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43 lines (30 loc) · 2.13 KB

File metadata and controls

43 lines (30 loc) · 2.13 KB


Thanks for your interest in contributing to our work at Our World In Data!

What can I contribute?

This repository contains two closely related projects: the grapher visualisation framework, and the Our World In Data site itself.

Contributing to grapher

Contributions to grapher from the general public are most welcome, especially those that fix a known issue, make it easier for others to use grapher, or add new functionality that's broadly useful to many people. If you're unsure if a contribution is appropriate, feel free to start a discussion. Please check with us if you're unsure! We don't want anyone to work on a contribution that we'll be unable to use.

The easiest way to contribute is to report an issue or suggest a way that things can be improved. You can also look at recent open issues to see if any of them are suitable candidates to try solving yourself.

See: open grapher issues

Contributing to the Our World In Data Site

All grapher contributions will be reflected in the Our World In Data site, however public contributions to areas such as site design, layout or content changes will not be accepted.

You are nonetheless welcome to report new issues with these aspects of our site. We look at these issues weekly and aim to solve them when we can.

Contributing code

Code contributions use github flow. You should clone the repository, get it working locally on your machine, and then attempt to make your change. When you are done, submit it as a pull-request. The Readme gives an overview of the different ways to get a working development environment.

Pull-requests are expected to pass continuous integration checks. Your pull-request will then be reviewed by a staff member at Our World In Data, who may ask you to make some changes before they ultimately accept it by merging it.