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File metadata and controls

898 lines (555 loc) · 17.2 KB

Magicklib Api

  npm install magicklib-native
  var magick = require('magicklib-native');
  var Image = magick.Image;

Image methods return image (this) object unless they read something from image in synchronous mode.

Invoking method without callback either executes synchronously or adds command to asynchronous batch. Image method will perform synchronously if: image.isSync == true

The synchronous mode is mainly for performing image operation while loading modules or to use in repl. The preferred way of dealing with images in nodejs should always be asynchronous.

The direct file operations, such as in read(file) or new Image(file) should be avoided until they are implemented in node-friendly way. For now they use blocking I/O from Magick++ calls. It's better to use streams, or blobs.


###Magick resource control

  limit(type[, limit]) -> current limit
  type: "memory", "disk" or "thread"
  limit: for "memory" and "disk" it is number of bytes,
         for "threads" no. threads


###Image object factory

  new Image([options])
  new Image(buffer)
  new Image(geometry, color)
  new Image(width, height[, color="transparent"])
  new Image(file)
  new Image(image)
  buffer:      data Buffer to synchronously load from
  geometry:    geometry string
  color:       color string or Color object instance
  image:       Image object to clone
  file:        file name to synchronously load from
               (not recommended, uses Magick++ blocking I/O)
    - src:        image data Buffer
    - columns:    number of columns (width)
    - rows:       number of rows (height)
    - color:      new image color string or Color object, default: transparent
    - magick:     set format, default: Magick++ default
    - page:       page description string
    - batch:      set persistent batch mode, default: false
    - autoClose:  set auto close mode, default: true
    - autoCopy:   set auto copy mode, default: false
    - background: set background color, default: color
    - fuzz:       set color fuzz, default: 0
    - type:       set image type, e.g. "truecolor"

###Begin batch mode

    - batch: set persistent batch mode, default: false
  if batch or options argument is provided this function
  immediately changes batch image property.

###Blur image

  image.blur(sigma[, radius][, channel][, gaussian][, callback(err, image)])
  image.blur(options[, callback(err, image)])
    - sigma: standard deviation of the Laplacian or the Gaussian bell curve
    - radius: the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels or number of neighbor
              pixels to be included in the convolution mask
    - channel: channel type string, e.g.: "yellow"
    - gaussian: true for gaussian blur

###Composite images

  image.composite(composeImage[, gravity="center"][, compose="over"][callback(err, image)])
  image.composite(composeImage[, geometry][, compose="over"][callback(err, image)])
  image.composite(composeImage[, x, y][, compose="over"][callback(err, image)])
  image.composite(options[, callback(err, image)])
    - image: an image to compose onto image
    - gravity: gravity string, e.g: "southwest"
    - geometry: geometry [_, _, x, y] or string, e.g: "+100-50"
    - x: x offset
    - y: y offset
    - compose: compose string, "multiply"

###Copy image

  image.copy([callback(err, newimage)])
  image.copy(autoCopy[, callback(err, newimage)]) -> image
  image.copy(options[, callback(err, newimage)]) -> image
    - autoCopy: set auto copy mode, default: false

###Close image

  image.close([callback(err, image)])
  image.close(autoClose) -> image
  image.close(options) -> image
    - autoClose: set auto close mode, default: true
  free magick image resource (even if image.autoCopy==true)
  if autoClose or options argument is provided this function
  immediately changes autoClose image property.

###Comment image

  image.comment(comment[,callback(err, image)])
  image.comment([callback(err, comment)])

###Color pixel plot or peek

  in synchronous context:
  image.color(x, y) -> color
  image.color(points) -> colors
  image.color(x, y, newcolor) -> image
  in asynchronous context:
  image.color(x, y, callback(err, color))
  image.color(points, callback(err, colors))
  image.color(x, y, newcolor, callback(err, image))
  points: an Array of [x, y] tuples
  newcolor: string or Color object
  color: Color object
  colors: an Array of Color objects

###Crop image

  image.crop(width, height, x, y[, callback(err, image)])
  image.crop(size[, callback(err, image)])
  image.crop(options[, callback(err, image)])
  size: an Array of [width, height, x, y] or geometry string
    - size: crop size [witdth, height, x, y] or geometry string
    - width: crop width
    - height: crop height
    - x: crop column offset
    - y: crop row offset

###End batch

  image.end([callback(err, image)])
  image.end(batch[, callback(err, image)])
  image.end(options[, callback(err, image)])
    - batch: set persistent batch mode, default: false
  if callback is provided executes batch otherwise clears batch tail from jobs
  if batch or options argument is provided this function
  immediately changes batch image property.

