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The AMQP Infrastructure

The AMQP Server

Setting up the cli tool:

zypper in rabbitmq-server-plugins
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
systemctl restart rabbitmq-server
wget http://localhost:15672/cli/rabbitmqadmin -O /usr/local/bin/rabbitmqadmin
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/rabbitmqadmin

Creating a permanent exchange:

rabbitmqadmin declare exchange name=pubsub type=topic durable=true auto_delete=false internal=false

Creating the readonly user (consumer):

rabbitmqctl add_user tux linux
rabbitmqctl set_permissions tux '^amq\.gen.*$' '^amq\.gen.*$' '^(amq\.gen.*|pubsub)$'

Creating a publisher user:

rabbitmqctl add_user openqa secret
rabbitmqctl set_permissions openqa '^amq\.gen.*$' '^(amq\.gen.*|pubsub)$' '^(amq\.gen.*|pubsub)$'

Publishing messages

Make sure to do a passive, durable exchange_declare. This will check if a suitable exchange exists on the server but raise an error, if it doesn't exist. It will not try to create the exchange. We do this because the user isn't allowed to create the exchange. The server admin created a permanent exchange in the setup above.

import pika, json
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.URLParameters("amqp://"))
channel =
channel.exchange_declare(exchange='pubsub', exchange_type='topic', passive=True, durable=True)
def send_msg(topic, msg): 
	json_msg = json.dumps(msg)
	channel.basic_publish(exchange='pubsub', routing_key=topic, body=json_msg)
send_msg('suse.obs.comment.create', {"user": "foo", "comment": "bar", "id": 123}) 

Consuming messages

There are wildcards for matching topics:

  • # matches everything
  • * matches everything except a .

Make sure to do a passive, durable exchange_declare... Also make sure to declare a exclusive queue to prevent other users from accessing your queue.

import pika, json
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.URLParameters("amqp://"))
channel =
channel.exchange_declare(exchange='pubsub', exchange_type='topic', passive=True, durable=True)
result = channel.queue_declare(exclusive=True)
queue_name = result.method.queue
binding_keys = ['opensuse.openqa.#', '*.openqa.comment.create']
for binding_key in binding_keys:
	channel.queue_bind(exchange='pubsub', queue=queue_name, routing_key=binding_key)
def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
	topic = method.routing_key
	msg = json.loads(body)
channel.basic_consume(callback, queue=queue_name, no_ack=True)

Topic format

The message topic has the following format:

^     ^           ^      ^
|     |           |      |
|     |           |      +----- What happend with the object (verb in nonfinite form)
|     |           +------------ What object was touched by the action
|     +------------------------ In which application did the event occur
+------------------------------ Was it an internal or external application

Because of obvious reasons an item of the topic must not contain a dot. For word separation use underscores.


  • suse.openqa.comment.create
  • opensuse.openqa.comment.modify
  • opensuse.obs.package.branch
  • opensuse.obs.package.build_fail