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Copyright (c) Runtime Verification, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

SIMPLE — Typed — Dynamic

Author: Grigore Roșu (
Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Author: Traian Florin Șerbănuță (
Organization: University of Bucharest


This is the K dynamic semantics of the typed SIMPLE language. It is very similar to the semantics of the untyped SIMPLE, the difference being that we now dynamically check the typing policy described in the static semantics of typed SIMPLE. Because of the dynamic nature of the semantics, we can also perform some additional checks which were not possible in the static semantics, such as memory leaks due to accessing an array out of its bounds. We will highlight the differences between the dynamically typed and the untyped SIMPLE as we proceed with the semantics. We recommend the reader to consult the typing policy and the syntax of types discussed in the static semantics of the typed SIMPLE language.



The syntax of typed SIMPLE extends that of untyped SIMPLE with support for declaring types to variables and functions.

The syntax below is identical to that of the static semantics of typed SIMPLE. However, the K strictness attributes are like those of the untyped SIMPLE, to capture the desired evaluation strategies of the various language constructs.

  syntax Id ::= "main" [token]


  syntax Type ::= "void" | "int" | "bool" | "string"
                | Type "[" "]"
                | "(" Type ")"           [bracket]
                > Types "->" Type
  syntax Types ::= List{Type,","}        [overload(exps)]


  syntax Param ::= Type Id
  syntax Params ::= List{Param,","}

  syntax Stmt ::= Type Exps ";"
                | Type Id "(" Params ")" Block


  syntax Exp ::= Int | Bool | String | Id
               | "(" Exp ")"             [bracket]
               | "++" Exp
               > Exp "[" Exps "]"        [strict]
               > Exp "(" Exps ")"        [strict]
               | "-" Exp                 [strict]
               | "sizeOf" "(" Exp ")"    [strict]
               | "read" "(" ")"
               > left:
                 Exp "*" Exp             [strict, left]
               | Exp "/" Exp             [strict, left]
               | Exp "%" Exp             [strict, left]
               > left:
                 Exp "+" Exp             [strict, left]
               | Exp "-" Exp             [strict, left]
               > non-assoc:
                 Exp "<" Exp             [strict, non-assoc]
               | Exp "<=" Exp            [strict, non-assoc]
               | Exp ">" Exp             [strict, non-assoc]
               | Exp ">=" Exp            [strict, non-assoc]
               | Exp "==" Exp            [strict, non-assoc]
               | Exp "!=" Exp            [strict, non-assoc]
               > "!" Exp                 [strict]
               > left:
                 Exp "&&" Exp            [strict(1), left]
               | Exp "||" Exp            [strict(1), left]
               > "spawn" Block
               > Exp "=" Exp             [strict(2), right]

Like in the static semantics, there is no need for lists of identifiers (because we now have lists of parameters).

  syntax Exps ::= List{Exp,","}          [strict, overload(exps)]
  syntax Val
  syntax Vals ::= List{Val,","}          [overload(exps)]


  syntax Block ::= "{" "}"
                | "{" Stmt "}"

  syntax Stmt ::= Block
                | Exp ";"                               [strict]
                | "if" "(" Exp ")" Block "else" Block   [avoid, strict(1)]
                | "if" "(" Exp ")" Block                [macro]
                | "while" "(" Exp ")" Block
                | "for" "(" Stmt Exp ";" Exp ")" Block  [macro]
                | "print" "(" Exps ")" ";"              [strict]
                | "return" Exp ";"                      [strict]
                | "return" ";"
                | "try" Block "catch" "(" Param ")" Block
            | "throw" Exp ";"                       [strict]
                | "join" Exp ";"                        [strict]
                | "acquire" Exp ";"                     [strict]
                | "release" Exp ";"                     [strict]
                | "rendezvous" Exp ";"                  [strict]

  syntax Stmt ::= Stmt Stmt                          [right]

The same desugaring macros like in the statically typed SIMPLE.

  rule if (E) S => if (E) S else {}
  rule for(Start Cond; Step) {S:Stmt} => {Start while(Cond){S Step;}}
  rule for(Start Cond; Step) {} => {Start while(Cond){Step;}}
  rule T:Type E1:Exp, E2:Exp, Es:Exps; => T E1; T E2, Es;               [anywhere]
  rule T:Type X:Id = E; => T X; X = E;                                  [anywhere]


  imports DOMAINS


Values and results

These are similar to those of untyped SIMPLE, except that the array references and the function abstrations now also hold their types. These types are needed in order to easily compute the type of any value in the language (see the auxiliary typeOf operation at the end of this module).

  syntax Val ::= Int | Bool | String
               | array(Type,Int,Int)
               | lambda(Type,Params,Stmt)
  syntax Exp ::= Val
  syntax Exps ::= Vals
  syntax KResult ::= Val
                   | Vals  // TODO: should not need this


The configuration is almost identical to that of untyped SIMPLE, except for a return cell inside the control cell. This return cell will hold, like in the static semantics of typed SIMPLE, the expected type of the value returned by the function being executed. The contents of this cell will be set whenever a function is invoked and will be checked whenever the evaluation of the function body encounters an explicit return statement.

