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DC oldmonad


Muzhawir Amri muzhawir
Currently learning Elixir, seeking opportunities to learn, collaborate, and contribute to Elixir projects.

Palu, Indonesia

Sebastian Krauzowicz Skrauz
Fellow frontend fella. Likes technology, teamwork and making cool looking stuff. Poland

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
David Chaves dac

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Mateusz Stepaniuk stepaniukm
TypeScript Node.js Developer @the-heart-rnd

@the-heart-rnd Poland

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Amos Kibet amos-kibet
Full-stack developer specialised in Elixir, Phoenix, Phoenix LiveView, Absinthe GraphQL and JavaScript.

@optimumBA Nairobi, Kenya

Jan Szymański konhi
I'm never busy and always happy to hear from YOU! 💕

looking for job Zielona Góra, Poland

MIchał Zieliński MichalxPZ
PUT student, Poland

Poznan, Poland

Artur Dudek datejer
Frontend Developer @ AppUnite

@appunite Poznań, Poland