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61 lines (43 loc) · 2.03 KB

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61 lines (43 loc) · 2.03 KB


Build Status Gemnasium

Typogrowth is the simple gem, providing easy way to make string typographically correct. It introduce the class method:

    Typogrowth.parse string, lang = nil

as well as it monkeypatches String class with typo method. If language is omitted, it uses I18n.locale. Also :default may be specified as language setting (which is english, in fact.)

To modify the succession of quotation signs (as well as all the others options,) feel free to change config/typogrowth.yaml.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'typogrowth'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install typogrowth


s = 'And God said "Baz heard "Bar" once" , and there was light.'
puts s.typo
# ⇒ And God said “Baz heard ‘Bar’ once,” and there was light.
puts Typogrowth.parse(s)
# ⇒ And God said “Baz heard ‘Bar’ once,” and there was light.

s = 'И Бог сказал: "Я - слышу "Бум" и "Бам" где-то там" , и стало светло.'
puts s.typo('ru')  # Explicit locale specification may be omitted
                   #       while running under ru_RU.UTF-8 locale
# ⇒ И Бог сказал: «Я — слышу „Бум“ и „Бам“ где-то там», и стало светло.

s = 'And God said "Oslo coordinates are: 59°57′N 10°45′E" and there was light.'
# ⇒ And God said “Oslo coordinates are: 59°57′N 10°45′E” and there was light.
puts s 
# ⇒ And God said “Oslo coordinates are: 59°57′N 10°45′E” and there was light.


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request