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Arthur Zagretdinov edited this page Apr 21, 2019 · 10 revisions

Using PowerMock with Mockito


  1. Introduction
  2. Supported Versions
  3. Maven Configuration
  4. Usage
    1. Mocking static methods
      1. Verifying Behavior
      2. Argument Matchers
      3. Verifying exact number of calls
      4. Stub void static method to throw exception
      5. Full example for mocking, stubbing & verifying static method
    2. Partial Mocking
      1. Verifying Behavior
      2. Verifying Private Behavior
      3. Mock construction of new objects
      4. Verifying construction of new objects
      5. Using Argument Matchers
      6. Spying
      7. Partial mocking of a private method
  5. Mockito Inline Mock Maker
  6. Further Information
  7. Mockito 1.7


Basically, PowerMock provides a class called "PowerMockito" for creating mock/object/class and initiating verification, and expectations, everything else you can still use Mockito to setup and verify expectation (e.g. times(), anyInt()).

All usages require @RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class) and @PrepareForTest annotated at class level.

Supported versions

PowerMock version 2.0.0 and upper has support of Mockito 2. PowerMock version 1.7.0 and upper has experimental support of Mockito 2.

A lot of issues are not resolved still. PowerMock uses internal Mockito API, but at least it possible to use both mocking framework together.

Mockito PowerMock
2.8.9+ 2.x
2.8.0-2.8.9 1.7.x
2.7.5 1.7.0RC4
2.4.0 1.7.0RC2
2.0.0-beta - 2.0.42-beta 1.6.5-1.7.0RC
1.10.8 - 1.10.x 1.6.2 - 2.0
1.9.5-rc1 - 1.9.5 1.5.0 - 1.5.6
1.9.0-rc1 & 1.9.0 1.4.10 - 1.4.12
1.8.5 1.3.9 - 1.4.9
1.8.4 1.3.7 & 1.3.8
1.8.3 1.3.6
1.8.1 & 1.8.2 1.3.5
1.8 1.3
1.7 1.2.5

Maven Configuration




In the examples below we don't use static imports for the method in the Mockito or PowerMockito API for better understanding of where the methods are located. However we strongly encourage you to statically import the methods in your real test cases for improved readability.

Notes: Mockito team added ability to mock mocking of final classes/methods in Mockito 2.1.0. PowerMock support this feature since PowerMock 1.7.0 (tested with Mockito 2.8.9). The feature can be enable with using PowerMock Configuration. If you use Mockito 2, it is recommended to use Mockito for mocking final methods/classes.

Mocking Static Method

How to mock and stub:

  1. Add @PrepareForTest at class level.
@PrepareForTest(Static.class) // Static.class contains static methods
  1. Call PowerMockito.mockStatic() to mock a static class (use PowerMockito.spy(class) to mock a specific method):
  1. Just use Mockito.when() to setup your expectation:

Note: If you need to mock classes loaded by the java system/bootstrap classloader (those defined in the java.lang or etc) you need to use this approach.

How to verify behavior

Verification of a static method is done in two steps.

  1. First call PowerMockito.verifyStatic(Static.class) to start verifying behavior and then
  2. Call the static method of the Static.class to verify. For example:
PowerMockito.verifyStatic(Static.class); // 1
Static.firstStaticMethod(param); // 2

Important: You need to call verifyStatic(Static.class) per method verification.

How to use argument matchers

Mockito matchers are may still applied to a PowerMock mock. For example, using custom argument matchers per mocked static method:


How to verify exact number of calls

You can still use Mockito.VerificationMode (e.g Mockito.times(x)) with PowerMockito.verifyStatic(Static.class, Mockito.times(2)):

PowerMockito.verifyStatic(Static.class, Mockito.times(1));

How to stub void static method to throw exception

If not private do:

PowerMockito.doThrow(new ArrayStoreException("Mock error")).when(StaticService.class);

Note that you can do the same for final classes/methods:

PowerMockito.doThrow(new ArrayStoreException("Mock error")).when(myFinalMock).myFinalMethod();

For private methods use PowerMockito.when, e.g.:

when(tested, "methodToExpect", argument).thenReturn(myReturnValue);

