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How to compile the Universal Node

Automatic set up

WARNING (June 2017): the automatic setup is broken and needs to be fixed.

It is possible to set up the Universal Node (UN) in two ways:

  • by compiling each component by hand; this allows to have the complete control on the UN set up. If you are interested in this way of setting up the UN, please continue to read this document;
  • using an ansible script that automatically compiles and installs all the components required by the UN. This method allows less customization with respect to the manual set up. If you are interested in this way of setting up the UN, please refer to ./utils/

Required libraries

Several libraries are required to compile the Universal Node. In the following we list the steps required on an Ubuntu 14.04.

; Install required libraries
; - build-essential: it includes GCC, basic libraries, etc
; - cmake: to create cross-platform makefiles
; - cmake-curses-gui: nice 'gui' to edit cmake files
; - libboost-all-dev: nice c++ library with tons of useful functions
; - libxml2-dev: nice library to parse and create xml
; - ethtool: utilities to set some parameters on the NICs (e.g., disable TCP offloading)
; - gitL utility to download the source code of the universal node and of other libraries

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake cmake-curses-gui libboost-all-dev libxml2-dev ethtool git

; Install JSON Spirit (nice library to parse JSON files)
; Alternatively, a copy of JSON Spirit is provided in `[un-orchestrator]/contrib/` (WARNING: the provided copy does not work on more recent version of Ubuntu, please download the updated source code).

$ git clone
$ cd json-spirit/

; Now install the above library according to the description provided
; in the cloned folder

; Update the dynamic libraries cache
$ sudo ldconfig

Getting the code

The UN source code can be downloaded in two ways, depending on whether you would like to be in sync with the UN main GIT repository or just download the sources, without being synchronized with the repository.

In the first case it would be easy to get new updates from the repository and possibly commit your changes back in the main branch; in the second case you will have to syncronize the code manually.

Getting the code through GIT:

; Clone the main GIT repository
$ git clone

; Your code is now in the `un-orchestrator` folder.
$ cd [un-orchestrator]
; Update the submodules
$ git submodule update --init --recursive

Simply downloading source code:

; Download source code in the `master` branch
$ wget

; Your code is now in the `un-orchestrator-master` folder.

In order to compile and setup the different components of the Universal Node, you have to follow the instruction provided in each subfolder.