###Extent image

  image.extent(width, height[, gravity="center"][, color=background][, callback(err, image)])
  image.extent(width, height, x, y[, color=background][, callback(err, image)])
  image.extent(size[, gravity="ignore"][, color=background][, callback(err, image)])
  image.extent(options[, callback(err, image)])
  size: an Array of [width, height] or [width, height, x, y]
        or geometry string
  color: string or Color object
  gravity: gravity string, e.g.: "northwest"
    - size: extent size [witdth, height] or geometry string
    - width: extent width
    - height: extent height
    - x: extent column offset
    - y: extent row offset
    - gravity: gravity string, e.g.: "east"
    - color: string or Color object

###Filter for resize

  image.filter(filter[, callback(err, image)])
  filter: filter string, default: "Lanczos"

###Flip image

  image.flip([callback(err, image)])

###Flop image

  image.flop([callback(err, image)])

###Format change

  image.format(magick[, callback(err, image)])
  magick: format string, e.g. "JPEG"


  image.histogram([callback(err, histogram)])

###Negate image

  image.negate([grayscale=false][, callback(err, image)])

###Noise image

  image.noise(noise[, channel][, callback(err, image)])
  image.noise(options[, callback(err, image)])
    - noise: noise type string, e.g.: "multiplicative"
    - channel: channel type string, e.g.: "matte"

###Normalize image

  image.normalize([callback(err, image)])

###Oilpaint image

  image.oil([radius=3][, callback(err, image)])

###Ping image|buffer[, callback(err, size)])
  buffer: a Buffer object to read image from (recommended)
  file: a file to read from (not recommended, uses Magick++ blocking I/O)
  size: an Array of [width, height]
  todo: implement async read for file

###Properties set or get

  in synchronous context: -> properties
  in asynchronous context:, properties)), callback(err, image))
  properties: an Object with image properties
    - columns:    number of columns (width)
    - rows:       number of rows (height)
    - magick:     set format
    - page:       page description string
    - batch:      set persistent batch mode
    - autoClose:  set auto close mode
    - autoCopy:   set auto copy mode
    - background: set background color
    - fuzz:       set color fuzz

###Quality change

  image.quality(quality[, callback(err, image)])
  quality: a number 0 - 100

###Quantize image

  image.quantize([colors][, colorspace][, dither][, callback(err, image)])
  image.quantize(options, callback(err, image)])
    - colors: a number of quantized colors
    - colorspace: a colorspace string
    - dither: true or false

###Restore image

  image.restore([callback(err, image)])

###Rotate image

  image.rotate(degrees[, callback(err, image)])
  degrees: a number 0 - 360

###Sharpen image

  image.sharpen(sigma[, radius][, channel][, callback(err, image)])
  image.sharpen(options[, callback(err, image)])
    - sigma: standard deviation of the Laplacian
    - radius: the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels
    - channel: channel type string, e.g.: "blue"

###Size get or set

  in synchronous context:
  image.size() -> size
  image.size(width, height)
  in asynchronous context:
  image.size(callback(err, size))
  image.size(size, callback(err, image))
  image.size(width, height, callback(err, image))
  size: an Array of [width, height]

###Read image|buffer[, callback(err, image)])
  buffer: a Buffer object to read image from (recommended)
  file: a file to read from (not recommended, uses Magick++ blocking I/O)
  todo: implement async read for file

###Reset image page

  image.reset(page[, callback])
  image.reset(width, height[, x, y][, callback(err, image)])
  page: geometry string or page description, e.g. "A4"

###Resize image

  image.resize(width, height[, mode="aspectfit"][, callback(err, image)])
  image.resize(size[, mode="aspectfit"][, callback(err, image)])
  image.resize(options[, callback(err, image)])
  size: an Array of [width, height] or geometry string, e.g.: "100x100^"
    - "#" or "aspectfit"          Resize the image based on the largest fitting dimenstion (default)
    - "^" or "aspectfill"         Resize the image based on the smallest fitting dimension
    - "!" or "noaspect" or "fill" Force exact size
    - ">" or "larger"             Resize only if larger than geometry
    - "!>" or "nolarger"          Do not resize only if smaller than geometry
    - "<" or "smaller"            Resize only if smaller than geometry
    - "!<" or "nosmaller"         Do not resize only if larger than geometry
    - "%" or "percent"            Interpret width & height as percentages
    - "!%" or "nopercent"         Do not interpret width & height as percentages
    - "@" or "limit"              Resize using a pixel area count limit
    - "!@" or "nolimit"           Do not resize using a pixel area count limit
    - "filter"                    Use resize filter (default)
    - "sample"                    Use pixel sampling algorithm (ignore filters)
    - "scale"                     Use simple ratio algorithm (ignore filters)
  mode tags can be combined (separated by space, comma or (semi)colon),
    - size: target size [witdth, height] or geometry string
    - width: target width
    - height: target height
    - mode: resize mode

###Strip image of profiles and comments

  image.strip([callback(err, image)])

###Trim image

  image.trim([fuzz][, callback(err, image)])
  fuzz: a percent string "50%" or a number 0.0 - 1.0
        colors within fuzz distance are considered equal

###Type image

  image.type([callback(err, imageType)])
  image.type(imageType[, callback(err, image)])
  imageType: an image type string, e.g. "greyscale", "palette", "truecolor"

