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370 lines (299 loc) · 13.7 KB


This is the beginnings of a tiny utility library for working with HBase in the REPL.

Author: Kyle Oba ;; mudphone ;; koba


  1. clone the repo
  2. execute this command from the repo root: $ ./
  3. connect with this command: user=> (start-hbase-repl)
  4. do stuff, like list all tables: user=> (list-all-tables)
  5. see below for comprehensive set-up instructions...
  6. explore!


  • Make this a comprehensive replacement for the HBase Shell.
  • Allow non-lisp programmers to use this tool with ease.
  • Allow ease of exploration of HBase data values and location.

What's new:

  • Now using HBase 0.20.2 for active development.

    • NOTE: You can use this with 0.20.0-1, you just have to replace the hbase and zk jars in lib/java with the proper versions. It's that simple AFAIK. YMMV.
  • Connections to HBase are now configured via the config/connections.clj file. This is basically a Clojure map with connection settings. This means that hbase-site.xml is no longer required for hbase-runner to find your master.

Some notes:

  • The HBase jars must be on your classpath (including Zookeeper). They are currently included in lib/java and are put on the REPL classpath (if you use the included script). If you do not use the script, you have to add these jars to your classpath manually (or however you normally do it).

  • For rlwrap goodness at the REPL (including tab-completion):

    1. make sure you have rlwrap installed (you can get it from macports if you're a mac drone).
    2. Also, set up your ~/.inputrc file (a sample is in config/.inputrc).
    3. Then, create a ~/.clj_completions file (you can run utils/completions.clj to create one). Run this: $> utils/completions.clj
    4. If that doesn't work for you, you can copy the .clj_completions.sample file to ~/.clj_completions
  • Truncating tables in a pmap is great because it's fast. However, since the truncate calls are executed in agents, the output of the command is not seen. The truncate-tables command set up to return a list of maps, which are keyed with either :truncated or :error. There is one map per truncated table. This return structure allows you to see if everything ran as expected.

  • There's a test suite. But, it's not comprehensive yet. To run it, do this:

    1. Running tests from the command-line: $> ./ This is probably the best way to run all the tests at once.

    2. Running tests from the Emacs REPL: If you have swank-clojure-project working, you can:

      • start a new swank clojure project: M-x swank-clojure-project
      • pass it the root dir of the hbase-runner project
      • start the hbase-runner REPL (connect to the test DB): user> (use 'hbase-runner.hbase-repl) user> (start-hbase-repl :test "hbr_spec")
      • open the spec file you want to run
      • run tests in the opened buffer C-c C-,
      • errors will be hilighted in red, for details, move the point and press C-c C-'


  • At times, the truncate-tables function will not properly recreate a table. Be sure to save the result of your truncate-table(s) calls, like so: $> (def result (truncate-tables list-o-tables)) "result" will now contain a helpful map of the tables and their statuses. If there was error, you can enable/disable, or use the included HTable descriptor to re-create the table.

    Use (:errors result) on the result of truncate-tables to find tables with errors.

    NOTE: This seems to be less of a problem with HBase 0.20.2.

Instructions for use:


If you are planning to run hbase-runner from Emacs you must set up the HBASE_RUNNER_HOME environment variable. Set this to where you cloned this project. $> export HBASE_RUNNER_HOME=<some/path> $> cd $HBASE_RUNNER_HOME

Configure your HBase connection by copying config/connections.template.clj to config/connections.clj and edit this file to reflect your HBase set-up. $> cd config $> cp connections.template.clj connections.clj $> emacs connections.clj

Running the HBase-Runner REPL

Via Script

To get a REPL, you can use the script:

Run the included repl script: $> ./

Note: Since uses rlwrap, if you have it installed, you will get Clojure and HBase-Runner tab-completion! For example: > (truncate-t ;;=> (truncate-table See rlwrap note above to set up your list of completions.

Users of the script, do not have to explicity "use" the library because it is automatically loaded by the script.

Via Emacs

However you get Slime / Swank working with Clojure:

If you're using Emacs, and you're working with Slime, you can include the library like this: user=> (use 'hbase-runner.hbase-repl)

Using swank-clojure-project

Do a: M-x swank-clojure-project Then, select the cloned root directory. You should then be able to: user=> (use 'hbase-repl.hbase-runner) user=> (start-hbase-repl)

That is, provided you have your config/connections.clj in order.

In General

While in the REPL...

Create a connection to HBase...

