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LFtools is a set of four programmes to compute luminosity functions (LF). One programme corrects the catalogue for absorption, photometric redshift uncertainties, and redshift incompleteness; all corrections are optional. The other three programmes compute LFs as binned estimates, maximum-likelihood fit, or Bayesian posterior samples. Companion software includes plotting routines.


Source installation

LFtools has the following requirements:

  • gfortran, at least version 4.7;
  • CERNLIB (for maximum-likelihood fits);
  • MultiNest (for Bayesian inference).

MultiNest itself requires: cmake, openmpi, BLAS. Please refer to the MultiNest documentation.

You can get the LFtools sources as a zip file from the repository. Then unzip and cd into the LFtools directory:

cd LFtools

Start by compiling the FSON and m_option_parser libraries:

cd libextra/fson
cd ../m_option_parser
gfortran -c m_option_parser.F90
cd ../..

Next, compile lf-catcorrect and lf-binned:

cd src1

If the programmes compile successfully, the binaries will be in LFtools/bin. Next, compile lf-ml and lf-mn. These are compiled separately. Move to the second source directory:

cd ../src2

and edit the Makefile, making sure to set up correctly the LDFLAGS line at its beginning: it should points to the location where the required libraries are. There are a few examples included as comments. Compile:


Finally, compile the Bayesian inference tools:

cd Multinest

If the programmes compile successfully, all the binaries will be in LFtools/bin.

We acknowledge the use of the following Fortran modules, whose source we redistribute together with LFtools, and which whose copyrights are of the respective authors:

Preliminary steps

Prepare catalogue, area, and photoz files

The first step is to prepare the input catalogue and area files.

The input catalogue should be an ASCII table with the following columns:

  1. ID number
  2. 2-10 keV flux
  3. specflag (1 if spectroscopic redshift; 0 if photometric)
  4. redshift
  5. match probability (use 1 if you are uncertain)
  6. 0.5-2 / 2-10 keV flux ratio
  7. optical ID number
  8. intrinsic flux (optional; see below)

Comment lines are recognised if they start with a hash symbol (#). Optical ID numbers will be used to locate the file containing the photometric redshift probability distribution (one file per source in the catalogue).

The column "intrinsic flux" can be used if you want to experiment with your own method for correcting absorption. In that case, fill this column, and when calling lf-catcorrect disable the programme's absorption correction and signal that you are providing your own by using the options: --nhprob=F --intrinsicflux=T .

An example of how to prepare the catalogue can be found in src1/convert-cosmos.f90; this programme reads the XMM-COSMOS catalogue, extracts the relevant information, and writes it in the LFtools input format. To compile and run it:

make convert

The area file should be an ASCII table with the following columns:

  1. log10( flux )
  2. coverage (in deg$^{-2}$)

where the coverage is the area over which a source brighter than flux could be observed. Comment lines are recognised if they start with a hash symbol (#).

If you want to correct for photometric redshift uncertainties, you need a file for each source in the catalogue. These files should be named "Id number .spec" where number is the optical ID, padded with zeroes to 9 digits. Example: source with optical ID = 123 has its photoz distribution in the file "Id000000123.spec". These files should contain a section, starting at line LSTART and with a length of LLEN, with two columns:

  1. redshift
  2. probability

The programme lf-catcorrect will need to know LSTART and LLEN when run. In this way, you can use photoz files directly as they come from the photoz software (e.g., LePHARE). You can put the photoz files in a separate directory from the catalogue.

Correct and format the catalogue for downstream tools

Having prepared the input catalogue, the area files, and the photoz files, you can now run lf-catcorrect to do the corrections. Using again XMM-COSMOS as an example:

./lf-catcorrect --infile=xmmcosmos-formatted-cat.dat
               --nhcorr=T  --savenhcorr
	   --RUzmatrix=RUzmatrix-burlon.dat -minLogR=-4
               --pdfstart=63 --pdfstop=713

In this example we have specified all possible options:

  • input and output files (infile, outfile);
  • corrections for absorption (nhprob);
  • save the applied absorption corrections as a further column in outfile;
  • use the file RUzmatrix-burlon.dat for the absorption corrections, with a minimum logR = 4;
  • corrections for photoz uncertainties (photozpdf);
  • photoz files are in .../SPEC_files_cosmos;
  • photoz information starts at line 63 and goes on to line 713;
  • K-corrections assume a power-law spectrum with Gamma=1.7;
  • completeness corrections (complcorr, corrfile);
  • use of user-provided intrinsic fluxes (disabled by default, and in the example).

