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richardszalay edited this page Apr 29, 2012 · 8 revisions

Strings with "all" are localized into the following locales: cs-CZ, da-DK, de-DE, el-GR, en-GB, en-US, es-ES, fi-FI, fr-FR, hu-HU, it-IT, ja-JP, ko-KR, nb-NO, nl-NL, pl-PL, pt-BR, pt-PT, ru-RU, sv-SE, zh-CN, zh-TW


Contains strings that represent things the user can do and are usually placed in the application bar as buttons or menu items.

Resource Key English Phrase Description Supported Localizations
AddAction add Adds an object to a list or navigates to a screen where the details for a new object can be entered all
CancelAction cancel Used to cancel an action all
DeleteAction delete Deletes an object so it is no longer available all
DoneAction done An alternative to "save", accepts pending changes to a settings screen. Usually associated with the "tick" icon all
EditAction edit Usually navigates to a screen where the details of an object can be changed all
GoToAboutPageAction about Navigates to the "about" screen that provides information about the application, including version, legal and author information all
GoToSettingsPageAction settings Navigates to the "settings" screen where the user can change options for the application all
NewAction new Can be used as an alternative to "add" if it is more appropriate all
PinAction pin Used to pin the current page to the start screen. Commonly used as an ApplicationBarIconButton label all
PinToStartAction pin to start Used to pin the current page to the start screen. Commonly used as a ContextAction label all
RefreshAction refresh Used to refresh the status of, for example, objects in a list all
SaveAction save Commits unsaved changes (similar to editing a phone number in contacts) all
SearchAction search Used to search for an object, usually remotely all
SelectAction select Used to select multiple items from a list all
ShareAction share Used to share content with others, typically via a social network all
SynchronizeAction synchronize Used to update information in a local and remote place so the have parity all


Contains strings that represent the status of a page.

Resource Key English Phrase Description Supported Localizations
LoadingLabel Loading... Used to indicate data is being retrieved from a high latency location (such as a remote server). Usually displayed either in place of a list or as the system tray's progress indicator label all


Contains strings that represent the names of the accent colors that can be applied to themes.

Resource Key English Phrase Description Supported Localizations
Blue blue The "blue" theme accent color all
Brown brown The "brown" theme accent color all
Green green The "green" theme accent color all
Lime lime The "lime" theme accent color all
Magenta magenta The "magenta" theme accent color all
Mango mango The "mango" theme accent color all
Pink pink The "pink" theme accent color all
Purple purple The "purple" theme accent color all
Red red The "red" theme accent color all
Teal teal The "teal" theme accent color all
Theme theme color The curent theme accent color all


Contains strings that are useful for building a page that contains information about the application and author.

Resource Key English Phrase Description Supported Localizations
ParentTitle ABOUT Can be used as the secondary title on an about child page all
PrivacyLink Privacy statement A title case link to the privacy policy for the application all
SendFeedbackAction send feedback all
TermsLink Terms of Use A title case link to the terms of use for the application all
Title about Can be used as the primary title on an about page all
VersionLabelFormat Version: {0} A format string for displaying the application version all


Contains strings that are useful for building a page that allows the user to change application settings.

Resource Key English Phrase Description Supported Localizations
ParentTitle SETTINGS Can be used as the secondary title on a settings child page all
PushNotificationsTitle1 push notifications Allows the user to configure push notifications en-US, en-GB, de-DE, es-ES, fr-FR, it-IT, ja-JP, pt-BR, ru-RU
Title settings Can be used as the primary title on an settings page all

1 This string has an unreliable or inconsistant source and is likely to be removed in a future release.

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