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[S03] Attempt bring more clarity to the semantics of series operators.
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The limit is now always a smartmatch, which must match exactly.
No attempt is made to intuit which direction the series is going,
or to turn exact matches into inequalities.  Non-numeric series
behavior is regularized to work like single characters, taking
into account the target value as indicative of the range desired.
The old semantics are relegated to explicit *.succ and limits.
Also, ... and ...^ are defined in terms of last($x) vs last().
  • Loading branch information
TimToady committed Sep 8, 2010
1 parent 08f22a7 commit 6924749
Showing 1 changed file with 152 additions and 101 deletions.
253 changes: 152 additions & 101 deletions S03-operators.pod
Expand Up @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ Synopsis 3: Perl 6 Operators

Created: 8 Mar 2004

Last Modified: 27 Aug 2010
Version: 215
Last Modified: 7 Sep 2010
Version: 216

=head1 Overview

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1817,7 +1817,10 @@ C<< infix:<...> >>, the series operator.

As a list infix operator, C<...> takes a list on both its left and
right and evaluates them as lazily as possible to produce the desired
series of values. The lists are evaluated as flat lists.
series of values. The lists are evaluated as flat lists. As with
all list infix operators, this operator is looser in precedence than
comma, so you do not need to parenthesize comma lists on either side
of it.

The operator starts by getting the first value of righthand list.
This is the only value of the right list that the C<...> operator is
Expand All @@ -1831,22 +1834,40 @@ operator itself.
Once we know the limit of the series, the left list is evaluated item
by item, and ordinary numeric or string values are passed through
unchanged (to the extent allowed by the limit on the right).
If any value in the series is C<eqv> to the limit value,
the series terminates, including that final limit value. For any value
after the first lefthand value, if that value and the previous value
fall on opposite sides of the limit, the series terminates without
including either the limit value or the value that exceeded the limit.

If the limit is C<*>, the series has no limit. If the limit is
a closure, it will be evaluated for boolean truth on the tail of
the current list, and the series will continue as long as the closure
returns true. (We can't implement this till we fix all the old
usages of right-hand generators, however.)
If any value in the series smartmatches the limit value,
the series terminates, including that final limit value. To omit
the final value, use the C<...^> form instead.

Internally, these two forms are checking to see if an anonymous loop
is going to terminate, where the loop is what is returning the values
of the series. Assuming the next candidate value is in C<$x> and the
first element of the right side is in C<$limit>, the two operators
are implemented respectively as:

... last($x) if $x ~~ $limit;
...^ last if $x ~~ $limit;

Since this uses smartmatching via the C<~~> operator (see L<Smart
matching> below), the usual smartmatching rules apply. If the
limit is C<*>, the series has no limit. If the limit is a closure,
it will be evaluated for boolean truth on the current candidate,
and the series will continue as long as the closure returns false.
It's quite possible for a series to return fewer values than are
listed if the very first value matches the end test:

my $lim = 0;
1,2,3 ...^ * > $lim # returns Nil, since 1 > 0

This operator would be fairly useless if it could only return the
literal values on the left. The power comes from generating
new values from the old ones. If the last item in the left-hand
list is a closure, it is not returned, but rather it is called
new values from the old ones. You may, for instance, use an existing
generator that happens to produce an infinite list:

1..* ... * >= $lim
@fib ... * >= $lim

More typically, if the next item in the left-hand
list is a closure, it is not returned; rather it is called
on the tail of the existing list to produce a new value. The
arity of the closure determines how many preceding values to
use as input in generating the next value in the series. For
Expand All @@ -1870,34 +1891,39 @@ in the lefthand list may be construed as human-readable documentation:

0,2,4, { $_ + 2 } ... 42 # all the evens up to 42
0,2,4, *+2 ... 42 # same thing
<a b c>, {.succ } ... * # same as 'a'..*
<a b c>, { .succ } ... * # same as 'a'..*

When no limit is given, the function need not be monotonic:
The function need not be monotonic:

1, -* ... * # 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1...
False, &prefix:<!> ... * # False, True, False...

The function can be 0-ary as well, in which case it's okay for the
closure to be the first thing:

{ rand }...* # list of random numbers
{ rand } ... * # list of random numbers

The function may also be slurpy (n-ary), in which case C<all> the
preceding values are passed in (which means they must all be cached
by the operator, so performance may suffer).
by the operator, so performance may suffer, and you may find yourself
with a "space leak").

The arity of the function need not match the number of return values, but
if they do match you may interleave unrelated sequences:

1,1,{ $^a + 1, $^b * 2 }...* # 1,1,2,2,3,4,4,8,5,16,6,32...

Note in this case that the any limit test is applied to the entire parcel
returned from the function, which contains two values.

A series operator generated from an explicit function places no type
constraints on the series other than those constraints implied by
the signature of the function. If the signature of the function does
not match the existing values, the series terminates.

