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Releases: muntorg/munt-official


20 Aug 18:36
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Introduce a discount on relay fees for transactions that contain mining/witness rewards


21 Jul 15:05
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Chain stability fix for rare issue experienced by some peers


20 Jul 14:21
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witness_sync_testing Pre-release
Revert "Official build: v2.4.4"

This reverts commit d25396d545fd4cdded39322f78a7155aca81411c.


15 Jul 17:23
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UI - Fix witness earning estimates for recent reward changes
CORE - Improve regression in coin cache performance


06 Jul 13:14
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CONSENSUS - Fix an issue with fresh syncs stalling, regression was introduced in 2.4.1 release
CONSENSUS - Fix a rare issue with index based utxo getting corrupted (memory only, disk data remained valid)
CORE - Fix an issue that was causing unnecessarily frequent flushing to disk; this should bring large performance improvements for machines with slow disks
CORE - CORE: Major load time performance increase on large wallets, especially on machines with slower disks
CORE - Introduce some code that makes it easier for users that missed the fork to update with any manual intervention
CORE - Introduce some performance improvements to the code
CORE - Various regtest/testing improvements and general codebase cleanup


05 Jul 20:41
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v2.4.2 Pre-release
Official build v2.4.2


02 Jul 22:12
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RPC - Add arena setup time to "gethashps" output
RPC - New command "getlinkedaccount" as counterpart for existing "importlinkedaccount" command
CORE - Fix a DoS attack that can be utilised against miners


16 Jun 12:26
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Implement proposed reward reductions and halving, as decided by community and GAB
Reward changes to take place at block 1'400'000
Halvings every 842'500 blocks, this is roughly four years assuming stable block times (a tiny fraction over in order to make things work out smoothly)
Very minor truncation based rounding applied when halving in order to keep numbers clean and end on a clean supply amount
Final supply of 700'000'000 with last reward mined on block 17'727'500
CORE: Implement a new/simplified way of tracking the witness specific portion of the UTXO set, this improves code simplicity as well as efficiency in a variety of ways
CORE: Implement methods/functionality to track/encode witness set "deltas" (changes) between blocks
CONSENSUS: Store the witness set delta as part of each header, this allows for a very efficient syncing method which we are calling "witness sync"
CONSENSUS: Enable spending of addresses with uncompressed keys again
CONSENSUS: Allow renewal of multiple parts of the same witness account in a single transaction instead of requiring a renewal for each part
CORE/UI: Introduce a separate mining parameter for number of threads to use for "arena setup" when mining so that this can be set independently of "mining threads"
CORE: Fix a sync issue that would sometimes cause new installs to get stuck when syncing the first few blocks
CORE: Apply some optimisations to ConnectBlock calls that should improve performance quite substantially on some machines
RPC: "setgenerate" gains an extra parameter for the above, all miners should be aware of this as previous setgenerate syntax may fail
RPC: New command "setwitnessrewardaddress"
RPC: New command "restoreaccount"
RPC: Improve behaviour of "deleteaccount" to permanently remove/purge accounts from the wallet if they are readonly accounts; as opposed to the regular behaviour of just hiding accounts that applies to other account types
RPC: Fix return value of "enablenetwork" command
RPC: Add "selected_shavite_implementation", "selected_echo_implementation" and "selected_argon_implementation" to "getmininginfo" output
UI: Show "elapsed" time to current date for witness accounts
ZMQ: Add a new ZMQ channel "zmqpubwallettx"

And a variety of other small performance, stability and code quality enhancements, general maintenance etc. many of which are backported from the Florin project.


23 Apr 12:37
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CORE - Mining/Witness stability fix; Fix an issue that was causing periodic freezing of some mining/witnessing nodes


17 Apr 12:57
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Reduce eventual supply to a total of 750'000'000 coins as first step in implementing the supply reduction that has been requested by community/GAB; The intention is for the rewards to also change (as requested) however this will take place in a later release after a bit more time has been allowed for technical consideration of the implications.

MISC - Minor performance improvements to witnessing
RPC - New RPC command "submitheader"
RPC - Fix an issue where "rotatewitnessaddress" would fail if used on account that has never performed any witness actions
RPC - Introduce "forcesigseg" command (Only useful for development)
RPC - Add command "repairwalletfromutxo"
RPC - New command "decodeblock"
RPC - New "defrag" command, this can be used to recombine lots of small "dust" outputs into one single output again
RPC - New command "invalidateunwitnessedblocksatheight"

This build contains quite a large variety of misc. bug fixes, code improvements and stability fixes, quite a few backported from Novo development.