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Copy ComputedStyle to context
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In the patch after this, the existing `ComputedStyle` type is renamed and
repurposed as temporary storage of inputs for the cascade.  To make it a bit
easier to follow what code is new, this patch starts by copying `ComputedStyle`
to without changes.

MozReview-Commit-ID: 41COA5rEoz7
  • Loading branch information
jryans committed Jun 22, 2017
1 parent b9d66df commit c3b2a2f
Showing 1 changed file with 337 additions and 3 deletions.
340 changes: 337 additions & 3 deletions components/style/
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#[cfg(feature = "servo")] use animation::Animation;
use animation::PropertyAnimation;
use app_units::Au;
use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
use bloom::StyleBloom;
use cache::LRUCache;
use data::ElementData;
Expand All @@ -17,9 +18,11 @@ use fnv::FnvHashMap;
use font_metrics::FontMetricsProvider;
#[cfg(feature = "gecko")] use gecko_bindings::structs;
#[cfg(feature = "servo")] use parking_lot::RwLock;
#[cfg(feature = "gecko")] use properties::ComputedValues;
use selector_parser::SnapshotMap;
use selectors::matching::ElementSelectorFlags;
use properties::ComputedValues;
use properties::longhands::display::computed_value as display;
use rule_tree::StrongRuleNode;
use selector_parser::{EAGER_PSEUDO_COUNT, PseudoElement, SnapshotMap};
use selectors::matching::{ElementSelectorFlags, VisitedHandlingMode};
use shared_lock::StylesheetGuards;
use sharing::{ValidationData, StyleSharingCandidateCache};
use std::fmt;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,6 +144,337 @@ impl<'a> SharedStyleContext<'a> {

/// The structure that represents the result of style computation. This is
/// effectively a tuple of rules and computed values, that is, the rule node,
/// and the result of computing that rule node's rules, the `ComputedValues`.
pub struct ComputedStyle {
/// The rule node representing the ordered list of rules matched for this
/// node.
pub rules: StrongRuleNode,

/// The computed values for each property obtained by cascading the
/// matched rules. This can only be none during a transient interval of
/// the styling algorithm, and callers can safely unwrap it.
pub values: Option<Arc<ComputedValues>>,

/// The rule node representing the ordered list of rules matched for this
/// node if visited, only computed if there's a relevant link for this
/// element. A element's "relevant link" is the element being matched if it
/// is a link or the nearest ancestor link.
visited_rules: Option<StrongRuleNode>,

/// The element's computed values if visited, only computed if there's a
/// relevant link for this element. A element's "relevant link" is the
/// element being matched if it is a link or the nearest ancestor link.
/// We also store a reference to this inside the regular ComputedValues to
/// avoid refactoring all APIs to become aware of multiple ComputedValues
/// objects.
visited_values: Option<Arc<ComputedValues>>,

impl ComputedStyle {
/// Trivially construct a new `ComputedStyle`.
pub fn new(rules: StrongRuleNode, values: Arc<ComputedValues>) -> Self {
ComputedStyle {
rules: rules,
values: Some(values),
visited_rules: None,
visited_values: None,

/// Constructs a partial ComputedStyle, whose ComputedVaues will be filled
/// in later.
pub fn new_partial(rules: StrongRuleNode) -> Self {
ComputedStyle {
rules: rules,
values: None,
visited_rules: None,
visited_values: None,

/// Returns a reference to the ComputedValues. The values can only be null during
/// the styling algorithm, so this is safe to call elsewhere.
pub fn values(&self) -> &Arc<ComputedValues> {

/// Whether there are any visited rules.
pub fn has_visited_rules(&self) -> bool {

/// Gets a reference to the visited rule node, if any.
pub fn get_visited_rules(&self) -> Option<&StrongRuleNode> {

/// Gets a mutable reference to the visited rule node, if any.
pub fn get_visited_rules_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut StrongRuleNode> {

/// Gets a reference to the visited rule node. Panic if the element does not
/// have visited rule node.
pub fn visited_rules(&self) -> &StrongRuleNode {

/// Sets the visited rule node, and returns whether it changed.
pub fn set_visited_rules(&mut self, rules: StrongRuleNode) -> bool {
if let Some(ref old_rules) = self.visited_rules {
if *old_rules == rules {
return false
self.visited_rules = Some(rules);

/// Takes the visited rule node.
pub fn take_visited_rules(&mut self) -> Option<StrongRuleNode> {

/// Gets a reference to the visited computed values. Panic if the element
/// does not have visited computed values.
pub fn visited_values(&self) -> &Arc<ComputedValues> {

/// Sets the visited computed values.
pub fn set_visited_values(&mut self, values: Arc<ComputedValues>) {
self.visited_values = Some(values);

/// Take the visited computed values.
pub fn take_visited_values(&mut self) -> Option<Arc<ComputedValues>> {

/// Clone the visited computed values Arc. Used to store a reference to the
/// visited values inside the regular values.
pub fn clone_visited_values(&self) -> Option<Arc<ComputedValues>> {

// We manually implement Debug for ComputedStyle so that we can avoid the
// verbose stringification of ComputedValues for normal logging.
impl fmt::Debug for ComputedStyle {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "ComputedStyle {{ rules: {:?}, values: {{..}} }}", self.rules)

/// A list of styles for eagerly-cascaded pseudo-elements. Lazily-allocated.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct EagerPseudoStyles(Option<Box<[Option<ComputedStyle>]>>);

impl EagerPseudoStyles {
/// Returns whether there are any pseudo styles.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {

/// Returns a reference to the style for a given eager pseudo, if it exists.
pub fn get(&self, pseudo: &PseudoElement) -> Option<&ComputedStyle> {
self.0.as_ref().and_then(|p| p[pseudo.eager_index()].as_ref())