  // the syntax declarations below are required because the sorts are
  // referenced directly by a production and, because of the way KIL to KORE
  // is implemented, the configuration syntax is not available yet
  // should simply work once KIL is removed completely
  // check other definitions for this hack as well

  syntax ControlCell
  syntax ControlCellFragment

  configuration <T color="red">
                  <threads color="orange">
                    <thread multiplicity="*" color="yellow" type="Map">
                      <id color="pink"> 0 </id>
                      <k color="green"> ($PGM:Stmt ~> execute) </k>
//                      <br/>
                      <control color="cyan">
                        <fstack color="blue"> .List </fstack>
                        <xstack color="purple"> .List </xstack>
                        <returnType color="LimeGreen"> void </returnType>
//                      <br/>
                      <env color="violet"> .Map </env>
                      <holds color="black"> .Map </holds>
//                  <br/>
                  <genv color="pink"> .Map </genv>
                  <store color="white"> .Map </store>
                  <busy color="cyan">.Set</busy>
                  <terminated color="red"> .Set </terminated>
                  <input color="magenta" stream="stdin"> .List </input>
                  <output color="brown" stream="stdout"> .List </output>
                  <nextLoc color="gray"> 0 </nextLoc>

Declarations and Initialization

Variable Declaration

The undefined construct is now parameterized by a type. A main difference between untyped SIMPLE and dynamically typed SIMPLE is that the latter assigns a type to each of its locations and that type cannot be changed during the execution of the program. We do not do any memory management in our semantic definitions here, so locations cannot be reclaimed, garbage collected and/or reused. Each location corresponds precisely to an allocated variable or array element, whose type was explicitly or implicitly declared in the program and does not change. It is therefore safe to type each location and then never allow that type to change. The typed undefined values effectively assign both a type and an undefined value to a location.

  syntax KItem ::= undefined(Type)

  rule <k> T:Type X:Id; => .K ...</k>
       <env> Env => Env[X <- L] </env>
       <store>... .Map => L |-> undefined(T) ...</store>
       <nextLoc> L:Int => L +Int 1 </nextLoc>

Array Declaration

The dynamic semantics of typed array declarations is similar to that in untyped SIMPLE, but we have to make sure that we associate the right type to the allocated locations.

  rule <k> T:Type X:Id[N:Int]; => .K ...</k>
       <env> Env => Env[X <- L] </env>
       <store>... .Map => L |-> array(T, L +Int 1, N)
                          (L +Int 1)...(L +Int N) |-> undefined(T) ...</store>
       <nextLoc> L:Int => L +Int 1 +Int N </nextLoc>
    requires N >=Int 0

  context _:Type _::Exp[HOLE::Exps];

The desugaring of multi-dimensional arrays into unidimensional ones is also similar to that in untyped SIMPLE, although we have to make sure that all the declared variables have the right types. The auxiliary operation T<Vs>, defined at the end of the file, adds the length of Vs dimensions to the type T.

// TODO: Check the desugaring below to be consistent with the one for untyped simple

  syntax Id ::= "$1" [token] | "$2" [token]
  rule T:Type X:Id[N1:Int, N2:Int, Vs:Vals];
    => T[]<Vs> X[N1];
         T[][]<Vs> $1=X;
         for(int $2=0; $2 <= N1 - 1; ++$2) {
           T X[N2,Vs];
           $1[$2] = X;

Function declaration

Store all function parameters, as well as the return type, as part of the lambda abstraction. In the spirit of dynamic typing, we will make sure that parameters are well typed when the function is invoked.

  rule <k> T:Type F:Id(Ps:Params) S => .K ...</k>
       <env> Env => Env[F <- L] </env>
       <store>... .Map => L |-> lambda(T, Ps, S) ...</store>
       <nextLoc> L => L +Int 1 </nextLoc>

Calling main()

When done with the first pass, call main().