To turn off corrections, use --nhprob=F and/or --photozpdf=F and/or --complcorr=F (but corrections are anyway off by default).

Completeness corrections are considered experimental, and their use is discouraged, hence it is not documented. If you need to correct for incompleteness, a better way is to modify the survey coverage to reflect this. See e.g. how the XMM-LSS area is treated in Ranalli et al. 2016.

The only mandatory options are infile and outfile.

The output catalogue file will have many more records and a different structure with respect to the input catalogue, so be aware that the two are not interchangeable. The output catalogue is what is needed by the downstream tools. Its format is, for documentation's sake, the following:

  1. ID number
  2. absorption-corrected flux
  3. weight
  4. redshift
  5. luminosity
  6. match probability [7. optional: applied correction for absorption, in Log-scale]

In fact, what lf-catcorrect does is to split each source into all the possible values of luminosity and redshift that it could have, given the probability distributions of the photoz and of the absorption.

Binned luminosity functions

The programme lf-binned computes non-parametric, binned estimates of the LF, using the method described in Ranalli et al. 2015 which is a variant of the method by Page & Carrera (2000, MNRAS 311, 433). Both methods have their root in the 1/Vmax method (Schmidt 1968, ApJ 151, 393).

As the input for this programme, you need at least a corrected catalogue produced by lf-catcorrect, and an area file. This should be specified in a configuration file, which allows multiple catalogues to be read together. Following the previous example:

./lf-binned  xmmcosmos.json

The configuration file is in the JSON format. See below for [how to write a configuration file](#Configuration files).

The programme will then ask for the bin boundaries: log Lmin, log Lmax, zmin, zmax. The output, marked by a per cent sign (%) at the end of the line, will be the LF estimate in Mpc$^{-3}$, followed by the lower and upper ends of the 68.3% confidence interval. The estimate of the confidence interval is done assuming Gaussianity if there are at least 50 sources in the bin; or otherwise using the Gehrels approximation.

After computation, the programme will ask for a new bin. So, a useful idiom to calculate an entire LF is:

./lf-binned xmmcosmos.json < inputbinned.dat | grep %

Where the file inputbinned.dat contains the definitions of the interesting bins, and the grep command will remove all the inessential information and only catch the LF result.

Parametric luminosity functions

Parametric LFs allow to estimate model features such as the knee luminosity Lstar, critical redshifts, etc., by means of fitting a model to the data. The likelihood is a function of the data and of the model, and measures how well the model describes the data. (Formally, it is the probability of observing the data, given the model).

The most common model for LFs is a double powerlaw, which has the following parameters:

  • gamma1 (slope at L < $\sim$ Lstar);
  • gamma2 (slope at L > $\sim$ Lstar);
  • Lstar;
  • normalisation.

LFs evolve, i.e. they change their parameters with the redshift. Several models have been proposed in the literature; currently the most favoured ones are:

  • LDDE (luminosity-dependent density evolution), requiring 5 or 11 parameters to describe the evolution;
  • LADE (luminosity and density evolution), requiring 4 parameters.

An in-depth description of these models, their parameters, and their astrophysical meaning is beyond the scope of this document. More information can be found in Ranalli et al. 2015 or in other literature papers (e.g. Aird et al. 2010, ...).

LFtools currently implements the following models:

  • "noevol": double powerlaw with no evolution;
  • "pdle": double powerlaw + pure density/luminosity evolution;
  • "ldde": double powerlaw + LDDE (Ueda et al. 2003 version);
  • "ldde15": double powerlaw + LDDE (Ueda et al. 2014 version);
  • "lade": double powerlaw + LADE;
  • "ladebpl": double powerlaw + LADEBPL (original model by Ueda et al. 2003).

We note that LADE here uses a different normalisation than what used by Aird et al. (2010). Our normalisation is such that density evolution is zero at z=0, as in Fotopoulou et al. (submitted). For more information, see Ranalli et al. 2015.

LADEBPL is a variant on LADE: instead of using the double powerlaw as in Aird et al. (2010), it uses a broken poweraw as in Ueda et al. (2003); everything else is the same.

Maximum-likelihood estimates

The programme lf-ml finds the best-fit model parameters by maximising the likelihood. The same model can be fit to several data sets (currently, up to 10) at the same timing, giving the parameters that fit best all the data.

To pass a variable number of catalogue and area files to lf-ml, a configuration file is used. Also, the user has the possibility of putting constraints on the parameters and/or fixing them at any value; this is done through a command file.

The programme can be run as:

./lf-ml xmmcosmos.json  minuit.ldde

The configuration file (xmmcosmos.json in the example) is a text file containing the choice of evolution, and the list of catalogue and area files. The JSON format is used. See below for [how to write a configuration file](#Configuration files).

