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Update web-platform-tests to revision 6a665f63ae39b552f60b971f11c34b2…
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servo-wpt-sync authored and jdm committed Mar 19, 2020
1 parent 2b0a48f commit ee944e7
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Showing 119 changed files with 4,923 additions and 555 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
[Interpolation between rotateX(0deg) and rotateX(90deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between translate3d(0,0,-50px) and translateZ(50px) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scaleY(1) and scaleY(2) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between rotateZ(30deg) and rotateZ(90deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between rotate(30deg) and rotate(90deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scale3d(1, 2, 3) and scale3d(4, 5, 6) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between translateX(50px) and translateY(50px) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scale3d(1, 2, 3) and scale(4, 5) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between skewX(0deg) and skewX(180deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scale(1, 2) and scale(3, 4) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between skewX(0deg) and skewX(90deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scaleZ(1) and scaleZ(2) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scaleX(2) and scaleY(2) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scaleZ(1) and scale(2) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between translateZ(-50px) and translateZ(50px) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scaleX(2) and scaleY(3) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between skew(0deg, 0deg) and skew(60deg, 60deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between translateZ(50px) and translateX(50px) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scale(1, 2) and scale(3, 4) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between rotate(30deg) and rotate(90deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between translateZ(50px) and translateX(50px) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scaleZ(1) and scaleZ(2) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scaleX(1) and scaleX(2) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between rotate(0deg) and rotateZ(90deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between skewX(0deg) and skewX(60deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between rotate(0deg) and rotateZ(90deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between rotate(0deg) and rotateX(90deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scale3d(1, 2, 3) and scale3d(4, 5, 6) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scaleZ(1) and scale(2) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between translateX(0%) and translateX(50%) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between translateX(50px) and translateY(50px) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between translateX(0px) and translateX(50px) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scaleX(1) and scaleX(2) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between translateX(50px) and translateZ(50px) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between skew(45deg, 0deg) and skew(0deg, 45deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between rotateZ(30deg) and rotateZ(90deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between translateY(0%) and translateX(50%) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scale(1, 2) and scale3d(3, 4, 5) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between translateX(0%) and translateX(50%) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between skew(45deg, 0deg) and skew(0deg, 45deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between rotate(0deg) and rotateZ(90deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scaleX(2) and scaleY(2) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between skewX(0deg) and skewX(60deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between rotateZ(30deg) and rotateZ(90deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scale(1) and scale(2) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between translateZ(-50px) and translateZ(50px) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scaleX(1) and scaleX(2) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scaleZ(1) and scaleZ(2) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scale3d(1, 2, 3) and scale3d(4, 5, 6) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between rotate(0deg) and rotateX(90deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between translateX(50px) and translateY(50px) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between translateX(50px) and translateZ(50px) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between translateX(0px) and translateX(50px) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scaleY(1) and scaleY(2) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between translateX(50px) and translateZ(50px) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scale3d(1, 2, 3) and scale(4, 5) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between skewX(0deg) and skewX(180deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between rotate(0deg) and rotateX(90deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between translateY(0%) and translateX(50%) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between skew(0deg, 0deg) and skew(60deg, 60deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between skewX(0deg) and skewX(90deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scale(1) and scale(2) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scaleX(2) and scaleY(2) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scale(1, 2) and scale3d(3, 4, 5) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between rotate(30deg) and rotate(90deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between rotateX(0deg) and rotateX(90deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between translateZ(-50px) and translateZ(50px) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between skewX(0deg) and skewX(60deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between translateY(0%) and translateX(50%) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scale(1) and scale(2) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between translate3d(0,0,-50px) and translateZ(50px) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scaleX(2) and scaleY(3) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between skewX(0deg) and skewX(180deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between skew(0deg, 0deg) and skew(60deg, 60deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between translateZ(50px) and translateX(50px) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between translate3d(0,0,-50px) and translateZ(50px) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between rotateX(0deg) and rotateX(90deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scale(1, 2) and scale(3, 4) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scale3d(1, 2, 3) and scale(4, 5) gives the correct computed value halfway according to commitStyles.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scale(1, 2) and scale3d(3, 4, 5) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between skewX(0deg) and skewX(90deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between skew(45deg, 0deg) and skew(0deg, 45deg) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scaleX(2) and scaleY(3) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between translateX(0px) and translateX(50px) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scaleY(1) and scaleY(2) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between translateX(0%) and translateX(50%) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

[Interpolation between scaleZ(1) and scale(2) gives the correct computed value halfway according to computedStyleMap with zoom active.]
expected: FAIL

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