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Empower your users to easily login via Facebook with this simple angularJS module.


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Empower your users to easily login via Facebook with this simple angularJS module.

Note: You can find the jQuery plugin version of fblogin here.

Logging in with Facebook usually requires the following steps:

  • window.fbAsyncInit
  • FB.init
  • FB.login
  • FB.api(/me)

With this module this can all be accomplished with a single call.


Install with Bower

bower install angular-fblogin

Include fblogin after the angularJS library.

<script src="/path/to/angular.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/angular-fblogin.js"></script>

Example Usage:

var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['angularFblogin']);

myApp.controller('appCtrl', function ($scope, $fblogin) {
    $scope.login = function () {
            fbId: '192155900832367',
            permissions: 'email,user_birthday',
            fields: 'first_name,last_name,locale,email,birthday'
<body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="appCtrl">

    <button id="login" ng-click="login()">Login</button>


You will need a valid Facebook App Id and the Facebook JS SDK included to use the module.


This demo is actually referencing the jQuery plugin version of fblogin, but has the same functionality as angular-fblogin. For that reason this working example is still useful. A jQuery Plugin For Adding Facebook Login To Your Web App


If you have used the jQuery.ajax() method before, then using fblogin should seem familiar. Simply call $fblogin(options) where options is an object with the desired settings.

Note: $fblogin will need to be called from a user generated event e.g (ng-click). This is because the FB.login() method that is called internally will not trigger from a non-user generated event.

Minimal login (no permissions):

// This will login a user with Facebook and return user's public data
    fbId: '{FB app id}',
    success: function (data) {
        console.log('Basic public user data returned by Facebook', data);
    error: function (error) {
        console.log('An error occurred.', error);

Login requesting Facebook permissions:

// the permissions option is a comma separated list of extended FB permissions
    fbId: '{FB app id}',
    permissions: 'email,user_birthday',
    success: function (data) {
        console.log('User birthday' + data.birthday + 'and email ' +;

Return only the requested fields:

// the fields option is a comma separated list of valid FB fields
    fbId: '{FB app id}',
    permissions: 'email,user_birthday',
    fields: 'email,first_name',
    success: function (data) {
        // data will only contain the requested fields plus the user FB id
        // which is always included by default
        console.log(data.first_name, data.birthday);

Login using promise instead of callbacks:

$fblogin returns a Promise object which gives you access to the result of fblogin's deferred tasks when they complete.

    fbId: '{FB app id}'
.then(function (data) {
    console.log('User first name' + data.first_name);

Listen for progress callbacks:

// There are two notify events that happen during login
// 1. When the FB SDK is initialized
// 2. When the user has successfully authenticated with FB
    fbId: '{FB app id}'
.then(onSuccess, onError, onProgress);

function onProgress() {
    // reponse object has two properties 'status' and 'data'
    switch (response.status) {
        case 'init.fblogin':
            console.log('facebook sdk initialized.');  

        case 'authenticate.fblogin':
            console.log('user authenticated with facebook.',;

Fblogin Options

When calling $fblogin() you will be required to pass in a valid options object. Item(s) marked with * are required.


fbId: '156114864459351'

A valid Facebook App Id that must be configured to work on the domain that you are using the plugin on.


permissions: 'email,user_birthday'

A comma seperated list of extended Facebook permissions that you wish to request from the users. By default Facebook grants permissions to a user's public profile. If you only need access to access to the public permissions then you can omit the permissions option.


fields: 'email,birthday'

A comma seperated list of Facebook fields that will limit which data is returned upon success. Make sure you have requested the appropriate permissions to access the fields provided. e.g. If you want the birthday field make sure you have requested the user_birthday permission.


success: function (data) {}

A callback funtion that will be called upon success. The function will receive a data object containing the data returned from Facebook.


error: function (error) {}

A callback funtion that will be called upon error. The function will receive an error object containing info related to the error thrown.


  • $fblogin() returns a Promise Object which gives you access to the result of fblogin's deferred tasks when they complete.
  • Facebook is fickle and tends to change their API with little notice, which could potentially break this plugin. I will try my best to keep up with any changes on the FB side, but there are only so many hours in the day.


Ryan Johnson


Empower your users to easily login via Facebook with this simple angularJS module.







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