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Added miniwin constants
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nickgammon committed Jun 5, 2010
1 parent 934c9d7 commit 754a918
Showing 1 changed file with 293 additions and 0 deletions.
293 changes: 293 additions & 0 deletions scripting/lua_methods.cpp
Expand Up @@ -6782,6 +6782,297 @@ static flags_pair send_to_destinations [] =

// Constants: miniwin.xxxx

static flags_pair miniwindow_flags [] =

// positions for WindowCreate, SetForegroundImage, SetBackgroundImage, WindowPosition
{ "pos_stretch_to_view", 0 },
{ "pos_stretch_to_view_with_aspect", 1 },
{ "pos_stretch_to_owner", 2 },
{ "pos_stretch_to_owner_with_aspect", 3 },
{ "pos_top_left", 4 },
{ "pos_top_center", 5 },
{ "pos_top_right", 6 },
{ "pos_center_right", 7 },
{ "pos_bottom_right", 8 },
{ "pos_bottom_center", 9 },
{ "pos_bottom_left", 10 },
{ "pos_center_left", 11 },
{ "pos_center_all", 12 },
{ "pos_tile", 13 },

// flags for WindowCreate

{ "create_underneath", MINIWINDOW_DRAW_UNDERNEATH },
{ "create_absolute_location", MINIWINDOW_ABSOLUTE_LOCATION },
{ "create_transparent", MINIWINDOW_TRANSPARENT },
{ "create_ignore_mouse", MINIWINDOW_IGNORE_MOUSE },

// pen styles for drawing shapes

{ "pen_solid", PS_SOLID }, // solid pen
{ "pen_dash", PS_DASH }, // -------
{ "pen_dot", PS_DOT }, // .......
{ "pen_dash_dot", PS_DASHDOT }, // _._._._
{ "pen_dash_dot_dot", PS_DASHDOTDOT }, // _.._.._
{ "pen_null", PS_NULL }, // no pen
{ "pen_inside_frame", PS_INSIDEFRAME }, // solid, inside the shape

// brush styles for drawing shapes

{ "brush_solid", 0 },
{ "brush_null", 1 },
{ "brush_hatch_horizontal", 2 },
{ "brush_hatch_vertical", 3 },
{ "brush_hatch_forwards_diagonal", 4 },
{ "brush_hatch_backwards_diagonal",5 },
{ "brush_hatch_cross", 6 },
{ "brush_hatch_cross_diagonal", 7 },
{ "brush_fine_pattern", 8 },
{ "brush_medium_pattern", 9 },
{ "brush_coarse_pattern", 10 },
{ "brush_waves_horizontal", 11 },
{ "brush_waves_vertical", 12 },

// WindowRectOp action parameter (argument 2)

{ "rect_frame", 1 },
{ "rect_fill", 2 },
{ "rect_invert", 3 },
{ "rect_3d_rect", 4 },
{ "rect_draw_edge", 5 },
{ "rect_flood_fill_border", 6 },
{ "rect_flood_fill_surface", 7 },

// WindowRectOp colour1 parameter (argument 7) for action 5 (rect_draw_edge)

{ "rect_edge_raised", EDGE_RAISED },
{ "rect_edge_etched", EDGE_ETCHED },
{ "rect_edge_bump", EDGE_BUMP },
{ "rect_edge_sunken", EDGE_SUNKEN },

// WindowRectOp colour2 parameter (argument 8) for action 5 (rect_draw_edge)

{ "rect_edge_at_top_left", BF_TOPLEFT },
{ "rect_edge_at_top_right", BF_TOPRIGHT },
{ "rect_edge_at_bottom_left", BF_BOTTOMLEFT },
{ "rect_edge_at_bottom_right", BF_BOTTOMRIGHT },
{ "rect_edge_at_all", BF_RECT },

