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Joergi joergi
Software Developer in Berlin. In <3 with OpenSource! - Propably the only nerd who doesn't like Club Mate! - Vegan for a reason! - Musiclover and concert addict


Doing a PhD at Leiden University Medical Center and meanwhile playing around with code and stuff (mainly Home Assistant).

LUMC Netherlands

Dom Mitchell dommitchell

@DOAJ Stockholm, Sweden

Evgeni Ku kunev
I break things to see how they (don't?) work. | I Pass the butter.

Dext Sofia, Bulgaria

Guilhem Fauré gfauredev
Currently studying in France at Université Paul Sabatier, I’m mostly self-taught and willing to work in real projects.

Guilhem FAURE France

Tommi xplosionmind
I pretend to understand code

A galaxy far, far away


Pittsburgh, PA

Jørgen Lien Sellæg zalox
Owner of juCi++ together with the @cppit team.

Jørgen Lien Sellæg Trondheim, Norway

Wondering how it worksCRHardware & Software


Danny Garside da5nsy
Colour vision researcher. Often thinking about open science and academic publishing.

NIH Washington DC

Rahul rk134
18 | design engineering student

@statixOS | @aospa | @PixelOS-AOSP United Kingdom

Paolo paolo-caroni
Free software user, with basic knowledge of the C language. I would like to help "free" the devices with proprietary software that I use.

Trieste, Italy; Europe

Smooth E Smooth-E
An aspiring application and game developer.
lily celeste newton TheAwesome98-Real
dani if he was free software developer and also if he was a hot girl with massive boobies

Aberdeen, Scotland

Maarten Derks made42

Fairphone Amsterdam

Ash Nansen ashnansen
I am a Drafts man and using Github as a platform for collaboration on Open source project. Working on a new linux distro for Production and Graphical design.

Think Shape Skandinavia

Yana/Yannic Haupenthal tohn

@CPS-IT Bernau bei Berlin

NeoCode xRealNeon
Professional GitHub stalker or Fullstack Developer from Germany


Phil Roggenbuck phrogg

Roggstar Darmstadt

Alistair Harris amharris
UX-thinking developer. Loves: tinkering with emerging technologies and *NIX. Hates: spaghetti code and breaking coding standards/norms.

@safety-services Oxfordshire, England, United Kingdom

devbrones devbrones
Software and hardware engineer based in Stockholm, Sweden. Stockholm, Sweden