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Releases: pupil-labs/pupil

Realtime Marker Tracking

12 Dec 11:09
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New Feature

Marker based Reference Surface Tracking. Check out our blog post for more.

Linux Recorder Module Hotfix

02 Dec 13:09
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Attempting to fix missing frames issue on Linux machines.

Improved Pupil Detecton and gl-Display

06 Nov 19:56
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New Pupil Capture Routine release:

Improved Pupil Detection:

The new Pupil detector is more sophisticated and should preform much better. The False Positive rate (ghost pupils) has been dramatically reduced.

  • Pupil detection now pre-filters contours based on curvature properties.
  • Ellipse fitting now utilizes fitting error to discard bad ellipses
  • Our detector now matches and combines contour segments to find a maximally supported ellipse.
  • The result is now augmented with a confidence measure (from 0 to 1).

Improved Point Display

GL points now have custom shaders for improved display. This means that Linux users that experienced square points should now see proper circle points.

Proper Logging

Pupil now uses a proper logging system and stream information into logfiles in the user_settings dir.


A few small bugs have been smashed.

Installation using the bundles

If you want to just use Pupil Software and don't need to make changes to the source code, you can download and run our latest standalone Pupil app bundles below.

bundle installation Linux:

  • download pupil ubuntu zipped bundle
  • unzip to location of choice
  • run
  • move shortcut to launcher and wherever else you want
  • done

User Directories on Linux:

On Linux your data will be next to the pupil bundle folder.

bundle installation Mac:

  • download pupil mac zipped file
  • unzip to location of choice

User directories on Mac:

On Mac Pupil will create two directories on your Desktop:

  • pupil_settings
  • pupil_recordings

simple player application for mac

Because you need some way to look at data and we are working on a proper player. Here a minimalistic app to play pupil data.

  • install Pupil Simple Player
  • drag a recording folder onto the app (the one that contains the actual files)
  • the app will start and play back your recording
  • a new video with overlay will be saved in the recoding dir

second test bundle Mac/Linux

08 Oct 20:16
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  • multiple bugfixes for improved stability
  • slight UI tweaks
  • changes versioning naming convention to: vX.Y.Z (Major, Minor, Development Iteration/Hot-fix)

bundle installation Linux:

  • download pupil ubuntu zipped bundle
  • unzip to location of choice
  • run
  • move shortcut to launcher and wherever else you want
  • done

User Directories on Linux:

On Linux your data will be next to the pupil bundle folder.

bundle installation Mac:

  • download pupil mac zipped file
  • unzip to location of choice

running on Mac:

We have one bug that prevents us from running the app without a terminal, here is the tmp workaround

  • Open "run_pupil_capture_from_mac_terminal" to start Pupil Capture

User directories on Mac:

On Mac Pupil will create two directories on your Desktop:

  • pupil_settings
  • pupil_recordings

simple player application for mac

Because you need some way to look at data and we are working on a proper player. Here a minimalistic app to play pupil data.

  • install Pupil Simple Player
  • drag a recording folder onto the app (the one that contains the actual files)
  • the app will start and play back your recording
  • a new video with overlay will be saved in the recoding dir

bilateral beta with linux x64 bundle

09 Oct 16:15
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Release of bundled version of the first bilateral version of pupil. No correlation done at this point, just dual eye pupil detection.

See our wiki for bandwidth patches if you are short on usb controllers.

linux test release

06 Oct 16:42
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linux test release Pre-release

This is a test release for Linux x64 only.

  • user settings and tmp files are now saved in "settings"
  • all recordings are saved in "recordings"
  • both folders are created when needed and reside next to the binary app/pupil_src folder when data is written by the app.

pupil capture now uses glfw3 with multi monitor and multi window support.

calibration workflow is improved:

  • full screen option
  • monitor selection

Pupil can now be fully bundled and distributed in a more app like fashion:

Pupil can be run in two ways from now on:
a) use the self contained bundle with pre-compiled application.
b) install all required python packages and run pupil "from source" using python

Option a:
On linux all you need is to download the .zip file, extract it to where you wish and run '' to create a shortcut to start pupil_capture. This shortcut can be dragged into the launcher.

Mac to follow soon.

Option b:
Please have a look at