{ "rect_diagonal_end_top_left", BF_DIAGONAL_ENDTOPLEFT },
{ "rect_diagonal_end_top_right", BF_DIAGONAL_ENDTOPRIGHT },
{ "rect_diagonal_end_bottom_left", BF_DIAGONAL_ENDBOTTOMLEFT },
{ "rect_diagonal_end_bottom_right", BF_DIAGONAL_ENDBOTTOMRIGHT },

// WindowRectOp other colour2 flags (or in) (argument 8) for action 5 (rect_draw_edge)

{ "rect_option_fill_middle", BF_MIDDLE },
{ "rect_option_softer_buttons", BF_SOFT },
{ "rect_option_flat_borders", BF_FLAT },
{ "rect_option_monochrom_borders", BF_MONO },

// WindowCircleOp action parameter (argument 2)

{ "circle_ellipse", 1 },
{ "circle_rectangle", 2 },
{ "circle_round_rectangle", 3 },
{ "circle_chord", 4 },
{ "circle_pie", 5 },

// WindowGradient mode parameter (argument 8)

{ "gradient_horizontal", 1 },
{ "gradient_vertical", 2 },
{ "gradient_texture", 3 },

// WindowFont charset

{ "font_charset_ansi", ANSI_CHARSET },
{ "font_charset_default", DEFAULT_CHARSET },
{ "font_charset_symbol", SYMBOL_CHARSET },

// WindowFont PitchAndFamily

{ "font_family_any", FF_DONTCARE },
{ "font_family_roman", FF_ROMAN },
{ "font_family_swiss", FF_SWISS },
{ "font_family_modern", FF_MODERN },
{ "font_family_script", FF_SCRIPT },
{ "font_family_decorative", FF_DECORATIVE },

{ "font_pitch_default", DEFAULT_PITCH },
{ "font_pitch_fixed", FIXED_PITCH },
{ "font_pitch_variable", VARIABLE_PITCH },
{ "font_pitch_monospaced", MONO_FONT },

{ "font_truetype", TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE },

// WindowDrawImage mode (argument 7)

{ "image_copy", 1 },
{ "image_stretch", 2 },
{ "image_transparent_copy", 3 },

// WindowImageOp actions (argument 2)

{ "image_fill_ellipse", 1 },
{ "image_fill_rectangle", 2 },
{ "image_fill_round_fill_rectangle", 3 },

// WindowFilter operations (argument 6)

{ "filter_noise", 1 },
{ "filter_monochrome_noise", 2 },
{ "filter_blur", 3 },
{ "filter_sharpen", 4 },
{ "filter_find_edges", 5 },
{ "filter_emboss", 6 },
{ "filter_brightness", 7 },
{ "filter_contrast", 8 },
{ "filter_gamma", 9 },
{ "filter_red_brightness", 10 },
{ "filter_red_contrast", 11 },
{ "filter_red_gamma", 12 },
{ "filter_green_brightness", 13 },
{ "filter_green_contrast", 14 },
{ "filter_green_gamma", 15 },
{ "filter_blue_brightness", 16 },
{ "filter_blue_contrast", 17 },
{ "filter_blue_gamma", 18 },
{ "filter_grayscale", 19 },
{ "filter_normal_grayscale", 20 },
{ "filter_brightness_multiply", 21 },
{ "filter_red_brightness_multiply", 22 },
{ "filter_green_brightness_multiply",23 },
{ "filter_blue_brightness_multiply", 24 },
{ "filter_lesser_blur", 25 },
{ "filter_minor_blur", 26 },
{ "filter_average", 27 },

// WindowBlendImage modes (argument 7)

