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Will Shoemaker wrshoemaker
Postdoc researching microbial ecology and evolution in Jacopo Grilli's group @ ICTP.

ICTP Trieste, Italy

Jianshu_Zhao jianshu93
Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Environmental Microbial genomics lab.

Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta

Young erinyoung
Bioinformatician in public health

Utah Public Health Laboratory Salt Lake City, UT

Leo Featherstone LeoFeatherstone
PhD Candidate in phylodynamics

The University of Melbourne Melbourne

Miguel Álvarez Herrera ahmig
Bioinformatics | Systems biology | SARS-CoV-2 genome epidemiology & pathogen metabolism reconstruction

@PathoGenOmics-Lab València, Spain

Wytamma Wirth Wytamma
Technically a biologist


Hamidzare hamidzare71
a junior web dev


Shimagaki shimagaki

University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine Pittsburgh, USA

Maeruf marvinkobit

@adotsense @ahri-et Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Zane Billings wzbillings
Data scientist and disease studier.

University of Georgia Athens, GA

Anders Gorm Pedersen agormp
Professor of Bioinformatics

Technical University of Denmark Denmark

Doksuri2305 Memorablea
To contribute to international bioscience.Proposed FY.3.2, BA.2.86.2, JN.2, JN.1.4.5, JN.14.


Dirk-Jan dirkjanvw
PhD candidate Bioinformatics

Wageningen University & Research

Nick Minor nrminor
Thinking about population genomics, evolution, and immunogenomics. Writing in Python, R, Rust, &c.

@dholab Madison, Wisconsin

Hudson Harding MusicOfScience
Psychology student

Melbourne, Australia

Eszter Ari barizona
Evolutionary biologist, bioinformatician, academic researcher, university lecturer 💻🧬🦠📊🏳️‍🌈

Biological Research Centre , Institute of Biochemistry, Szeged & Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Genetics Budapest Hungary

Biopig virologist
Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.


Quentin Andres Isoris
Hello there, I am French, I enjoy molecular biology, and microbial genomics. I'm just a PhD student. If you want to work together or collaborate you're welcome

Animal Genomics and Bioresources Research Unit (newer, PhD year 2-3) Center of Excellence in Aquatic Animal Health Management (older, PhD year 1) @ Kasetsart University Bangkok, TH

Ming Hao minghao2016
Applied Bioinformatics and Chemoinformatics 4 Drug Discovery (ABC4D)
Akiyama Crane crane22
Candidate for a Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering from Peking University. With a keen interest in Artificial Intelligence.
Gawin Guo 283Gawin


Vilmar Benetti Filho pharaohs-son

UFSC Florianópolis - SC/Brasil

Camilo García camilogarciabotero
Biologist interested in applying bioinformatics and DS tools to understand evolution in different organisms. Currently working on bacteriophages and epigenomics

Universidad de los Andes Bogotá, Colombia

Gennady Fedonin gFedonin
09/2002 – 06/2008. MIPT (Moscow institute of physics and technology). Bachelor degree in system programming. Master degree in data mining.,

Rafa Lopes rafalopespx
Interested in the dynamics and its signatures on the time series variability on epidemics Working on SARS-CoV-2 nowcasting with genomic data at @grubaughlab

Yale University, School Of Public Health USA

Songtao Gui songtaogui
I study pop-genetics of crops.

SDAU Tai'an