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Database convertion from MySQL to SQLite3 format
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nickgammon committed Jun 14, 2011
1 parent bc9b14f commit d2d1242
Showing 1 changed file with 135 additions and 0 deletions.
135 changes: 135 additions & 0 deletions generate_documentation.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
-- Documenation SQL fixer-upper

-- Author: Nick Gammon
-- Date: 12th June 2011

-- Converts documentation from MySQL to SQLite3 format

-- See:

local fixups = {
["\\a"] = "\a", -- Bell (alert)
["\\b"] = "\b", -- Backspace
["\\f"] = "\f", -- Formfeed
["\\n"] = "\n", -- Newline
["\\r"] = "", -- Carriage return
["\\t"] = "\t", -- Horizontal tab
["\\v"] = "\v", -- Vertical tab
["\\'"] = "''", -- Single quotation mark
["\\\""] = "\"", -- Double quotation mark
["\\\\"] = "\\", -- Backslash
["\\?"] = "?", -- Literal question mark

function FixupEscapeSequences (s)

-- look for backslash-something
s = string.gsub (s, "\\.", fixups)

-- handle newlines
-- s = string.gsub (s, "\\n", "' || x'0A' || '")

-- \xhh ASCII character in hexadecimal notation
s = string.gsub (s, "\\[xX](%x%x)", function (s) return string.char (tonumber (s, 16)) end)

-- \ character fixup
s = string.gsub (s, "&#[xX](%x%x);", function (s) return string.char (tonumber (s, 16)) end)

-- fix up newlines
-- return string.gsub (s, "\n", "'\n")

return s
end -- function FixupEscapeSequences

fi = assert ( ("\\\\\\general\\documentation.sql", "r"))

fo = assert ( ("documentation_fixed.sql", "w"))

fo:write ("-- MUSHclient documentation\n\n")
fo:write ( ("-- Written: %A, %d %B %Y at %H:%M:%S\n\n"))

fo:write ("BEGIN TRANSACTION;\n\n")

local line = fi:read () -- priming read
local count
local add_index
while line do

line = FixupEscapeSequences (line)

-- fix UNIQUE KEY problem
line = string.gsub (line, " UNIQUE KEY `[%w%d_]-`", " UNIQUE ")
-- fix quotes inside strings
--line = string.gsub (line, "\\'", "''")

-- get rid of enum
line = string.gsub (line, " `type_of_object` enum%('Method','Property'%) NOT NULL default 'Method',",
" `type_of_object` varchar(10) NOT NULL default 'Method',")

-- get rid of comma here
line = string.gsub (line, " UNIQUE %(`doc_name`,`xref_name`%),",
" UNIQUE (`doc_name`,`xref_name`)")

-- get rid of keys
line = string.gsub (line, " KEY `doc_name_2` %(`doc_name`%),", "")
line, count = string.gsub (line, " KEY `xref_name` %(`xref_name`%)", "")

if count > 0 then
add_index = true
end -- if

fo:write (line, "\n")

-- add keys back
if add_index and string.match (line, "^%);") then
fo:write ([[
CREATE INDEX doc_name_2 ON general_doc_xref (doc_name);
CREATE INDEX xref_name ON general_doc_xref (xref_name);

add_index = false
end -- if

line = fi:read () -- read next
end -- while

-- create full-text search tables

fo:write [[
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS commands_lookup;
CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE commands_lookup USING FTS4(command_name, short_description, description);
INSERT INTO commands_lookup (command_name, short_description, description) SELECT command_name, short_description, description FROM commands;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dialogs_lookup;
CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE dialogs_lookup USING FTS4(dialog_name, title, description);
INSERT INTO dialogs_lookup (dialog_name, title, description) SELECT dialog_name, title, description FROM dialogs;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS functions_lookup;
CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE functions_lookup USING FTS4(name, summary, description, lua_example, lua_notes);
INSERT INTO functions_lookup (name, summary, description, lua_example, lua_notes) SELECT name, summary, description, lua_example, lua_notes FROM functions;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS general_doc_lookup;
CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE general_doc_lookup USING FTS4(doc_name, title, description);
INSERT INTO general_doc_lookup (doc_name, title, description) SELECT doc_name, title, description FROM general_doc;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS errors_lookup;
CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE errors_lookup USING FTS4(error_name, error_code, meaning);
INSERT INTO errors_lookup (error_name, error_code, meaning) SELECT error_name, error_code, meaning FROM errors;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS lua_functions_lookup;
CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE lua_functions_lookup USING FTS4(name, summary, description);
INSERT INTO lua_functions_lookup (name, summary, description) SELECT name, summary, description FROM lua_functions;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tblUnixControl`;

fo:write ("COMMIT;\n\n")

fo:close ()

fi:close ()

print "done"

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