data in question cannot
// be constructed (nor destructed) in finite time/space.
// Proper examples, some of which are statically rejected:
// * `struct A { field: A, ... }`:
// statically rejected as infinite size
// * `type B = (B, ...);`:
// statically rejected as cyclic
// * `struct C { field: Box<C>, ... }`
// * `struct D { field: Box<(D, D)>, ... }`:
// *accepted*, though impossible to construct
// Here is *NOT* an example:
// * `struct Z { field: Option<Box<Z>>, ... }`:
// Here, the type is both representable in finite space (due to the boxed indirection)
// and constructable in finite time (since the recursion can bottom out with `None`).
// This is an obvious instance of something the compiler must accept.
// Since some of the above impossible cases like `C` and
// `D` are accepted by the compiler, we must take care not
// to infinite-loop while processing them. But since such
// cases cannot actually arise, it is sound for us to just
// skip them during drop. If the developer uses unsafe
// code to construct them, they should not be surprised by
// weird drop behavior in their resulting code.
debug!("visit_terminator_drop previously seen \
erased_drop_place_ty: {:?} on prev_seen: {:?}; returning early.",
erased_drop_place_ty, prev_seen);

let gcx = self.tcx.global_tcx();
let drop_field = |mir: &mut MirBorrowckCtxt<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
(index, field): (usize, ty::Ty<'gcx>)| {
let field_ty = gcx.normalize_erasing_regions(mir.param_env, field);
let place = drop_place.clone().field(Field::new(index), field_ty);

mir.visit_terminator_drop(loc, term, flow_state, &place, field_ty, span);
debug!("visit_terminator_drop drop_field place: {:?} field_ty: {:?}", place, field_ty);
let seen = prev_seen.cons(erased_drop_place_ty);
mir.visit_terminator_drop(loc, term, flow_state, &place, field_ty, span, seen);

match erased_drop_place_ty.sty {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -899,20 +976,84 @@ impl<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx> MirBorrowckCtxt<'cx, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
.for_each(|field| drop_field(self, field));

// #45696: special-case Box<T> by treating its dtor as
// only deep *across owned content*. Namely, we know
// dropping a box does not touch data behind any
// references it holds; if we were to instead fall into
// the base case below, we would have a Deep Write due to
// the box being `needs_drop`, and that Deep Write would
// touch `&mut` data in the box.
ty::TyAdt(def, _) if def.is_box() => {
// When/if we add a `&own T` type, this action would
// be like running the destructor of the `&own T`.
// (And the owner of backing storage referenced by the
// `&own T` would be responsible for deallocating that
// backing storage.)

// we model dropping any content owned by the box by
// recurring on box contents. This catches cases like
// `Box<Box<ScribbleWhenDropped<&mut T>>>`, while
// still restricting Write to *owned* content.
let ty = erased_drop_place_ty.boxed_ty();
let deref_place = drop_place.clone().deref();
debug!("visit_terminator_drop drop-box-content deref_place: {:?} ty: {:?}",
deref_place, ty);
let seen = prev_seen.cons(erased_drop_place_ty);
loc, term, flow_state, &deref_place, ty, span, seen);

_ => {
// We have now refined the type of the value being
// dropped (potentially) to just the type of a
// subfield; so check whether that field's type still
// "needs drop". If so, we assume that the destructor
// may access any data it likes (i.e., a Deep Write).
// "needs drop".
if erased_drop_place_ty.needs_drop(gcx, self.param_env) {
// If so, we assume that the destructor may access
// any data it likes (i.e., a Deep Write).
(drop_place, span),
(Deep, Write(WriteKind::StorageDeadOrDrop)),
} else {
// If there is no destructor, we still include a
// *shallow* write. This essentially ensures that
// borrows of the memory directly at `drop_place`
// cannot continue to be borrowed across the drop.
// If we were to use a Deep Write here, then any
// `&mut T` that is reachable from `drop_place`
// would get invalidated; fixing that is the
// essence of resolving issue #45696.
// * Note: In the compiler today, doing a Deep
// Write here would not actually break
// anything beyond #45696; for example it does not
// break this example:
// ```rust
// fn reborrow(x: &mut i32) -> &mut i32 { &mut *x }
// ```
// Why? Because we do not schedule/emit
// `Drop(x)` in the MIR unless `x` needs drop in
// the first place.
// FIXME: Its possible this logic actually should
// be attached to the `StorageDead` statement
// rather than the `Drop`. See discussion on PR
// #52782.
(drop_place, span),
(Shallow(None), Write(WriteKind::StorageDeadOrDrop)),
Expand Down

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