{ "blend_normal", 1 },
{ "blend_average", 2 },
{ "blend_interpolate", 3 },
{ "blend_dissolve", 4 },
{ "blend_darken", 5 },
{ "blend_multiply", 6 },
{ "blend_colour_burn", 7 },
{ "blend_linear_burn", 8 },
{ "blend_inverse_colour_burn", 9 },
{ "blend_subtract", 10 },
{ "blend_lighten", 11 },
{ "blend_screen", 12 },
{ "blend_colour_dodge", 13 },
{ "blend_linear_dodge", 14 },
{ "blend_inverse_colour_dodge", 15 },
{ "blend_add", 16 },
{ "blend_overlay", 17 },
{ "blend_soft_light", 18 },
{ "blend_hard_light", 19 },
{ "blend_vivid_light", 20 },
{ "blend_linear_light", 21 },
{ "blend_pin_light", 22 },
{ "blend_hard_mix", 23 },
{ "blend_difference", 24 },
{ "blend_exclusion", 25 },
{ "blend_reflect", 26 },
{ "blend_glow", 27 },
{ "blend_freeze", 28 },
{ "blend_heat", 29 },
{ "blend_negation", 30 },
{ "blend_phoenix", 31 },
{ "blend_stamp", 32 },
{ "blend_xor", 33 },
{ "blend_and", 34 },
{ "blend_or", 35 },
{ "blend_red", 36 },
{ "blend_green", 37 },
{ "blend_blue", 38 },
{ "blend_yellow", 39 },
{ "blend_cyan", 40 },
{ "blend_magenta", 41 },
{ "blend_green_limited_by_red", 42 },
{ "blend_green_limited_by_blue", 43 },
{ "blend_green_limited_by_average_of_red_and_blue",44 },
{ "blend_blue_limited_by_red", 45 },
{ "blend_blue_limited_by_green", 46 },
{ "blend_blue_limited_by_average_of_red_and_green",47 },
{ "blend_red_limited_by_green", 48 },
{ "blend_red_limited_by_blue", 49 },
{ "blend_red_limited_by_average_of_green_and_blue",50 },
{ "blend_red_only", 51 },
{ "blend_green_only", 52 },
{ "blend_blue_only", 53 },
{ "blend_discard_red", 54 },
{ "blend_discard_green", 55 },
{ "blend_discard_blue", 56 },
{ "blend_all_red", 57 },
{ "blend_all_green", 58 },
{ "blend_all_blue", 59 },
{ "blend_hue_mode", 60 },
{ "blend_saturation_mode", 61 },
{ "blend_colour_mode", 62 },
{ "blend_luminance_mode", 63 },
{ "blend_hsl", 64 },

// WindowAddHotspot cursor modes

{ "cursor_none", -1 },
{ "cursor_arrow", 0 },
{ "cursor_hand", 1 },
{ "cursor_ibeam", 2 },
{ "cursor_plus", 3 },
{ "cursor_wait", 4 },
{ "cursor_up", 5 },
{ "cursor_nw_se_arrow", 6 },
{ "cursor_ne_sw_arrow", 7 },
{ "cursor_ew_arrow", 8 },
{ "cursor_ns_arrow", 9 },
{ "cursor_both_arrow", 10 },
{ "cursor_x", 11 },
{ "cursor_help", 12 },

// AddHotspot flags (argument 14)

{ "hotspot_report_all_mouseovers", 0x01 },

// hotspot callback flags

{ "hotspot_got_shift", 0x01 },
{ "hotspot_got_control", 0x02 },
{ "hotspot_got_alt", 0x04 },
{ "hotspot_got_lh_mouse", 0x10 },
{ "hotspot_got_rh_mouse", 0x20 },
{ "hotspot_got_dbl_click", 0x40 },
{ "hotspot_got_not_first", 0x80 },

// WindowMergeImageAlpha Mode (argument 8)

{ "merge_straight", 0 },
{ "merge_transparent", 1 },

// drag handler callback flags

{ "drag_got_shift", 0x01 },
{ "drag_got_control", 0x02 },
{ "drag_got_alt", 0x04 },

// { "y_x", 1 },
{ NULL, 0 }

extern const struct luaL_reg *ptr_xmllib;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6867,6 +7158,8 @@ int RegisterLuaRoutines (lua_State *L)
MakeIntFlagsTable (L, "error_desc", error_descriptions);
// send-to table
MakeFlagsTable (L, "sendto", send_to_destinations);
// miniwindow constants table
MakeFlagsTable (L, "miniwin", miniwindow_flags);

// colour names

Expand Down

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