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xtdumpling xtdumpling
BIOS engineer

Shanghai, China

17 Atopos17
20岁,大学生,Gitee同名,喜欢MacOS,Communist,Atopos_17,独一无二的17,和灵魂,有事情可以邮件联系,@yahoo.com与Gmail.com同名,在学习C/C++或者一些Operating System的一些东西,TCP/IP的一些东西也可以,在准备考研,但考不上。很爱@Crane19

@ california

Opadc Opadc
code is hard, i prefer for talk


Xeonacid Xeonacid

@ComputerScienceHIT China

Freya happyfreya
Knowledge is a joy, and curiosity is the sprout of knowledge.

Hangzhou, China

@Chilhhh Chilhhh
student in Queen Mary university of London, And I major in EE, I love programing and github org.

Queen Mary university of London London


Taipei, Taiwan

Simon.jing simon1003
do something for open source

NI shanghai

Vaniot Firstnsnd

BeiJing China

Alex wahaha02

Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province

Yinzuo Jiang jiangyinzuo
MS Student at ICT, working on Database System.

Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences China

XuLei JiaoYanMoGu

Xiaomi Corporation

Yawen sweetwenwen

Peking University

ShaoKe geyutang
Student at IMECAS.