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HudsonShi HudsonShi
SDE@IBM Alumni@CHD Traffic Eng 16' Alumni@SIT Civil Eng 19' Alumni@UBama Civil Eng 28'

IBM Shenzhen

Álvaro Palao alpamar96
Hello!! I'm a Geomatics Engineer and I'm starting as a junior GIS Developer

Innvel2 Consulting Spain

Nicolas Fierro Viedma nicofierrov
#GIS, #Cities, #Networks, #Spatial.


Manuel Borobio mborobioAbt

ABTEMAS Santiago de Compostela

Luis Varilla Luisvarilla2
Geographer, Specialist in Environment and Geoinformatics. I work with free GIS tools (Python, Qgis, Blender...)

Leorbe Delémont, Switzerland

Andres Moreno andriusmv
GIS weirdo | architect & urban planning | ArcGIS Pro monkey (enterprise-grade) | global development person | drone pilot | JavaScript & Python for ArcGIS

@esri Spain, Europe

Aleix Batlle Aleixbs
Hello there! I'm a GIS developer and code enthusiast! I hope to share and learn along the way with the community!

Esri Spain Spain

Jim HL Wei jimhwei
I am all about geospatial development and data visualization.

Esri Canada Toronto, ON

Finding Passion in the Back-End Developer World: C# | .NET | Python | Java | Spring | Git | JUnit | JavaScript | PHP | Laravel | Symfony | SQL

Juniper Travel Technology España, Spain