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AngelDev0329 AngelDev0329
Web(Reactjs, Nodejs. Vue, PHP) & Mobile(iOS, Android and React Native) application developer
boxiu technology boxiu
Boxiu Open Source

boxiu technology ltd guangzhou,china

Léo Wiebusch leowiebusch

Teutônia (RS) - Brasil

Nathan Tannar nathantannar4
🧑🏻‍💻 iOS/macOS Engineer 🛠️ SwiftUI / UIKit ☕️ Espresso Addict 🏍️ Motorcyclist Building @thebrowsercompany, prev @apple, @luma-team

Vancouver, BC

Oleg easydev991
iOS Developer

Russian Federation

Federico Zanetello zntfdr
Software engineer with a strong passion for well-written code, thought-out composable architectures, automation, tests, and more.