The MINUIT library is used to maximise the likelihood (technically, the opposite of the likelihood is minimised). The command file (minuit.ldde) is used by MINUIT to know the range of validity of each parameter, and to start the minimisation. Two command files, minuit.ldde and minuit.lade, are provided with LFtools and can be used as they are. They contain reasonable defaults and commands, and can be modified by the user if needed (please refer to the MINUIT documentation). MINUIT is a part of the CERNLIB libraries, which must be installed in order to use lf-ml.

The output of lf-ml is directly provided by MINUIT; it is usually self-explanatory.

The running time of lf-ml depends on the catalogue size, on whether absorption and photoz corrections have been applied, and on the model; in worst cases it may require several tens of minutes.

Bayesian estimates

While maximum-likelihood gives a point estimate of the parameters, with errors computed assuming Gaussianity in the neighbourhood of the best-fit values, Bayesian estimates provide a more accurate description of the best-fitting parameter space. It requires, however, much longer computational times than maximum-likelihood.

The starting point for Bayesian estimation is the same likelihood function used for maximum-likelihood. Prior distributions are also required for the parameters under analysis. The priors and the likelihood are combined to produce posterior distributions for the parameters. The posterior measures the probability of a given set of parameter values, after having extracted all information from the data. For more information, we refer the user to any textbook on Bayesian statistics (e.g. Gregory, "Bayesian logical data analysis for the physical sciences", Cambridge, 2005), or to astrophysics-oriented introductions such as Andreon 2011 (arXiv:1112.3652).

An important aspect of Bayesian computation is the method used to get the posterior distributions. Most times, these distributions cannot be obtained in closed form. Instead, they are usually obtained in the form of posterior samples, i.e. large sets of parameter values whose statistical distribution follows the posterior. The posterior distribution is then reconstructed empirically from the posterior samples.

Several methods have been devised to obtain posterior samples, the best-known one probably being MonteCarlo Markov Chains (MCMC). Recently, nested sampling has been proposed as a more efficient alternative (Skilling 2006, Bayesian Analysis, 1, 833) and used for LFs by Aird et al. (2010). A growingly-used implementation of nested sampling is offered by the MultiNest libraries (Feroz et al. 2008, arXiv:0809.3437; Feroz et al. 2013, arXiv:1306.2144).


The programme lf-mn performs Bayesian estimation of LFs, using the MultiNest libraries for posterior sampling. It can be run as a single-processor job as:

./lf-mn xmmcosmos.json

or as a parallel job as (for example, on 4 processor cores):

mpirun -n 4 ./lf-mn xmmcosmos.json

The configuration file (xmmcosmos.json in the example) is a text file containing the choice of evolution, the prior distributions, and the list of catalogue and area files. The same configuration file may be used for maximum-likelihood and for Bayesian analysis (see below for details). The catalogue and area files are specified in the the configuration; they should be in the same format used for lf-binned and lf-ml.

The prior distributions can be either flat within a range, or a combination of Cauchy and Gamma functions. See [below](#Prior distributions).

The output of lf-mn is governed by the MultiNest libraries. A series of files will be created. Below we only describe two of them, and refer to the MultiNest documentation for further information.

A nice feature of the MultiNest libraries is that they allow resuming an interrupted run. As long as the output files are not tampered with, and the [root]resume.dat file is present, you can restart the computation using the same command given when starting.

Prior distributions

MultiNest assumes that all parameters follow a uniform distribution bounded in the [0,1] interval. These parameters must be mapped to physical-world parameters (e.g. normalisation, Lstar, ...) by the likelihood function.

LFtools can use either flat priors, where the parameters are uniformly distributed in a physically-relevant interval, or a combination of Cauchy and Gamma function.

An example of flat priors is the following:

parameter              min      max
A                       -1        3
gamma1                  .3        3
gamma2                  .3        5
log Lstar             41         47
zc                      .01       5
p1                   -10         10
p2                   -10         10
alpha (LDDE only)     -1          3
La (LDDE only)        41         47
d (LADE only)         -1          5

They should be specified in the configuration file by assigning the keyword:

    "priors"    : "flat"

and listing the min-maxes of the parameters as follows:

