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Conditional creators for ActiveRecord

Author Tim Morgan
Version 1.2 (Sep 12, 2011)
License Released under the MIT license.


find_or_create_on_scopes adds handy find_or_create-type methods to ActiveRecord. You can use these methods to conditionally create, initialize, or update records depending on the presence of similar records. They work on your base model class and any scopes derived therefrom. (See Usage for examples.)


Important Note: This gem requires Ruby 1.9+. Ruby 1.8 is not and will never be supported.

To install, simply add the find_or_create_on_scopes gem to your Rails application's Gemfile:

gem 'find_or_create_on_scopes'


See the {FindOrCreateOnScopes} module documentation for the complete list of conditional creators/updaters. Some basic examples to give you an overview:

# Tries to find a user named 'riscfuture'. If such a User exists, returns it. If
# not, creates a user and sets its password to '123'.
User.where(login: 'riscfuture').find_or_create(password: '123')

# Tries to find a user named 'riscfuture'. If such a User exists, updates its
# password to '123'. If not, creates a new user and sets its password to '123'.
# Raises an exception if validation fails.
User.where(login: 'riscfuture').create_or_update!(password: '123')