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The SiPixelPhase1Common Framework

This framework is used for DQM on the upgraded Pixel Detector. Since it is designed to be geometry independent, it could also be used for the old detector, given the geometry-specific code paths and configuration are added. This framework goes deeper than what was used before, with the goal to move as much redundant work as possible from the DQM plugins into a central place.

This document decomposes into three sections:

  1. The Concept -- how the framework is intended to work.
  2. How to actually use it -- practical examples with explanation.
  3. How it really works -- explanations on the implementation.

Further information can be found on the TWiki page: . Note that parts migh be historical and not reflect the current state.

The Concept

The central thing in DQM are histograms. Creating histograms, and summing up their content in other plots, is what most of the DQM code does. To make this as easy as possible, the framework provides the HistogramManager, which allows managing large numbers of related histograms and computing derived plots from them in a highly configurable way. Only two tasks remain for the DQM plugin code: First, collect the data to go into the histograms and call fill. Second, configure the HistogramManager with a specification of the histograms to output.

To specify what the output histograms should look like and where they should go, a simple, yet expressive model is used, along with a simple configuration language to write down the specifications. The model is based on a large table and a subset of relational algebra to modify that table.

Layer Ladder Module row col I adc readout
1 3 2 45 56 I 23
1 4 1 12 154 I 120
2 1 2 36 37 I 5
1 3 2 45 29 I 13
3 4 3 13 40 I 29
3 3 2 83 47 I 234
1 1 3 38 92 I 34
1 3 1 55 73 I 57

This conceptual table consists of a left hand part, which contains information about a datapoint, which decides where the entry will go. The right hand part has the actual value. The left hand side could have much more columns, basically every piece of information that we can collect about a datapoint should go there. On the right hand side, there also might be more than one quantity, however for simplicity we do not allow that in practice. We require the right hand side to be a 1D or 2D value, or a 0D value (which just means "is present"). To represent multiple quantities, we use multiple tables.

In this first table, every call to fill, which inserts an entry into a histogram, is one row. Such a table cannot be stored in practice, but we can still use it as a model for the specification language. The implementation will work around this problem later.

Now we want to derive histograms from this table. For this, we first recognize that every single row already has a histogram on its right hand side -- one with only one entry, but we can consider this datapoint a "atomic histogram". From these we now produce more interesting histograms by grouping rows of the table, and their histograms together. For this, we demand that the tuples on the left side are unique. If the same tuple appears in multiple rows, we merge their histograms into one. For the sample table shown, and also in reality, most rows will still be unique. To get useful histograms, we now apply projections (relational algebra term -- simpler than LA projections). A projection reduces the set of columns on the left hand side, thereby decreasing the number unique rows and forming histograms with more data.

Project on Layer, Ladder, Module

Layer Ladder Module I adc readout
1 1 3 I 34
1 3 2 I [23, 13]
1 3 1 I 57
1 4 1 I 120
2 1 2 I 5
3 3 2 I 234
3 4 3 I 29

Project on Layer, Ladder

Layer Ladder I adc readout
1 1 I 34
1 3 I [23, 13, 57]
1 4 I 120
2 1 I 5
3 3 I 234
3 4 I 29

Project on Module

Module I adc readout
1 I [57, 120]
2 I [23, 13, 5, 234]
3 I [29, 34]

Note how we also sorted the rows. The order of the rows does not matter for now, but it will, later.

As of now we discarded the information of the columns that we removed. However, we can also move columns from the left hand side to the right side and also remove columns on the right side if we are not interested in them. This will change the dimensionality of the histogram, which is fine (within technical limits -- root only allows a limited number of dimensions and we also have to keep track of which we want as x- and y-axis).

For now, we combined histograms by merging the data sets that the histogram is computed over (which is equivalent to summing up the bin counts). But there are also other ways to summarise histograms: For example, we can reduce a histogram into in single number (e.g. the mean), and then create a new plot (which may or may not be a histogram) of this derived quantity. One common special case of this are profiles, which show the mean of a set of histograms vs. some other quantity (they can also be considered a special representation of a 2D histogram, which is equivalent but we will ignore that for now). We can also create such histograms using projections. One way is to first reduce the right side histograms into a single number each and then move a column from the left side to the right side, using the value for the x-axis. Drawing the now 2D-values on the right side into a scatter plot might give us what we expect, but we could as well end up with a mess, since the x-axis values are not guaranteed to be unique. They could also be unevenly distributed, which also does not give a nice plot.

Another way is to apply the projection, and concatenate the histograms that get merged along the x- or y-axis. Now it matters that we sorted the rows before, since the ordering of the rows will now dictate where the histograms go. If we reduced the histograms into single-bin histograms that show the extracted quantity (e.g. the mean) as the value of that bin, we will now end up with a nice profile. This is the preferred way to create profiles in the framework. The procedure outlined before is only used when it is necessary for technical reasons (DQM step1).

The framework provides a few simple commands to describe histograms using this model:

  • The groupBy command projects onto the columns given as the first parameter, and combines the histograms by summing or concatenating along some axis, specified by the second parameter.
  • The reduce command reduces the right-hand side histograms into histograms of a lower dimensionality. Typically, e.g. for the mean, this is a 0D-histogram, which means a single bin with the respective value. The quantity to extract is specified by the parameter.
  • The savecommand tells the framework the we are happy with the histograms that are now in the table and that they should be saved to the output file. Proper names are inferred from the column names and steps specified before.