  syntax KItem ::= "execute"
  rule <k> execute => main(.Exps); </k>
       <env> Env </env>
       <genv> .Map => Env </genv>


Variable lookup

  rule <k> X:Id => V ...</k>
       <env>... X |-> L ...</env>
       <store>... L |-> V:Val ...</store>

Variable/Array increment

  context ++(HOLE => lvalue(HOLE))
  rule <k> ++loc(L) => I +Int 1 ...</k>
       <store>... L |-> (I:Int => I +Int 1) ...</store>

Arithmetic operators

  rule I1 + I2 => I1 +Int I2
  rule Str1 + Str2 => Str1 +String Str2
  rule I1 - I2 => I1 -Int I2
  rule I1 * I2 => I1 *Int I2
  rule I1 / I2 => I1 /Int I2 requires I2 =/=K 0
  rule I1 % I2 => I1 %Int I2 requires I2 =/=K 0
  rule - I => 0 -Int I
  rule I1 < I2 => I1 <Int I2
  rule I1 <= I2 => I1 <=Int I2
  rule I1 > I2 => I1 >Int I2
  rule I1 >= I2 => I1 >=Int I2
  rule V1:Val == V2:Val => V1 ==K V2
  rule V1:Val != V2:Val => V1 =/=K V2
  rule ! T => notBool(T)
  rule true  && E => E
  rule false && _ => false
  rule true  || _ => true
  rule false || E => E

Array lookup

Check array bounds, as part of the dynamic typing policy.

// Same comment as for simple untyped regarding [anywhere]
  rule V:Val[N1:Int, N2:Int, Vs:Vals] => V[N1][N2, Vs]

// Same comment as for simple untyped regarding [anywhere]
  rule array(_:Type, L:Int, M:Int)[N:Int] => lookup(L +Int N)
    requires N >=Int 0 andBool N <Int M  [anywhere]

Size of an array

  rule sizeOf(array(_,_,N)) => N

Function call

Define function call and return together, to see their relationship. Note that the operation mkDecls now declares properly typed instantiated variables, and that the semantics of return also checks that that type of the returned value is expected one.

  syntax KItem ::= (Type,Map,K,ControlCellFragment)

  rule <k> lambda(T,Ps,S)(Vs:Vals) ~> K => mkDecls(Ps,Vs) S return; </k>
         <fstack> .List => ListItem((T',Env,K,C)) ...</fstack>
         <returnType> T' => T </returnType>
       <env> Env => GEnv </env>
       <genv> GEnv </genv>

  rule <k> return V:Val; ~> _ => V ~> K </k>
         <fstack> ListItem((T',Env,K,C)) => .List ...</fstack>
         <returnType> T => T' </returnType>
         (_ => C)
       <env> _ => Env </env>
    requires typeOf(V) ==K T   // check the type of the returned value

Like the undefined above, nothing also gets tagged with a type now. The empty return statement is completed to return the nothing value tagged as expected.

  syntax Val ::= nothing(Type)
  rule <k> return; => return nothing(T); ...</k> <returnType> T </returnType>


  rule <k> read() => I ...</k> <input> ListItem(I:Int) => .List ...</input>


The assignment now checks that the type of the assigned location is preserved:

  context (HOLE => lvalue(HOLE)) = _

  rule <k> loc(L) = V:Val => V ...</k> <store>... L |-> (V' => V) ...</store>
    requires typeOf(V) ==K typeOf(V')



  rule {} => .K
  rule <k> { S } => S ~> setEnv(Env) ...</k>  <env> Env </env>

Sequential composition

  rule S1:Stmt S2:Stmt => S1 ~> S2

Expression statements

  rule _:Val; => .K


  rule if ( true) S else _ => S
  rule if (false) _ else S => S

While loop

  rule while (E) S => if (E) {S while(E)S}


We only allow printing integers and strings:

  rule <k> print(V:Val, Es => Es); ...</k> <output>... .List => ListItem(V) </output>
    requires typeOf(V) ==K int orBool typeOf(V) ==K string
  rule print(.Vals); => .K


Exception parameters are now typed, but note that the semantics below works correctly only when the thrown exception has the same type as the innermost try-catch paramete. To keep things simple, for the time being we can assume that SIMPLE only throws and catches integer values, in which case our semantics below works fine:

  syntax KItem ::= (Param,Stmt,K,Map,ControlCellFragment)  // Param instead of Id

  syntax KItem ::= "popx"

  rule <k> (try S1 catch(P) S2 => S1 ~> popx) ~> K </k>
         <xstack> .List => ListItem((P, S2, K, Env, C)) ...</xstack>
       <env> Env </env>

  rule <k> popx => .K ...</k>
       <xstack> ListItem(_) => .List ...</xstack>

  rule <k> throw V:Val; ~> _ => { T X = V; S2 } ~> K </k>
         <xstack> ListItem((T:Type X:Id, S2, K, Env, C)) => .List ...</xstack>
         (_ => C)
       <env> _ => Env </env>


