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Егор Овчинников RazerFord
Software developer from ITMO

St. Petersburg

cobaltyang cobaltyang
My research direction is machine learning and deep learning. I have some experience in Python.

Bei Jing

Arthur Heidt ArthurHNL
Everyday above ground is a great day to write code.

@ProdriveTechnologies Eindhoven Area, The Netherlands

Thomas Schouten PHPirates

Eindhoven University of Technology The Netherlands

Bünyamin Ergen bunyaminergen
Artificial Intelligence Engineer [ Multimodal Machine Learning, Adversarial Machine Learning, LLM based Systems]

eTasin Istanbul, Türkiye

Fernando Luiz Avanzo FernandoAvanzo
Desenvolvedor Fullstack, Kotlin, Clojure, Python, Java, JS Curitiba

Ramon Moorlag moorlag
Cocreation manager NOLAI Former Chair Dutch CS teacher association @ieni Having fun with @BJOC-NL and @Heidiskochklub @BJC-NL

@ieni Roermond