/// Returns a mutable reference to the style for a given eager pseudo, if it exists.
pub fn get_mut(&mut self, pseudo: &PseudoElement) -> Option<&mut ComputedStyle> {
self.0.as_mut().and_then(|p| p[pseudo.eager_index()].as_mut())

/// Returns true if the EagerPseudoStyles has a ComputedStyle for |pseudo|.
pub fn has(&self, pseudo: &PseudoElement) -> bool {

/// Inserts a pseudo-element. The pseudo-element must not already exist.
pub fn insert(&mut self, pseudo: &PseudoElement, style: ComputedStyle) {
if self.0.is_none() {
self.0 = Some(vec![None; EAGER_PSEUDO_COUNT].into_boxed_slice());
self.0.as_mut().unwrap()[pseudo.eager_index()] = Some(style);

/// Removes a pseudo-element style if it exists, and returns it.
fn take(&mut self, pseudo: &PseudoElement) -> Option<ComputedStyle> {
let result = match self.0.as_mut() {
None => return None,
Some(arr) => arr[pseudo.eager_index()].take(),
let empty = self.0.as_ref().unwrap().iter().all(|x| x.is_none());
if empty {
self.0 = None;

/// Returns a list of the pseudo-elements.
pub fn keys(&self) -> ArrayVec<[PseudoElement; EAGER_PSEUDO_COUNT]> {
let mut v = ArrayVec::new();
if let Some(ref arr) = self.0 {
for i in 0..EAGER_PSEUDO_COUNT {
if arr[i].is_some() {

/// Adds the unvisited rule node for a given pseudo-element, which may or
/// may not exist.
/// Returns true if the pseudo-element is new.
fn add_unvisited_rules(&mut self,
pseudo: &PseudoElement,
rules: StrongRuleNode)
-> bool {
if let Some(mut style) = self.get_mut(pseudo) {
style.rules = rules;
return false
self.insert(pseudo, ComputedStyle::new_partial(rules));

/// Remove the unvisited rule node for a given pseudo-element, which may or
/// may not exist. Since removing the rule node implies we don't need any
/// other data for the pseudo, take the entire pseudo if found.
/// Returns true if the pseudo-element was removed.
fn remove_unvisited_rules(&mut self, pseudo: &PseudoElement) -> bool {

/// Adds the visited rule node for a given pseudo-element. It is assumed to
/// already exist because unvisited styles should have been added first.
/// Returns true if the pseudo-element is new. (Always false, but returns a
/// bool for parity with `add_unvisited_rules`.)
fn add_visited_rules(&mut self,
pseudo: &PseudoElement,
rules: StrongRuleNode)
-> bool {
let mut style = self.get_mut(pseudo).unwrap();

/// Remove the visited rule node for a given pseudo-element, which may or
/// may not exist.
/// Returns true if the psuedo-element was removed. (Always false, but
/// returns a bool for parity with `remove_unvisited_rules`.)
fn remove_visited_rules(&mut self, pseudo: &PseudoElement) -> bool {
if let Some(mut style) = self.get_mut(pseudo) {

/// Adds a rule node for a given pseudo-element, which may or may not exist.
/// The type of rule node depends on the visited mode.
/// Returns true if the pseudo-element is new.
pub fn add_rules(&mut self,
pseudo: &PseudoElement,
visited_handling: VisitedHandlingMode,
rules: StrongRuleNode)
-> bool {
match visited_handling {
VisitedHandlingMode::AllLinksVisitedAndUnvisited => {
unreachable!("We should never try to selector match with \
VisitedHandlingMode::AllLinksUnvisited => {
self.add_unvisited_rules(&pseudo, rules)
VisitedHandlingMode::RelevantLinkVisited => {
self.add_visited_rules(&pseudo, rules)

/// Removes a rule node for a given pseudo-element, which may or may not
/// exist. The type of rule node depends on the visited mode.
/// Returns true if the psuedo-element was removed.
pub fn remove_rules(&mut self,
pseudo: &PseudoElement,
visited_handling: VisitedHandlingMode)
-> bool {
match visited_handling {
VisitedHandlingMode::AllLinksVisitedAndUnvisited => {
unreachable!("We should never try to selector match with \
VisitedHandlingMode::AllLinksUnvisited => {
VisitedHandlingMode::RelevantLinkVisited => {

/// Returns whether this EagerPseudoStyles has the same set of
/// pseudos as the given one.
pub fn has_same_pseudos_as(&self, other: &EagerPseudoStyles) -> bool {
// We could probably just compare self.keys() to other.keys(), but that
// seems like it'll involve a bunch more moving stuff around and
// whatnot.
match (&self.0, &other.0) {
(&Some(ref our_arr), &Some(ref other_arr)) => {
for i in 0..EAGER_PSEUDO_COUNT {
if our_arr[i].is_some() != other_arr[i].is_some() {
return false
(&None, &None) => true,
_ => false,

/// The styles associated with a node, including the styles for any
/// pseudo-elements.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ElementStyles {
/// The element's style.
pub primary: ComputedStyle,
/// A list of the styles for the element's eagerly-cascaded pseudo-elements.
pub pseudos: EagerPseudoStyles,

impl ElementStyles {
/// Trivially construct a new `ElementStyles`.
pub fn new(primary: ComputedStyle) -> Self {
ElementStyles {
primary: primary,
pseudos: EagerPseudoStyles(None),

/// Whether this element `display` value is `none`.
pub fn is_display_none(&self) -> bool {
self.primary.values().get_box().clone_display() == display::T::none

/// Information about the current element being processed. We group this
/// together into a single struct within ThreadLocalStyleContext so that we can
/// instantiate and destroy it easily at the beginning and end of element
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