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Process Json-Ld serializations into models and run through dotLiquid to generate HTML

##Example usage:

Apply template 'test.html' to {'hello':'world'} and write to stdout

   js2html --json "{'hello':'world'}" --template test.html

Apply template 'page.html' to *.json in templatedir, writing .html files to /html

   js2html --file *.json --templatedir /templates --output /html --template page.html

##Templating examples

Input Json-Ld.

    "@id": "",
    "@type": ["prov:Entity", "owl:NamedIndividual"],
    "qualitystandard:setting": " care setting",
    "qualitystandard:targetPopulation": [" 1-15 years", " people", " incontinence"],
    "dcterms:abstract": "Children and young people have an agreed review date if they, or their\nparents or carers, are given advice about changing their daily routine\nto help with bedwetting.",
    "dcterms:title": "Quality statement 2: Review after initial advice is given",
    "prov:specializationOf": "resource:FF2ED3E529E5BDCDED86C24D3277F8A156814492DFE352A09804DF3228109D63",
    "_id": "resource:FF2ED3E529E5BDCDED86C24D3277F8A156814492DFE352A09804DF3228109D63",
    "_type": "qualitystatement"

Property names are transformed before injection into the template engine. '@' and ':' are removed so that it can render IRI properties. Property name access in dotLiquid is case insensitive, so you can use convention to indicate namespace - dcterms:Abstract can become dctermsAbstract.

##Example template

~~~ .html
{% for item in type -%}
{% endfor -%}

Applying this template to the sample Json-Ld produces

~~~ .html
<div> care setting</div>
<div>Children and young people have an agreed review date if they, or their
parents or carers, are given advice about changing their daily routine
to help with bedwetting.</div>


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