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Official User Guide

Iulian Onofrei edited this page Aug 11, 2023 · 25 revisions



This guide will teach you how to efficiently use ranger. You can use ^-link near top level headings, to jump back to Contents.

User interface ^

The main window consists of three panels by default (it's called Miller columns by the way):

  • the middle one with the contents of the current directory,
  • the left one shows the parent directory, with the current directory highlighted,
  • the right one serves various previews; I will tell you more about it later.

If you're familiar with vim, you should feel right at home with ranger's UI conventions. ranger uses the hjkl keys for navigation and borrows many idioms from vim. For example: yy (copy line in vim) copies a file, pp pastes it and dd cuts the file. The more complex functions may be called from the command line invoked with : (a colon).

The current file's attributes may be seen at the bottom and the current directory path may be seen at the top.

:(colon) opens ranger's console - where you can manually run commands.

For the mc users

If you're familiar with mc (Midnight Commander) the first thing you may notice is the lack of the second panel for the file navigation. It may seem like a limitation but in most cases people use only one panel at a time. ranger allows you to create new tabs (like in a web browser) and switch between them with either Alt-number or Tab. If you open just two tabs, ranger's tabs effectively behave just like mc's panels. And you can even open more if such need arises.

Basic Navigation ^

For basic movement you can use the arrow keys or keys inspired by vim:
j/k move up and down
l enters the selected directory or opens a file
h returns to the parent directory

More useful keys:
i inspect file or exit from inspecting file. Inspecting a file means to show a preview of the current file fullscreen, available for scrolling.
q quit. You can use this key to close active tab, quit from inspecting or quit from ranger if this is the last tab.

Key bindings and hints ^

A lot of commands can be performed using key bindings, making use of the hints to find the correct mapping.

Command hints show up whenever a mapping has multiple continuations:
g for navigation and tabs
r for :open_with command
y for yank(copy)
d for cut/delete
p for paste
o for sort
. for filter_stack
z for changing settings
u for "undo"
M for linemode
+, -, = for setting access rights to files

Command hints consist of keys in the left column and corresponding commands in right column. When you press a key the corresponding command is invoked or further hints are revealed.

Configuration ^

ranger uses 4 main configuration files:

  • rc.conf is used for setting various options and binding keys to functions.
  • rifle.conf decides which program to use for opening a file.
  • is a shell script used to generate previews for various file types.
  • contains various functions' implementation, written in Python, used to modify ranger's behavior, and implement your own Custom Commands.

Use ranger --copy-config=rc or one of rifle, scope, commands to copy the default config files to ~/.config/ranger and modify them there, only copy the files you want to edit. This way ranger won't keep using outdated configuration files when you update it, except for the ones you do copy, you're responsible for keeping those up to date. Be aware that for rc.conf and, ranger reads both the global and the user's config (in that order). It allows the user to maintain only a small config which sets only the things not set in the default one. For and rifle.conf, ranger reads either the user's or the global config.

The best practice is to only add the options/keybindings you actually want to change to your rc.conf, rather than to have a complete copy of the default rc.conf. This eliminates the need to update your config manually and gives you the benefits from new options/keybindings of future ranger versions. If you want to keep the full rc.conf though, you may want to set the environment variable RANGER_LOAD_DEFAULT_RC to FALSE to avoid loading both the default and your own rc.conf. In this case you have to update your config manually though.

Changing settings on the fly

You can change some ranger settings without editing config files. These changes are valid for the current ranger session only. To do this, press the z key and use the command hints. For example, zh toggles showing/hiding hidden files.

Previews ^

All file previews are supplied by the config file. It is a regular shell script and it's behavior is documented in detail in comments.

Note that it's possible to replace with a script in other languages or compiled binaries. It only has to follow's calling conventions and its return codes.

Image previews

A very special case of the previews are the image previews. Yes, ranger can display images in your terminal. It uses a utility supplied with the w3m web browser (sometimes packaged in a separate package, like w3m-img in Debian). While it's reliable most of the time, please be aware that it is a hack and may behave very strangely at times.

ranger supports reliable image previews in some terminals that support them like urxvt, iTerm2, Kitty and Terminology. To enable it, open your rc.conf file and set preview_images_method to urxvt, iterm2, kitty, or terminology depending on your terminal. You can also use ueberzug method to preview images. Ueberzug is a tool (python package) for displaying images on various X11 terminals. If you need it, use python package manager pip to install it and set preview_images_method to ueberzug. For the urxvt method to work on Arch Linux it might be needed to install the rxvt-unicode-pixbuf package instead of the regular rxvt-unicode.