If you want to work with all tables: user=> (start-hbase-repl)

If you would rather provide a table namespace (prefix) user=> (start-hbase-repl "koba_development") ;; the following would force most commands to only work with tables ;; beginning with "koba_development_"

List tables...

This prints all HBase tables: user=> (list-all-tables)

This prints all HBase tables in your "namespace". user=> (list-tables)

Show HBase-Runner settings...

Print system settings, such as table-ns, selected system, and HBASE_RUNNER_HOME: user=> (print-current-settings)

Truncate Tables...

To truncate tables in parallel: user=> (def result (truncate-tables list-o-tables)) ;; where "list-o-talbes" is a list of tables that you've def-ed somewhere.

If, you are in the hbase-repl namespace, you can use pretty print: user=> (pp) ;; to see the last result or user=> (pprint result)

I hope to make it easier to find out why things go wrong while pmap-ing the table truncations. For now, you can do this: user=> (def result (truncate-tables list-o-tables)) user=> (:errors result) ;; => to see tables with errors user=> (:truncated result) ;; => to see tables which were truncated

Truncated tables are keyed with :trunacted. If there was an error on truncation, they will be keyed with :error. You will want to check the console output if there were errors. Also, try enable/disable on the tables, as this is frequently a problem.

The result from a truncate-table(s) call contains the original HTable descriptor. To retrieve a table which has been dropped in error, you can use this descriptor with the create-table-from function.

To re-create the first table with an error (assuming it was dropped): user=> (def result (truncate-tables list-o-tables)) ;; This is where things went wrong. ... output with errors ... user=> (create-table-from (:descriptor (first (:errors result))))

If that makes your brain hurt, you can use "truncate-tables!" to do all this in a loop.

Scan tables...

To scan tables you have two options. Option #1 is to print the results to screen, but not return them. This will ensure that, if your result set is large, you do not blow the heap: user=> (scan "table-name")

Option #2 is to return the results of the scan as a list of result maps. Note the ! at the end of "scan!": user=> (scan! "table-name")

You can also pass options to either of these scan functions. For example ; Scan for all versions of cells (defaults to 1): user=> (scan "table-name" {:versions :all})

  ; Limit scan results to a number of records (defaults to all):
  user=> (scan "table-name" {:limit 10})

  ; Only scan certain column families, column qualifiers:
  user=> (scan "table-name" {:columns "f1"})
  user=> (scan "table-name" {:columns "f1:q1})
  user=> (scan "table-name" {:columns ["f1" "f2"]})

The current public API includes:

count-rows [table-name]
count-tables [table-names]
create-table-from [descriptor]
current-table-ns []
describe [table-name]
disable-all-tables []
disable-drop-table [table-name]
disable-region [region-name]
disable-table [table-name]
disable-table-if-enabled [table-name]
disabled-tables-all-ns []
drop-table [table-name]
enable-all-tables []
enable-disabled-results-tables [{all-results :all}]
enable-region [region-name]
enable-table [table-name]
enable-table-if-disabled [table-name]
find-all-tables [search-str]
find-tables [search-str]
flush-table [table-name]
flush-table-or-region [table-name-or-region-name]
hydrate-table-maps-from [file-name]
list-all-tables []
list-tables []
major-compact [table-name-or-region-name]
print-api []
print-current-settings []
public-api []
scan [ & args ]
set-current-table-ns [current-ns]
table-disabled? [table-name]
table-enabled? [table-name]
table-exists? [table-name]
truncate-tables [table-name-list]


TODO (in rough order of precedence):

  • Make this a comprehensive replacement for the HBase shell.
  • Default scan should show all family:qualifier combinations (not just all families)
  • Scan should not need to pass list of columns around everywhere.
  • Implement:
    • regions-for-table
    • close all regions for a table (if this is a good idea)
  • Complete test coverage of full public API.
  • Remove hard-coded (ooops) output / input file paths for table dump files.

Thanks go to:

  • Amit Rathore (#amitrathore) - Much code was taken from his clojure utils.
  • Clojure Contrib Authors - I borrowed and stole much.

For keeping our HBase up and getting us up to the required number of nodes:

  • Siva Jagadeesan (#sivajag)
  • Robert J. Berger (#rberger)

HBase Team: For tons of help on IRC:

  • Michael Stack (#St^Ack)
  • Ryan Rawson (#dj_ryan)
  • J-D Cryans (#jdcryans)
  • And all other HBase committers and contributors not mentioned here.

You can find me logged in as #mudphone.

And, everyone else working on HBase. Thanks!!!

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