###Write image

  image.write(file[, callback(err, image)])
  image.write([callback(err, buffer)])
  file: a file to write to (not recommended, uses Magick++ blocking I/O)
  without file or if file == null the result is buffer
  todo: implement async write to file

###Image properties

  image.busy -> true if asynchronous operation in progress

  image.empty -> true if image is initialized as empty or closed

  image.batchSize -> number of jobs pushed to batch

  image.isSync -> true if image is ready for synchronous operation
                  (not busy and not in batch mode)

  image.batch -> true if image in batch-only (persistent) mode
  image.batch = boolean changes batch-only (persistent) mode state

  image.autoClose -> true if image in close mode
  image.autoClose = boolean changes close mode state

  image.autoCopy -> true if image in copy mode
  image.autoCopy = boolean changes copy mode state

  image.columns -> number of columns in image
  image.columns = number changes number of columns

  image.rows -> number of rows in image
  image.rows = number changes number of rows

  image.magick -> image format string
  image.magick = string changes format -> image page string = string changes page

  image.background -> image background color
  image.background = changes background color

  image.fuzz -> image color fuzz number
  image.fuzz = changes fuzz

##magick.Image (stream)

###Writeable image stream

  image.createWriteStream() -> stream
  stream: Writeable stream instance
  note: can't create many simultaneous writable streams from one image instance

###Convert image stream

  image.createConvertStream() -> convert
  convert: Transform stream instance
  note: can't create many simultaneous convert streams from one image instance

###Read stream from image

  image.createReadStream() -> stream
  stream: Readable stream instance


###Color object factory

  new Color(redQuantum, greenQuantum, blueQuantum[, alphaQuantum=opaque])
  new Color(color)
  new Color(value)
  colorQuantum: an integer from 0 - magick.QUANTUM_RANGE
  color:        color string or Color object instance
  value:        a 32-bit integer color value

###Red color[scale=1]) -> number

###Green color[scale=1]) -> number

###Blue color[scale=1]) -> number

###Alpha color

  color.alpha([scale=1]) -> number

###Y color (from YUV model)

  color.y([scale=1]) -> number

###U color (from YUV model)

  color.u([scale=1]) -> number

###V color (from YUV model)

  color.v([scale=1]) -> number

###Hue color (from HSB model)

  color.hue([scale=1]) -> number

###Lightness color (from HSL model)

  color.lightness([scale=1]) -> number

###Value color (from HSV model)

  color.value([scale=1]) -> number

###Brightness color (from HSB model)

  color.brightness([scale=1]) -> number

###Intensity color (from HSI model)

  color.intensity([scale=1]) -> number

###RGB scaled color (from RGB model)

  color.rgb([scale=1]) -> Array(3)

###RGBA scaled color (from RGB model)

  color.rgba([scale=1]) -> Array(4)

###YUV scaled color (from YUV model)

  color.yuv([scale=1]) -> Array(3)

###YUVA scaled color (from YUV model)

  color.yuva([scale=1]) -> Array(4)

###HSL scaled color (from HSL model)

  color.hsl([scale=1]) -> Array(3)

###HSLA scaled color (from HSL model)

  color.hsla([scale=1]) -> Array(4)

###HSV scaled color (from HSV model)

  color.hsv([scale=1]) -> Array(3)

###HSVA scaled color (from HSV model)

  color.hsva([scale=1]) -> Array(4)

###HSB scaled color (from HSB model)

  color.hsb([scale=1]) -> Array(3)

###HSBA scaled color (from HSB model)

  color.hsba([scale=1]) -> Array(4)

###HSI scaled color (from HSI model)

  color.hsi([scale=1]) -> Array(3)

###HSIA scaled color (from HSI model)

  color.hsia([scale=1]) -> Array(4)

###HWB scaled color (from HWB model)

  color.hwb([scale=1]) -> Array(3)

###HWBA scaled color (from HWB model)

  color.hwba([scale=1]) -> Array(4)

###RGB Color object factory

    Color.RGB(red, green, blue[, alpha=opaque]) -> color

###YUV Color object factory

    Color.YUV(y, u, v[, alpha=opaque]) -> color

###HSL Color object factory

    Color.HSL(hue, saturation, lightness[, alpha=opaque]) -> color

###HSV Color object factory

    Color.HSV(hue, saturation, value[, alpha=opaque]) -> color

###HSB Color object factory

    Color.HSB(hue, saturation, brightness[, alpha=opaque]) -> color

###HSI Color object factory

    Color.HSI(hue, saturation, intensity[, alpha=opaque]) -> color

###HWB Color object factory

    Color.HWB(hue, whiteness, blackness[, alpha=opaque]) -> color

###Value of color

  color.valueOf() -> a 32-bit integer color value

###String name of color

  color.toString() -> an x11/html color value

###Quantum from normalized value

    Color.toQuantum(value) -> integer

###Normalized value form quantum

    Color.fromQuantum(quantum) -> number