To toggle image previewing, use zi.

Custom image previews

In recent versions of ranger, the mechanism of the image previews was extended and generalized. When calling, ranger sets the $cached environment variable containing a unique path to a file where the image preview may be generated if needed. may then save an image to that path and exit with the exitcode 6 (documented inside, consult the comment at the top) to tell ranger to use it.

In other words if you can generate a jpg from a file, ranger is able to show a graphical preview for it. Videos, PDFs, all sort of files.

Tabs, Bookmarks, Travelling ^

Tabs and/or Bookmarks are used for getting quick access to some directories. You can also go through directories using the :travel command. Ranger does also have command hints for some navigation shortcuts. Press g to invoke it.


you may create tabs for each directory want to access quickly. The tabs are numbered. To switch to the N-th tab, press Alt-N, where N is the tab number. If such tab does not exist yet, it will be created. You can also switch between tabs, using Tab and shift-Tab keys. To close a tab, press q (if you close the last tab, the entire ranger process will close).


A bookmark is just a character that is used for getting quick access to a directory. You can bookmark the current folder using m<key> and quickly access it from any other place using '<key>. Use '' to move back. Ranger saves your bookmarks by default


What if you need fast access to a directory, that is not in your bookmarks? In that case, you can use the :travel command. Just type :travel in your ranger console and then type the first letters of a directory or file. :travel finds matches in the current directory and automatically enters them when unique, waiting for the name of another directory or file. So, you can go travel through multiple nested directories by just partly typing their names.

Selection, Macros, Tags ^

Selection and Macros are used in ranger to specify file(s), on which a command will be performed. Commands by default work on the files in the selection, but you can specify other files using macros. You can also use :mark_tag to select all tagged files.


Ranger commands usually work on the selection. The selection is all marked files if there are any, otherwise the current file.

You can mark the current file by pressing space, v inverts the selection and V enters a visual mode where you can mark a range of files using movement or search. To mark/unmark files matching regular expressions, use :mark REGEX and :unmark REGEX respectively. To mark/unmark files by tag, use :mark_tag TAG and :unmark_tag TAG respectively. To unmark all marked files, use :unmark or uv.

A yellow Mrk symbol at the bottom right indicates that there are marked files in this directory.


If you type commands in the ranger console, you can use one of the macros below to abbreviate things:

%f the highlighted file
%d the path of the current directory
%s the selected files in the current directory
%t all tagged files in the current directory
%c the full paths of the currently copied/cut files
%p the full paths of selected files

Suppose, you have some files selected, but wanted to run the :delete command on a single file. If you run just :delete it will delete all the files in your selection, because commands operate on the selection by default. So you need to highlight the file you need to delete, and type the following command in the console, :delete %f.


Tags are single characters which are displayed to the left of a filename. By pressing t you can set the default tag (which is an asterisk *) on a file or remove a tag from the file. To remove tags from the selection, use ut. You are not limited to the default tag. Pressing a quotation mark " followed by any other character sets this character as a tag for the file. Tags are persistent and will be there until you remove them manually. It may be used for example for marking ebooks you've read or files that need some action.

The tags may also be used to automatically enable some options in certain directories. Refer to the documentation of the :setintag command.

Filtering, Sorting, Directory Flattening ^

If there are too many files in the current directory, you can use filtering (zf or zz) to show only files matching your regular expression. Run :filter REGEX to show only files matching REGEX and :filter to reset filter

There's also the :filter_stack functionality, key .. You can add filters to a stack, including binary operators. By default all the filters apply one by one and a file has to pass each of them. Using the OR combinator, .|, you can combine filters in an OR relation so files pass the filter if they satisfy either one. For example, .l.ttext<CR>.|, would only show symlinks or files with a MIME type containing "text". Use .. at any time to view your current filter_stack. Use .c to clear the filter_stack.

You can also sort files, by pressing o and choosing your preferred way of sorting from the hints.

TIP 1: if you want to sort folders by size, you need to get size of their content. You can do it by selecting all files/folders (v key) and pressing keysdc. And then just press os to sort files/folders by size.

TIP 2: You can also see a list of folders, sorted by their size (from biggest to smallest) using dU. This keybinding invokes the shell command du, sorts its result and shows it you.

Directory flattening

If you're browsing a moderately nested directory tree, you may find :flat N useful. It allows browsing a directory tree in a linear fashion: all the files up to the Nth level are shown together. It's a bit hard to explain so just call :flat 1 and observe what happens. The argument is the maximum number of directories to flatten. Pass -1 for no limit (use with caution!) and 0 to disable :flat.