If no closure is provided, and the sequence is numeric, and is obviously
arithmetic or geometric (from examining its I<last> 3 values), the appropriate function is deduced:
If no generating closure is provided, and the sequence is numeric,
and is obviously arithmetic or geometric (from examining its I<last>
3 values), the appropriate function is deduced:

1, 3, 5 ... * # odd numbers
1, 2, 4 ... * # powers of 2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1951,51 +1977,43 @@ so these come out the same:
'a','b','c' ... *
<a b c> ... *

If the list on the left is C<Nil>, we use the function C<{Nil}> to generate an
If the list on the left is C<()>, we use the function C<{()}> to generate an
infinite supply of nothing.

For intuited numeric generators that don't involve geometric sign changes, all
values are assumed to be monotonically increasing or decreasing, as determined
by the (up to) three values used above; if a supplied limit value is on the
"wrong" side of the first value of the full left list, Nil is returned, even
though the limit value never matches, and never falls between two generated values.
If a limit is given, it must smartmatch exactly. If it does not,
an infinite list results. For instance, since "asymptotically
approaching" is not the same as "equals", both of the following are
infinite lists, as if you'd specified C<*> for the limit rather than 0:

my $n = 0;
1,2,4 ... $n; # (), geometric increasing
-1,-2 ... $n; # (), arithmetic decreasing
1,1/2,1/4 ... 0 # like 1,1/2,1/4 ... *
1,-1/2,1/4 ... 0 # like 1,-1/2,1/4 ... *

For a geometric series with sign changes, the same criterion is used, but
applied only to the absolute value, and the impossibility of a limit is
evaluated by whether it's inside or outside the possible range:
Likewise, this is all of the even numbers:

1,-2,4 ... 0 # (), geometric alternating increasing abs
1,-1/2,1/4 ... 2 # (), geometric alternating decreasing abs
my $end = 7;
0,2,4 ... $end

But since "asymptotically approaching" is not the same as "equals", both of
the following are infinite lists, as if you'd specified C<*> for the limit
rather than 0:
To catch such a situation, it is advised to write an inequality instead:

1,1/2,1/4 ... 0 # like 1,1/2,1/4 ... *
1,-1/2,1/4 ... 0 # like 1,-1/2,1/4 ... *
0,2,4 ...^ { $_ > $end }

When an explicit limit function is used, it
may choose to terminate its list by returning any false value.
may choose to terminate its list by returning any true value.
Since this operator is list associative, an inner function may be
followed by a C<...> and another function to continue the list,
and so on. Hence,

1, *+1 ... { $_ < 10 },
10, *+10 ... { $_ < 100 },
100, *+100 ... { $_ < 1000 }
1, *+1 ... { $_ == 9 },
10, *+10 ... { $_ == 90 },
100, *+100 ... { $_ == 900 }



Given the heuristic when there's no closure,
Given the normal matching rules when there's no closure,
we can write that more simply as:

1, 2, 3 ... 9,
Expand All @@ -2009,29 +2027,23 @@ or even just:
100, 200, 300 ... 900

since an exactly matching limit is returned as part of the
sequence. And, in fact, since C<...> is list associative,
and the heuristic depends only on the list to the immediate
left, we can even say:

1, 2 ...
10, 20 ...
100, 200 ... 900

This works because the second C<...> sees only the 10,20, not
the 9 before that, and likewise the third C<...> is blind to
the 90 value. You can use parens to force one C<...> to be
part of the list of another C<...> operator.

The exact function deduced depends on the direction from the final
value on the left to the limit value on the right. If the limit is
greater than the last value according to C<cmp>, then comparisons
are done with C<!after>. If the limit is less, then comparisons are
done with C<!before>, and if the generator function was C<.succ>, it
is switched to C<.pred>. Hence we have this difference:

'z' .. 'a' # null range
sequence, provided it is a value of the appropriate type, and
not a closure.

For functions deduced when there is only one value on the left,
the final value is used to determine whether C<*.succ> or C<*.pred> is
more appropriate. The two values are compared with C<cmp> to determine
the direction of the progression.

Hence the series operator is "auto-reversing", unlike a range operator.

'z' .. 'a' # represents a null range
'z' ... 'a' # z y x ... a

As with numeric values, a string match must be exact, or an infinite series
is produced. Use a different smartmatch such as a regular expression or
a closure to do fancier tests.

Note that the sequence

1.0, *+0.2 ... 2.0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2067,51 +2079,94 @@ any sequence that falls within a conventional rangechar range:

If a series is generated using a non-monotonic C<.succ> function, it is
possible for it never to reach the endpoint. The following matches:
If the start and stop strings are the same length, this is applied at every position, with carry.

