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Christian Nozdub
Through and through techie and geek. Currently studying for a bachelor's in Computer Science (information systems)


LiBin libiner
petroleum engineer
James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Mert Can Yılmaz mertcanyilmaz03
Analyst at Uppsala Conflict Data Program

Uppsala University Uppsala, Sweden

Bjarte M. Østvold bjarte-nr

Norsk Regnesentral Oslo, Norway

Srikanth K S talegari
Explorations in causality, Interpretable Machine Learning, Statistics, geospatial analysis

Walmart Bengaluru

Nina Høegh-Larsen leiacf
I'm only here for the fame

Cellfish Asker. Norway

jmk jmk89

Burlington, VT

James Chang strategist922
PhD Student, Department of Computer Science and Technology Tsinghua University, China

Microsoft Taipei, Taiwan