Thread creation

   rule <thread>...
          <k> spawn S => !T:Int +Int 1 ...</k>
          <env> Env </env>
        (.Bag => <thread>...
                <k> S </k>
                <env> Env </env>
                <id> !T +Int 1 </id>

Thread termination

   rule (<thread>... <k>.K</k> <holds>H</holds> <id>T</id> ...</thread> => .Bag)
        <busy> Busy => Busy -Set keys(H) </busy>
        <terminated>... .Set => SetItem(T) ...</terminated>

Thread joining

   rule <k> join T:Int; => .K ...</k>
        <terminated>... SetItem(T) ...</terminated>

Acquire lock

   rule <k> acquire V:Val; => .K ...</k>
        <holds>... .Map => V |-> 0 ...</holds>
        <busy> Busy (.Set => SetItem(V)) </busy>
     requires (notBool(V in Busy:Set))

   rule <k> acquire V; => .K ...</k>
        <holds>... V:Val |-> (N:Int => N +Int 1) ...</holds>

Release lock

   rule <k> release V:Val; => .K ...</k>
        <holds>... V |-> (N => N:Int -Int 1) ...</holds>
      requires N >Int 0

   rule <k> release V; => .K ...</k> <holds>... V:Val |-> 0 => .Map ...</holds>
        <busy>... SetItem(V) => .Set ...</busy>

Rendezvous synchronization

   rule <k> rendezvous V:Val; => .K ...</k>
        <k> rendezvous V; => .K ...</k>

Auxiliary declarations and operations

Turns a list of parameters and a list of instance values for them into a list of variable declarations.

  syntax Stmt ::= mkDecls(Params,Vals)  [function]
  rule mkDecls((T:Type X:Id, Ps:Params), (V:Val, Vs:Vals))
    => T X=V; mkDecls(Ps,Vs)
  rule mkDecls(.Params,.Vals) => {}

Location lookup.

  syntax Exp ::= lookup(Int)  // see for why Exp instead of KItem
  rule <k> lookup(L) => V ...</k> <store>... L |-> V:Val ...</store>

Environment recovery.

// TODO: same comment regarding setEnv(...) as for simple untyped

  syntax KItem ::= setEnv(Map)
  rule <k> setEnv(Env) => .K ...</k>  <env> _ => Env </env>
  rule (setEnv(_) => .K) ~> setEnv(_)

lvalue and loc

  syntax Exp ::= lvalue(K)
  syntax Val ::= loc(Int)

  rule <k> lvalue(X:Id => loc(L)) ...</k>  <env>... X |-> L:Int ...</env>

  //context lvalue(_[HOLE])
  //context lvalue(HOLE[_])
  context lvalue(_::Exp[HOLE::Exps])
  context lvalue(HOLE::Exp[_::Exps])

  rule lvalue(lookup(L:Int) => loc(L))

Adds the corresponding depth to an array type

  syntax Type ::= Type "<" Vals ">"  [function]
  rule T:Type<_,Vs:Vals> => T[]<Vs>
  rule T:Type<.Vals> => T

Sequences of locations.

  syntax Map ::= Int "..." Int "|->" K [function]
  rule N...M |-> _ => .Map  requires N >Int M
  rule N...M |-> K => N |-> K (N +Int 1)...M |-> K  requires N <=Int M

// Type of a value.
  syntax Type ::= typeOf(K)  [function]
  rule typeOf(_:Int) => int
  rule typeOf(_:Bool) => bool
  rule typeOf(_:String) => string
  rule typeOf(array(T,_,_)) => (T[])   // () needed! K parses [] as "no tags"
  rule typeOf(lambda(T,Ps,_)) => getTypes(Ps) -> T
  rule typeOf(undefined(T)) => T
  rule typeOf(nothing(T)) => T

List of types of a parameter.

  syntax Types ::= getTypes(Params)  [function]
  rule getTypes(T:Type _:Id) => T, .Types   // I would like to not use .Types
  rule getTypes(T:Type _:Id, P, Ps) => T, getTypes(P,Ps)
  rule getTypes(.Params) => void, .Types