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Disallow keyword values in min/max-size properties in the block direc…
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Manishearth committed Feb 26, 2017
1 parent eb28153 commit 3721b8b
Showing 1 changed file with 82 additions and 19 deletions.
101 changes: 82 additions & 19 deletions components/style/properties/longhand/
Expand Up @@ -217,39 +217,102 @@ ${helpers.predefined_type("flex-basis",
spec=spec % size,
animatable=True, logical = logical)}

% if product == "gecko":
// min-width, min-height, min-block-size, min-inline-size
${helpers.predefined_type("min-%s" % size,
"computed::MinLength::LengthOrPercentage(" +
spec=spec % ("min-%s" % size),
animatable=True, logical = logical)}
% for min_max in ["min", "max"]:
MinMax = min_max.title()
initial = "None" if "max" == min_max else "Auto"

// min-width, min-height, min-block-size, min-inline-size,
// max-width, max-height, max-block-size, max-inline-size
// Keyword values are only valid in the inline direction; they must
// be replaced with auto/none in block.
<%helpers:longhand name="${min_max}-${size}" spec="${spec % ('%s-%s' % (min_max, size))}"
animatable="True" logical="${logical}" predefined_type="${MinMax}Length">

use std::fmt;
use style_traits::ToCss;
use values::HasViewportPercentage;
use values::specified::${MinMax}Length;

impl HasViewportPercentage for SpecifiedValue {
fn has_viewport_percentage(&self) -> bool {

pub mod computed_value {
pub type T = ::values::computed::${MinMax}Length;

#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "servo", derive(HeapSizeOf))]
pub struct SpecifiedValue(${MinMax}Length);

pub fn get_initial_value() -> computed_value::T {
use values::computed::${MinMax}Length;
fn parse(context: &ParserContext, input: &mut Parser) -> Result<SpecifiedValue, ()> {
${MinMax}Length::parse(context, input).map(SpecifiedValue)

impl ToCss for SpecifiedValue {
fn to_css<W>(&self, dest: &mut W) -> fmt::Result where W: fmt::Write {

impl ToComputedValue for SpecifiedValue {
type ComputedValue = computed_value::T;
fn to_computed_value(&self, context: &Context) -> computed_value::T {
use values::computed::${MinMax}Length;
let computed = self.0.to_computed_value(context);

// filter out keyword values in the block direction
% if logical:
% if "block" in size:
if let ${MinMax}Length::ExtremumLength(..) = computed {
return get_initial_value()
% endif
% else:
if let ${MinMax}Length::ExtremumLength(..) = computed {
<% is_height = "true" if "height" in size else "false" %>
if ${is_height} != {
return get_initial_value()
% endif

fn from_computed_value(computed: &computed_value::T) -> Self {
% endfor
% else:
// servo versions (no keyword support)
${helpers.predefined_type("min-%s" % size,
spec=spec % ("min-%s" % size),
animatable=True, logical = logical)}
% endif

// max-width, max-height, max-block-size, max-inline-size
% if product == "gecko":
${helpers.predefined_type("max-%s" % size,
spec=spec % ("max-%s" % size),
animatable=True, logical = logical)}
% else:
${helpers.predefined_type("max-%s" % size,
spec=spec % ("max-%s" % size),
spec=spec % ("min-%s" % size),
animatable=True, logical = logical)}
% endif
% endfor
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