File operations ^

Opening, moving, copy-pasting

To open a file and let Ranger choose which program to use to open it with (via rifle), just press Enter. To choose yourself, press r, and either choose from the list or type the program you want to use. You can also use the command :open_with.

To add a file handler to Ranger's repertoire, run the command ranger --copy-config=rifle, then edit the resulting file. For example, to add Kolourpaint as an image editor, you could add:

mime ^image, has kolourpaint, X, flag f = kolourpaint -- "$@"

The order of statements in this file reflects the order programs will be used and appear on the r list in.

To copy a file, highlight it, press yy to mark it for copying (analogously to copying a line in vim with yy), then navigate to a target directory (or switch a tab if you decided to do it the "mc way") and then press "pp" to paste it (again, almost like in vim).

(To copy only the directory, filename, or file path with name as text to your clipboard — requires that xclip, xsel or pbcopy (in case of mac os) is installed — use yd, yn, and yp respectively. Copying actual files remains internal to ranger.)

Moving a file differs very little from copying it: just use dd instead of yy at the beginning.

To copy/move multiple files, just mark them with Space then use dd/yy. If you want to operate on multiple files stored in different directories, you may use ya/da to add them to the list of files to be copied/moved before pasting them.

(Note that the copy/cut buffers can be used for other operations as well, by using the %c macro in your commands. For example, adding files to the cut/copy buffer using ya/da then using the :shell -w printf %c | xargs rm command allows you to delete multiple files in multiple directories. Remember to clear the buffer once you're done using ud/uy.)

If you'd like to copy files from one ranger instance to another, type :save_copy_buffer in one and :load_copy_buffer in the other ranger instance. This method can also be used to export a list of files. They are saved in the file ~/.config/ranger/copy_buffer.


rifle is a powerful smart file opener bundled with ranger. It tries to guess with what program it should open a given file based on its MIME type, extension, the available programs and a few other factors. It is configured with the rifle.conf file. It is used by ranger internally but may be used as a standalone program too.


To rename a file just highlight it and press cw like you would change a word with vim, in the bottom of the screen the :rename command will appear waiting for the new file name, type it and press enter. You can also use the %s when renaming, for example, if you would like to only change the file extension, you can do :rename %s.txt. There's also the I and A keybindings which open the console with a rename with the cursor at the start, respectively end, of the file name.

Bulk renaming

ranger supports bulk file renaming with the :bulkrename command. Mark the files that you want to rename and call :bulkrename. It should open a file containing a list of these files in your text editor (determined with rifle). You may freely change the names in that file. When you are done, save the file and close the editor. ranger will show you a preview of what will happen in a few moments.

:bulkrename works great with :flat!

Deleting and creating

You can delete files from selection using :delete command. To create file or directory, use :touch FILENAME and :mkdir DIRNAME respectively

Using shell and Flags ^

Ranger allows you to use shell. Just type your shell command in ranger's console after :shell and press Enter to run it. You can use flags there to run program/command in some special way(with root rights, in background, etc)


Flags is used to make an external command run in some custom way.

use flag w if you need to see output of external command, like this :shell -w free
use flag t to fork console program (run in a new terminal window), like this :shell -t nano
use flag f to fork GUI program, , like this :shell -f firefox
use flag r to run program with root rights. You can use more than one flag at the same time, like this :shell -rw apt update

To get more info about flags, go here Ranger Man #FLAGS

More tips ^

Getting Help

You can get help while using Ranger by pressing ?, followed by:

  • m: opens the man page for ranger
  • k: opens a list of keybindings
  • c: opens a list of available commands and descriptions
  • s: opens a list of settings and their current values


Storing the file metadata is a brand new feature of ranger. It may be used to add arbitrary key-value data to any file. Calling :meta title a very interesting title will set the tag "title" of the current file to "a very interesting title".

:meta is most commonly used in conjunction with :linemode. The built-in linemodes are bound to "M" followed by some letter. At the moment of writing this guide, there are 6 built-in linemodes:

  • filename: no metadata, the default mode of ranger,
  • permissions: file permissions are displayed next to the files,
  • fileinfo: show file type information based on shell file commmand
  • mtime: show the modified time of files
  • sizemtime: show the size and the modified time
  • metatitle: see below.

The last line mode, metatitle, is extremely handy for organizing all sorts of documents: books, movies, pictures and more. It displays the files based on their metadata. The current format is: [[year - ]title] alignment [authors]. Bracketed content is ignored if empty. The title field is mandatory for this to work. To define a custom linemode, please refer to this page: Custom linemodes.

:meta stores the metadata in the ".metadata.json" file for each directory in which it is used.