"ladelimits" : {
"A"     : [ -1., 5. ],
"gamma1": [ -7, 7. ],
"gamma2": [ -7, 7. ],
"Lstar" : [ 41, 47 ],
"zc"    : [ 0.01, 5 ],
"p1"    : [-10, 10 ],
"p2"    : [-10, 10 ],
"d"     : [ -1, 5  ]
"lddelimits" : {
"A"     : [ -1., 5. ],
"gamma1": [ -7, 7. ],
"gamma2": [ -7, 7. ],
"Lstar" : [ 41, 47 ],
"zc"    : [ 0.01, 5 ],
"p1"    : [-10, 10 ],
"p2"    : [-10, 10 ],
"alpha" : [ -1, 3  ],
"La"    : [ 41, 47 ]

Cauchy/Gamma priors do not have hard bounds as the flat prios. Instead, they have a location (Cauchy only) and scale. Cauchy priors have the following probability density distribution:

P_Cauchy(x) = 1 / { PI * [1 + ((x-m)/s)^2] }

where PI is 3.141593..., m is the location, and s is the scale. The Cauchy distribution is also known as the Lorentz distribution. Gamma priors follow a Gamma(k=1,theta=1) distribution:

P_Gamma(x) = exp(-x/s)

The main difference is that the Cauchy distribution allows negative values, while the Gamma does not. Therefore the Gamma is especially useful for quantities such as redshift. This kind of prior should be specified as follows:

"ladecauchygamma" : {
"A"     : [ 1.5,  2.5 , 1],
"gamma1": [ 0.6,  2.5 , 1],
"gamma2": [ 3,    2.5 , 1],
"Lstar" : [ 45,   2.0 , 1],
"zc"    : [  2,     0 , 0],
"p1"    : [ 6.4,    5 , 1],
"p2"    : [ -0.24,  5 , 1],
"d"     : [ -0.2, 2.5 , 1]

Each triplet of numbers specifies location, scale, and switch. The switch is the last element in the triplet, and commands whether the Cauchy is to be used (switch=1) or the Gamma (switch=0). For Cauchy, the two first and second elements in the triplet are location and scale, respectively. For Gamma, the first element is scale and the second is not used.

Location can be thought as the mean of the distribution, and scale has the same role that the sigma has for Gaussians. Location should be set to some "best-guess" value, e.g. results from a previous paper. Scale is a bit trickier because Cauchy distributions have long tails; treating them as they were Gaussian sigmas is a reasonable guess.

The LADEBPL model uses the same priors of LADE, so they shold be specified with "ladelimits" or "ladecauchygamma".

Output: posterior samples file

The file [root]post_equal_weights.dat contains the posterior samples. Each line is a draw from the posterior distribution of the LF parameters. The structure of the file is as follows:

  1. parameter no. 1 (A = LF normalisation)g
  2. parameter no. 2 (gamma1)
  3. parameter no. 3 (gamma2)
  4. parameter no. 4 (log Lstar)
  5. parameter no. 5 (zc)
  6. parameter no. 6 (p1)
  7. parameter no. 7 (p2)
  8. parameter no. 8 (if LDDE: alfa; if LADE: d)
  9. if LDDE: parameter no. 9 (La); if LADE: log likelihood
  10. if LDDE: log likelihood; if LADE: not used

The parameters are in MultiNest's scale, i.e. in the 0,1 interval. The Perl scripts and (see the section [Companion programmes](#Companion programmes)) can be used to scale the parameters to their phyisical-world scales:

./ my_post_equal_weights.dat > my_rescaled_posteriors.dat
./ my_post_equal_weights.dat > my_rescaled_posteriors.dat

The rescaled posteriors can be inspected for example with TOPCAT, which can also plot the marginal densities. To plot the LF, the and programmes can be use (see [Companion programmes](#Companion programmes)).

As further possiblities, we note that the MultiNest documentation mentions the following options for visualising its output:

Livepoints file

The file [root]physlive.dat (where [root] is that specified in the configuration file) contains the live points used by MultiNest for its sampling. The live points are continuously updated during computation, and represent the current best estimate of the LF. This file is useful for monitoring MultiNest's progress. The columns in the file contain first the parameters, than the log-likelihood and the mode number. The format is therfore the same as for post_equal_weights.dat, just with a further column. The same set of companion programmes (,, can be used.


The basic ("vanilla") MultiNest algorithm is used, with multi-modal search turned on. Switching to Importance Nested Sampling, or to constant-efficiency mode, requires editing the file params.f90 and recompiling lf-mn. Other hard-coded parameters of interest are: tol=0.5, efr=0.5. See the MultiNest documentation.

