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Add a lint to detect unconditional recursion.
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E.g. `fn foo() { foo() }`, or, more subtlely

    impl Foo for Box<Foo+'static> {
        fn bar(&self) {

The compiler will warn and point out the points where recursion occurs,
if it determines that the function cannot return without calling itself.

Closes #17899.
  • Loading branch information
huonw committed Jan 24, 2015
1 parent 000dc07 commit fbef241
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Showing 3 changed files with 258 additions and 1 deletion.
192 changes: 191 additions & 1 deletion src/librustc/lint/
Expand Up @@ -32,10 +32,12 @@ use middle::subst::Substs;
use middle::ty::{self, Ty};
use middle::{def, pat_util, stability};
use middle::const_eval::{eval_const_expr_partial, const_int, const_uint};
use middle::cfg;
use util::ppaux::{ty_to_string};
use util::nodemap::{FnvHashMap, NodeSet};
use lint::{Context, LintPass, LintArray, Lint};
use lint::{Level, Context, LintPass, LintArray, Lint};

use std::collections::BitvSet;
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry::{Occupied, Vacant};
use std::num::SignedInt;
use std::{cmp, slice};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1788,6 +1790,194 @@ impl LintPass for Stability {

declare_lint! {
"functions that cannot return without calling themselves"

pub struct UnconditionalRecursion;

impl LintPass for UnconditionalRecursion {
fn get_lints(&self) -> LintArray {

fn check_fn(&mut self, cx: &Context, fn_kind: visit::FnKind, _: &ast::FnDecl,
blk: &ast::Block, sp: Span, id: ast::NodeId) {
type F = for<'tcx> fn(&ty::ctxt<'tcx>,
ast::NodeId, ast::NodeId, ast::Ident, ast::NodeId) -> bool;

let (name, checker) = match fn_kind {
visit::FkItemFn(name, _, _, _) => (name, id_refers_to_this_fn as F),
visit::FkMethod(name, _, _) => (name, id_refers_to_this_method as F),
// closures can't recur, so they don't matter.
visit::FkFnBlock => return

let impl_def_id = ty::impl_of_method(cx.tcx, ast_util::local_def(id))
let impl_node_id = impl_def_id.node;

// Walk through this function (say `f`) looking to see if
// every possible path references itself, i.e. the function is
// called recursively unconditionally. This is done by trying
// to find a path from the entry node to the exit node that
// *doesn't* call `f` by traversing from the entry while
// pretending that calls of `f` are sinks (i.e. ignoring any
// exit edges from them).
// NB. this has an edge case with non-returning statements,
// like `loop {}` or `panic!()`: control flow never reaches
// the exit node through these, so one can have a function
// that never actually calls itselfs but is still picked up by
// this lint:
// fn f(cond: bool) {
// if !cond { panic!() } // could come from `assert!(cond)`
// f(false)
// }
// In general, functions of that form may be able to call
// itself a finite number of times and then diverge. The lint
// considers this to be an error for two reasons, (a) it is
// easier to implement, and (b) it seems rare to actually want
// to have behaviour like the above, rather than
// e.g. accidentally recurring after an assert.

let cfg = cfg::CFG::new(cx.tcx, blk);

let mut work_queue = vec![cfg.entry];
let mut reached_exit_without_self_call = false;
let mut self_call_spans = vec![];
let mut visited = BitvSet::new();

while let Some(idx) = work_queue.pop() {
let cfg_id = idx.node_id();
if idx == cfg.exit {
// found a path!
reached_exit_without_self_call = true;
} else if visited.contains(&cfg_id) {
// already done
let node_id = cfg.graph.node_data(idx).id;

// is this a recursive call?
if node_id != ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID && checker(cx.tcx, impl_node_id, id, name, node_id) {

