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Jonathan DUMONT JOduMonT

Sotthi Lyon, FRANCE

Nicolas Pieper nclsppr
- Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Brest & Université de Sherbrooke

@victorbuckservices Metz, France

Arthur Pastel art049
Founder @CodSpeedHQ 🐰 Excited about more tech stuff than I have time for ⚡️🥹

@CodSpeedHQ New York

Sébastien Mestrallet sebmestrallet
PhD student in geometry processing

CEA, @LIHPC-Computational-Geometry Saclay, France

Joeffrey Joeffreya


Dirk Arnez dirkarnez
Freelance Software Engineer | Composer | Mixer | Multi-instrumentalist

Freelance Hong Kong

David tecuzin

Douastart Paris

Mickaël BioSs54

@russe-blanc Bordeaux

Jidé jide

Skillfab Région de Bordeaux, France

Anthony Dumas AdamasFR
Programmeur de les Internets

Sopra Steria Group Clermont-Ferrand

Jonathan Cortadellas JCortadellas
Référent VAE & RNCP pour l'Université de Perpignan Via Domitia

Université de Perpignan Via Domitia Perpignan

Neil Richter noook
Fullstack Developer @bytel-innolab — Contributing to Nuxt Ecosystem on my free time 💚

Bouygues Telecom Paris

Monsif FAKHIR MonsifFakhir
PO Maison de l'Autisme
Gilles Lepretre glepretre
Front-end dev: I turn music + caffeine into code.

@kozea Lyon, France

Tracy Phillips tracphil
Sr. Cloud Engineer

@mantoso Lake Ridge VA, USA

Alizée alizeeeeeee
Started html in 2006 for gaming, I work in communities and marketing for good. I also teach yoga and productivity techniques
Nicolas Humblot nhumblot

Siteflow Malakoff, France

Julien Guézennec molokoloco
Développeur Internet (Full Stack + Design) Paris, France

Jonathan jetaix
Frontend Engineer at @finary-wealth

Finary Paris

Vincent RABAH itwars
Just happy to live / Architect France travail 👍GreenIT: addict ❤️Ansible: YES YES YES 😁Golang: YES 👑CLI: what else?

Oceans Bordeaux, France