Configuration files

The following is an example of a configuration file:

    "catalogues" : [
	"cat"  : "catalogue-cdfs.dat",
	    	"area" : "xmmcdfs-completeness210.dat"
	"cat"  : "catalogue-cosmos.dat",
	    	"area" : "xmmcosmos-area.dat"
"cosmology" : {
	    "H0" : 70.,
	    "OL" : 0.7,
	    "OM" : 0.3
    "nhcorr" : 1,
"Umarginal" : "Umarginal-burlon.dat",
"evolution" : "ldde",
    "root" : "chains/test-",
    "seed" : 8471

Not all keywords need to be specified, since this depends on which programme in LFtools is being run. The requirements are:

  • lf-binned just needs catalogues and cosmology;
  • lf-ml needs catalogues, cosmology, and evolution;
  • lf-mn needs everything.

The example above includes:

  • the seed for the number generator;
  • a root name for the output files (in this case, files will be put in a chains subdirectory, and their name will start with test-. The chains directory should be created before running lf-mn);
  • the choice of evolution (ldde or lade);
  • a flag (nhcorr) to specify that absorption corrections should be considered when computing the coverage (see Ranalli et al. 2015 nhcorr=0 means using Eq.(6), nhcorr=1 means using Eq.(9);
  • a list of catalogues and area files. Note the use of square brackets to contain the list, and of braces to contain the {cat,area} pairs.

If there is any error in the format of the configuration file, the program will exit with an error referring to "object creation" or "unexpected character".

Note that the JSON standard specifies that number start with a number, that is, a quantity like 0.1 should be written as "0.1" and not as ".1". A common error may therefore be the following:

ERROR: Unexpected character while parsing value. '.' ASCII=          46

which is usually due to some number written with a leading dot (e.g.: .1).

For more information on the JSON format, see e.g. the wikipedia article or the official website.

How to add more evolution models

Editing the code is required.

  1. In src2/lumf_funcs.f90, add a new evolution type by subclassing 'evolution' (see how ldde, lade etc. work). Non-power-law models can be added by subclassing z0function (see the doublepowerlaw class). Models that break the assumption that evolution can be broken into a luminosity-evolution part and a density-evolution part (e.g. the flexible double power-law by Aird et al. 2015) may require a complete rework of the class hierarchy.

  2. In src2/startup.f90, subroutine allocateLF, add a proper case to the if/elseif/endif sequence to allocate the newly defined class.

  3. In src2/ml-fit.f90, subroutine FCN, add a proper case to the select type statement. You need to pass to ev%set() the proper amount of parameters: start with xval(5) and increment up to what you need.

  4. In src2/Multinest/lfmnconfig.f90, subroutine configure, add a proper case to the if/elseif/endif sequence right after the 'set prior parameters' comment. The variable numparams is the total number of parameters (4 for the double powerlaw, plus what you need for evolution). End the block with a call to a new subroutine ('set_yourevolution_params'). Write the latter subroutine, looking at the others as examples. The variable 'keyword' is the one which you will need to specify in the configuration .json file.

  5. In src2/Multinest/mn_glue.f90, subroutine calclikelihood, add a proper case to the select types, to pass the parameters from MultiNest to the luminosity function code.

  6. Recompile, calling make both in src2/ and in src2/Multinest/.

Companion programmes

Convert MultiNest chains to physical-world scale

./lf-readchains  config.json 1-post_equal_weights.txt > pew-rescaled.dat

lf-readchains converts the unity hypercube used by MultiNest into physical coordinates. The post_equal_weights output from MultiNest is read, rescaled according to the user choice of evolution and parameter limits, and output to the terminal. (The output is redirected on a file in the example above). Two parameters are needed on the command line: the config file, and the post_equal_weights from MultiNest.

lf-readchains is written in Perl and uses the JSON::Tiny and File::Slurp modules, which can be installed from CPAN.

Plot all chains

Compute and plot Highest Posterior Densities (HPD)

./lf-hpd  config.json pew-rescaled.dat

lf-hpd computes the 1, 2 and 3 sigma HPD intervals from the set of samples of LF (calculated with lf-mn and rescaled with lf-readchains). lf-phd will output a series of files, one for the following redshifts: 0, 0.25, 0.75, 1.25, 1.75, 2.5, 3.5. Each files contains a table with the following columns: luminosity, 1 sigma lower bound of the interval, 1 sigma upper bound, 2 sigma lower bound, 2 sigma upper bound, 3 sigma lower bound, 3 sigma upper bound.

lf-hpd is written in Perl and uses the following modules which can be installed from either CPAN or the linux distribution repositories or macports: Moose, PDL; and the following which can be installed from CPAN: JSON::Tiny, File::Slurp.


  • Coverage curves are currently limited to <=150 data points


A set of programs to compute luminosity functions.







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