// this is a self call, so we shouldn't explore past
// this node in the CFG.
// add the successors of this node to explore the graph further.
cfg.graph.each_outgoing_edge(idx, |_, edge| {
let target_idx =;
let target_cfg_id = target_idx.node_id();
if !visited.contains(&target_cfg_id) {

// check the number of sell calls because a function that
// doesn't return (e.g. calls a `-> !` function or `loop { /*
// no break */ }`) shouldn't be linted unless it actually
// recurs.
if !reached_exit_without_self_call && self_call_spans.len() > 0 {
"function cannot return without recurring");

// FIXME #19668: these could be span_lint_note's instead of this manual guard.
if cx.current_level(UNCONDITIONAL_RECURSION) != Level::Allow {
let sess = cx.sess();
// offer some help to the programmer.
for call in self_call_spans.iter() {
sess.span_note(*call, "recursive call site")
sess.span_help(sp, "a `loop` may express intention better if this is on purpose")

// all done

// Functions for identifying if the given NodeId `id`
// represents a call to the function `fn_id`/method
// `method_id`.

fn id_refers_to_this_fn<'tcx>(tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>,
_: ast::NodeId,
fn_id: ast::NodeId,
_: ast::Ident,
id: ast::NodeId) -> bool {
.map_or(false, |def| {
let did = def.def_id();
ast_util::is_local(did) && did.node == fn_id

// check if the method call `id` refers to method `method_id`
// (with name `method_name` contained in impl `impl_id`).
fn id_refers_to_this_method<'tcx>(tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>,
impl_id: ast::NodeId,
method_id: ast::NodeId,
method_name: ast::Ident,
id: ast::NodeId) -> bool {
let did = match tcx.method_map.borrow().get(&ty::MethodCall::expr(id)) {
None => return false,
Some(m) => match m.origin {
// There's no way to know if a method call via a
// vtable is recursion, so we assume it's not.
ty::MethodTraitObject(_) => return false,

// This `did` refers directly to the method definition.
ty::MethodStatic(did) | ty::MethodStaticUnboxedClosure(did) => did,

// MethodTypeParam are methods from traits:

// The `impl ... for ...` of this method call
// isn't known, e.g. it might be a default method
// in a trait, so we get the def-id of the trait
// method instead.
ty::MethodParam { ref trait_ref, method_num, impl_def_id: None, }) => {
ty::trait_item(tcx, trait_ref.def_id, method_num).def_id()

// The `impl` is known, so we check that with a
// special case:
ty::MethodParam { impl_def_id: Some(impl_def_id), .. }) => {

let name = match {
ast::ExprMethodCall(ref sp_ident, _, _) => sp_ident.node,
_ => tcx.sess.span_bug(,
"non-method call expr behaving like a method call?")
// it matches if it comes from the same impl,
// and has the same method name.
return ast_util::is_local(impl_def_id)
&& impl_def_id.node == impl_id
&& ==

ast_util::is_local(did) && did.node == method_id

declare_lint! {
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/librustc/lint/
Expand Up @@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ impl LintStore {

Expand Down
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.

fn foo() { //~ ERROR function cannot return without recurring
foo(); //~ NOTE recursive call site

fn bar() {
if true {

fn baz() { //~ ERROR function cannot return without recurring
if true {
baz() //~ NOTE recursive call site
} else {
baz() //~ NOTE recursive call site

fn qux() {
loop {}

fn quz() -> bool { //~ ERROR function cannot return without recurring
if true {
while quz() {} //~ NOTE recursive call site
} else {
loop { quz(); } //~ NOTE recursive call site

trait Foo {
fn bar(&self) { //~ ERROR function cannot return without recurring //~ NOTE recursive call site

impl Foo for Box<Foo+'static> {
fn bar(&self) { //~ ERROR function cannot return without recurring
loop { //~ NOTE recursive call site


struct Baz;
impl Baz {
fn qux(&self) { //~ ERROR function cannot return without recurring
self.qux(); //~ NOTE recursive call site

fn main() {}

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