A kubectl
plugin to add/remove ingress rules on the fly.
Add/remove kubernetes ingress rules via command line.
allows the configuration of an ingress resource with command line arguments.
When adding/deleting a backend rule the ingress will be updated. On creation of a rule for a non-existing ingress name a new ingress will be created. If the last rule is deleted the ingress will be deleted as well.
kubectl krew install ingress-rule
kubectl ingress-rule
kubectl ingress-rule <command> <ingress-name>
set Add kubernetes ingress rules via command line. If the ingress does not exist a new ingress will be created.
delete Remove kubernetes ingress rules via command line. Deletes the ingress if there are no rules left.
--port Set backend service port by port number
--service Set backend service by name
--host Set host (optional)
--path Set path (optional)
--path-type Set matching type for path (optional); Accepts: "Prefix", "Exact", "ImplementationSpecific"; Defaults to "Prefix"
--ingress-class Set ingressClassName when creating a new ingress, will be ignored when the ingress already exists (optional)
--tls string Enable tls for rule and set tls-secret
From kubectl inherited options:
-n, --namespace Set the namespace
# add a rule
kubectl ingress-rule set my-ingress --service foo --port 80
kubectl ingress-rule set my-ingress --service foo --port 80 --host *.foo.com --namespace default
kubectl ingress-rule set my-ingress --service foo --port 80 --host foo.com --path /foo
kubectl ingress-rule set my-ingress --service foo --port 80 --host foo.com --path /foo --ingress-class nginx
kubectl ingress-rule set my-ingress --service foo --port 80 --host foo.com --tls my-tls-secret
# remove a rule
kubectl ingress-rule delete my-ingress --service foo
kubectl ingress-rule delete my-ingress --service foo --port 80