'aa' ... 'zz' # same as 'a' .. 'z' X~ 'a' .. 'z'

'A' ... 'ZZ'
Hence, to produce all octal numbers that fit in 16 bits, you can say:

but since 'Z' increments to 'AA', none of these ever terminate:
'000000' ... '177777'

'A' ... 'zz'
'A' ... '00'
'A' ... '~~'
If the start string is shorter than the stop string, the strings are
assumed to be right justitifed, and the leftmost start character is
duplicated when there is a carry:

The compiler is allowed to complain if it notices these, since if you
really want the infinite list you can always write:
'0' ... '177777' # same octal sequence, without leading 0's

'A' ... *
Going the other way, digits are dropped when they go to the first existing
digit until the current value is as short as the final value, then the digits
are left there. Which is a fancy way of saying that

To preserve Perl 5 semantics, you'd need something like:
'177777' ... '000000'

'A' ... -> $old,$new { $old ne $endpoint and $new.chars <= 1; }

But since lists are lazy in Perl 6, we don't try to protect the user this way.
'177777' ... '0'

The astute reader will note that
both do exactly what the forward series do above, only in reverse.

'A' ... 'ZZ'
As an extra special rule, that works in either direction, if the bottom
character is a '0' and the top character is alphanumeric, it is assumed
to be representing a number in some base up to base 36, where digits above ten
are represented by letters. Hence the seme sequences of 16-bit numbers, only in
hexadecimal, may be produced with:

doesn't terminate with a simple C<!after> test either. The actual function used
is something like:
'0000' ... 'ffff'
'0' ... 'ffff'
'ffff' ... '0000'
'ffff' ... '0'

'A', *.succ ... -> $old,$new { $old ne 'ZZ' and $new !after 'ZZ'; }
And as a limiting case, this applies to single characters also:

Likewise, since Z comes after A:
'0' .. 'F' # 0..9, 'A'..'F'

'ZZ' ... 'AA'
Note that case is intuited from the top character of the range.

uses the function:
There are many different possible semantics for string increment.
If these isn't the semantics you want, you can always write your own
successor function. Sometimes the stupid codepoint counting is what you want.
For instance, you can get away with ranges of capital Greek letters:

'ZZ', *.pred ... -> $old,$new { $old ne 'AA' and $new !before 'AA'; }
'ΑΑΑ' ... 'ΩΩΩ'

However, if you try it with the lowercase letters, you'll get both
forms of lower-case sigma, which you proably don't want. If there's
only one or two letters you don't want, you can grep out those entries,
but in the general case, you need an incrementer that knows what sequence
you're interested in. Perhaps there can be a generic method,

'ααα', *.succ-in(@greek) ... 'ωωω'

that will take any given sequence and use it as the universe of incrementation
for any matching characters in the string.

To preserve Perl 5 length limiting semantics of a range like
C<'A'..'zzz'>, you'd need something like:

'A', *.succ ... { last if .chars > 3; $_ eq 'zzz' }

(That's not an exact match to what Perl 5 does, since C<Str.succ> is
a bit fancier in Perl 6, but starting with 'A' it'll work the same.
You can always supply your own increment function.)

Note that the C<last> call above returns no argument, so even though
the internal test calls C<last($x)>, this call to C<last> bypasses that
as if the series had been specified with C<...^> instead. Going the
other way, a C<...^> maybe be forced to have a final value by passing
an argument to an explicit C<last($my-last-value)>. In the same way,
that will bypass the argumentless internal C<last>.

In a similar way, the series may be terminated by calling C<last>
from the generator function:

10,9,8, { $_ - 1 || last } ... * # same as 10 ... 1

For purposes of deciding when to terminate the eager part of a 'mostly
eager' list, any series that terminates with an exact value (or
that starts another series with exact values) is considered finite,
as is any series that has an explicit ending closure.
However, any series that ends C<*> is considered to be of unknowable
length (even if extended with a closure that has internal logic to
length (even if generated with a closure that has internal logic to
terminate). However, by the definition of "mostly eager" in L<S07>,
the implementation may be able to determine that such a sequence is
finite by conjectural evaluation; such workahead cannot, of course,
Expand All @@ -2124,16 +2179,12 @@ come to grief:

@a = 1, *+0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001 ... 2; # heat death

Much like the C<..^> range operator, there is an alternate form of
the operator that excludes the limit if it happens to match exactly:

0,1,2 ...^ 100,42 # same as ^100,42

There is no corresponding exclusion on the left side. The compiler
may complain if it sees anything on the right that is not a literal:

0,1,2 ...^ *
0,1,2 ...^ {$_ < 100}
For any such series or list that the user knows to be infinite, but
the computer can't easily know it, it is allowed to mark the end of
the list with a C<*>, which indicates that it is to be treated as an
infinite list in contexts which care. Similarly, any list ending
with an operator that interprets C<*> as infinity may be taken the
same way, such as C<$n xx *>, or C<1..*>.

=item *

Expand Down

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