Lightning Network routing node management tool
Make sure you have a ~/.lnd
folder containing
- A certificate
- A readonly macaroon
mkdir steer
tar zxvf steer-v0.3.0.tgz -C steer
cd steer
NODE=localhost:10009 _build/prod/rel/steer/bin/migrate
NODE=localhost:10009 _build/prod/rel/steer/bin/steer start
From the project's root folder...
mix deps.get
mix ecto.create
mix ecto.migrate
npm i --prefix assets
mix assets.deploy
Usually LND's gRPC port is available from port 10009, so if running on
, do that command to start Steer
NODE=localhost:10009 mix phx.server
Browse port 4001 from the machine running Steer... can be accessed remotely.
If attempting to reach it from the same machine, simply browse to:
create a secret
mix phx.gen.secret
create a .env
file in the root folder and make sure that those variables are configured
SECRET_KEY_BASE=*** the secret created in the previous step ***
then, run this command.
export $(cat .env | xargs) && mix release
Copy file to the production server
scp _build/prod/steer-x.y.ztar.gz steer@prod-server:.
Then unpack the tarball wherever you like, such as /opt/steer-x.y.z, cd in the folder and then migrate
bin/steer eval "Steer.Release.migrate"
And start the app
/opt/steer-x.y.z/bin/steer start