hoppy is a Python library for accessing the Hoptoad API.
hoppy requires:
The hoppy test suite requires:
- nosetests >= 0.11.2
- mockito-python >= 0.6.10
hoppy is available on PyPi, and the recommended method of installation is pip:
pip install hoppy
Use hoppy to notify Hoptoad of an app deploy:
import hoppy.deploy hoppy.api_key = '<project API key>' hoppy.deploy.Deploy().deploy(env='PRODUCTION', scm_revision='1a6a445', scm_repository='git@github.com:peplin/hoppy.git')
Use hoppy to retreive a specific error:
import hoppy.error hoppy.account = '<your account name>' hoppy.auth_token = '<your personal API auth token>' print hoppy.error.Error().find(2035230).environment