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Evans LI liangkeshulizi
Xuanzhao Gao ArrogantGao
PhD student from HKUST working on applied mathematics, programing in Julia.
Chris Snow snowch
Open Source Data & AI - VAST Data

Vast Data United Kingdom

Hall Young hallyoung
👾 cypherpunk 🤖 software engineer

Chongqing, China

Junyan Xu alreadydone
PhD in Math, now pursuing machine learning to facilitate and automate explorations in math and sciences.

Bethesda, MD / Shenzhen

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Ludmi Lopez DamperDoor56
I'm a self-taught web developer, a video game dev enthusiast, and a computer-related-stuff enjoyer. I like to learn a lot
Hasin Ahmed hasin1415

University of Dhaka

Lorenzo Fanton trwa
MSc in Artificial Intelligence, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

@Chronos-srl Italy

虫子樱桃 czyt

@x-gopher gophers-land

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Tan Siret A. yutyo
A coder and student. Free/libre software advocate. GnuPG: 0xE437FD80

Politecnico di Torino Planet Earth

David Kasakaitis ddkasa
Python Enjoyer

London, United Kingdom

Youri Moulanier youri0033
😎 Everything's gonna be alright !


Marcos Hernandez 6d61726b
CS student.

Argentina, Buenos Aires, Bahía Blanca

Yinyi (Shannon) LIU LIU-Yinyi
⭐Light the Way Forward⭐

Hong Kong

nope23 liqQi

UDian Network Technology (ShenZen) Co.,Ltd ShenZen

Kevin Modica KevinModica
NSF Graduate Student Research Fellow at University of California Santa Barbara

UC Santa Barbara

Ian Cristian Yané ianCristianAriel
< Científico de datos 🧑‍💻🌟 + Profe de educación en STEAM 🧩 />

Argentina, Buenos Aires

Mel Mashiku svo2cdc

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Rafael rafaelab

Sorbonne Université Paris, France

Adrian Sieber ad-si
CEO @Airsequel | Haskell, Elm, PureScript, Rust

@Airsequel Frankfurt am Main

S. Alim Reza stephen256
A multifaceted author whose work explores the realms of weird, speculative fiction—blending cosmic horror, occult mystery, and sci-fi




Darío Clavijo daedalus

Montevideo, Uruguay

Toe zjutoe

ZJU Hangzhou