A full example for mocking, stubbing & verifying static method

public class YourTestCase {
    public void testMethodThatCallsStaticMethod() {
        // mock all the static methods in a class called "Static"
        // use Mockito to set up your expectation

        // execute your test

        // Different from Mockito, always use PowerMockito.verifyStatic(Class) first
        // to start verifying behavior
        PowerMockito.verifyStatic(Static.class, Mockito.times(2));
        // IMPORTANT:  Call the static method you want to verify

        // IMPORTANT: You need to call verifyStatic(Class) per method verification,
        // so call verifyStatic(Class) again
        PowerMockito.verifyStatic(Static.class); // default times is once
        // Again call the static method which is being verified

        // Again, remember to call verifyStatic(Class)
        PowerMockito.verifyStatic(Static.class, Mockito.never());
        // And again call the static method.

Partial Mocking

You can use PowerMockito to partially mock a method using PowerMockito.spy. Be careful (the following is taken from the Mockito docs and applies to PowerMockito as well):

Sometimes it's impossible to use the standard when(..) method for stubbing spies. Example:

List list = new LinkedList();
List spy = spy(list);
//Impossible: real method is called so spy.get(0) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException (the list is yet empty)

//You have to use doReturn() for stubbing

How to verify behavior

Just use Mockito.vertify() for standard verification:

Mockito.verify(mockObj, times(2)).methodToMock();

How to verify private behavior

Use PowerMockito.verifyPrivate(), e.g.

verifyPrivate(tested).invoke("privateMethodName", argument1);

This also works for private static methods.

How to mock construction of new objects

Use PowerMockito.whenNew, e.g.

whenNew(MyClass.class).withNoArguments().thenThrow(new IOException("error message"));

Note that you must prepare the class creating the new instance of MyClass for test, not the MyClass itself. E.g. if the class doing new MyClass() is called X then you'd have to do @PrepareForTest(X.class) in order for whenNew to work:

public class XTest {
        public void test() {
                whenNew(MyClass.class).withNoArguments().thenThrow(new IOException("error message"));

                X x = new X();
                x.y(); // y is the method doing "new MyClass()"


How to verify construction of new objects

Use PowerMockito.verifyNew, e.g.


How to use argument matchers

Mockito matchers are may still applied to a PowerMock mock:


A full example of spying

// We prepare PartialMockClass for test because it's final or we need to mock private or static methods
public class YourTestCase {
    public void spyingWithPowerMock() {        
        PartialMockClass classUnderTest = PowerMockito.spy(new PartialMockClass());

        // use Mockito to set up your expectation

        // execute your test

        // Use Mockito.verify() to verify result
        Mockito.verify(mockObj, times(2)).methodToMock();

A full example of partial mocking of a private method

(Available in PowerMock version 1.3.6+)

// We prepare PartialMockClass for test because it's final or we need to mock private or static methods
public class YourTestCase {
    public void privatePartialMockingWithPowerMock() {        
        PartialMockClass classUnderTest = PowerMockito.spy(new PartialMockClass());

        // use PowerMockito to set up your expectation
        PowerMockito.doReturn(value).when(classUnderTest, "methodToMock", "parameter1");

        // execute your test

        // Use PowerMockito.verify() to verify result
        PowerMockito.verifyPrivate(classUnderTest, times(2)).invoke("methodToMock", "parameter1");

Mockito mock-maker-inline

Feature available as of PowerMock 1.7.0

The Mockito team added the support for mocking of final classes/methods in Mockito 2.1.0. This feature can be enabled in PowerMock by adding the following file src/test/resources/mockito-extensions/org.mockito.plugins.MockMaker containing a single line:


PowerMock implements its own MockMaker which leads to incompatibility with Mockito mock-maker-inline, even if PowerMock is just added as a dependency and not used. If two org.mockito.plugins.MockMaker exist in path then any only one can be used, which one is undetermined.

PowerMock can however delegate calls to another MockMaker, and for then tests are run without PowerMock. Since PowerMock 1.7.0 this can be configured with using the PowerMock Configuration.

The MockMaker can be configured by creating the file org/powermock/extensions/ and setting:


Example of using Mockito mock-maker-inline with PowerMock:

Further information

Have a look at the source in GitHub for examples. Also read the PowerMockito related blog at the Jayway team blog.