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J Gregory edited this page Sep 1, 2014 · 8 revisions

The Caffeinated Markup Language

The Caffeinated Markup Language (CML) is an attempt to create a simple yet rich markup/down language for writing pretty blog posts. Originally developed for the Caffeinated Panda Creations website.

Although designed to translate to HTML, it's possible to create a variety of formatters to output in plain text, PDF or even another markup language.

Wiki is a work in progress and is what the CML will be rather than necessarily what it is now :p

User Guide

Vision and gubbins like that


PML is designed to be Ag-End-Markup-Nostic. That is, to make no assumptions or sops to whatever it's going to be translated into. It's partly for this reason that I've eschewed embedded HTML.

Embedded HTML

I've umm'd and ah'd with this one and currently CML does not support embedded HTML. The idea is that as soon as you do it makes it too easy to throw away the easy CML syntax and just lob in hunks of foreign markup - if you're doing that to customise so much then you may as well write your document in HTML in the first place. CML is designed to be end-markup-nostic so by embedding HTML means you're making a fairly hard assumption about your output format (which ok, in some cases, is true and fine, but, you know).

By default, any HTML tags entered into a CML document will be entity escaped if the output is to be HTML.