The framework also allows a custom command that passes the current table state to custom code, to compute things that the framework does not allow itself. However, this should be used carefully, since such code has to be heavily dependent on internal data structures.

Since the framework can follow see where quantities go during the computation of derived histograms, it can also automatically keep track of the axis labels and ranges and set them to useful, consistent values automatically. For technical reasons the framework is not able to execute every conceivable specification, but it is able to handle all relevant cases in an efficient way. Since the specification is very abstract, it gives the framework a lot of freedom to implement it in the most efficient way possible.

How to actually use it

If you plugin derives from SiPixelPhase1Base, you should automatically have access to HistogramManagers, in the array histo[...]. Every HistogramManager should be used for one quantity. The indices to the array should be enum constants, use something like this

enum {
  ADC, // digi ADC readouts
  NDIGIS, // number of digis per event and module
  MAP // digi hitmap per module

in the C++ header to name your quantities and refer to them as histo[ADC].

In the Analyzer code, call the fill function on the histo[...] whenever you have a datapoint to add. If you are just counting something (in the histograms above, all except the ADC are counts), use the fill function without any double argument.

The fill function takes a number of mandatory and optional parameters the the left-hand side columns are derived from. You always have to pass a module ID (DetId), the Eventis only for time-based things (if you want per lumisection or per bunchcrossing plots), and row and col are needed for ROC information, or if you want a 2D map of the module.

Now, you need to add some specifications in the config file.

SiPixelPhase1DigisADC = DefaultHisto.clone(
SiPixelPhase1DigisNDigis = DefaultHisto.clone(
SiPixelPhase1DigisHitmaps = DefaultHisto.clone(

SiPixelPhase1DigisConf = cms.VPSet(

Add a VPSet with one clone of a DefaultHisto per histogram you want to use. These have to be the same number and same order as in the enum in the C++ code. In the clone you can set various parameters, refer to for details.

The VPSet alone will not do anything. Add it to the configuration of your plugin:

SiPixelPhase1DigisAnalyzer = cms.EDAnalyzer("SiPixelPhase1Digis",
        src = cms.InputTag("simSiPixelDigis"), 
        histograms = SiPixelPhase1DigisConf,
        geometry = SiPixelPhase1Geometry
SiPixelPhase1DigisHarvester = cms.EDAnalyzer("SiPixelPhase1Harvester",
        histograms = SiPixelPhase1DigisConf,
        geometry = SiPixelPhase1Geometry

The second part initializes a default harvesting plugin, which is needed to execute some specifications.

The most important thing in the configuration are the specifications. Add them by setting specs in the clone. Since you can have many specifications per quantity, this has to be a VPSet as well. To make a specification use the Specification() builder:

specs = cms.VPSet(

This will give you a default set of histogram, usually grouped by ladders etc. (but configurable). To add histograms per disk as well, add


You can also add histograms for all default partitions by adding saveAll().

To get profiles, add instead

Specification().groupBy(DefaultHisto.defaultGrouping) # per-ladder and profiles
               .groupBy(parent(DefaultHisto.defaultGrouping), "EXTEND_X")

For quantities where it makes sense to have per-module plots, you can add a specification like this:


The PerModule parameter (defined in, allows the per-module histograms to be turned off by default.

One of the more complicated things is counting things per event, as in e. g. the NDigis histograms. The specification for this is

  Specification().groupBy(DefaultHisto.defaultGrouping.value() + "/Event") 
                 .reduce("COUNT") # per-event counting

You can still add e.g. the profile snippet below to get profiles. For the per-event counting, you also need to call the per-event harvesting method at the end of your analyze method: histo[NDIGIS].executePerEventHarvesting();

If you take a look into, where DefaultHisto is defined, you will, among other options, see the actual table columns used for grouping in defaultGrouping. The string lists columns separated by /, which has the same meaning as in a directory hierarchy. For the histograms that are created, the order of columns does not matter; however, the order defines the directory nesting and where the histograms go. (Also, if you use the shorthand saveAll, you get summations defined by the ordering/directory hierarchy). Make sure you always list columns in the same order within one specification, otherwise you might hit unsupported or buggy cases. Within a column, a | can separate two names. This is used to handle barrel and endcap structure in one go, where barrel- and endcap-names are separated by the |. The HistogramManager will try to extract the left value first, and only try the right when that fails. For structures that have no equivalent in one of the subdetectors, you can use the empty column name (e.g. /PXRing|/), which will not appear in the directory structure. There is no central list of available column names, as new extractors could be added anywhere. However, most are defined in the GeometryInterface, which will also output a list of known columns at runtime (if sufficient debug logging is enabled).

For all the specifications, the steps up to the first save are executed in DQM step1. The histograms specified after the first save are created in DQM step2, Harvesting. Since step1 is very restricted due to multi-threading and performance requirements, not all specifications can be executed in step1. So, sometimes a save is necessary to make a specification work (this is e.g. the case with the profiles). After the first save however, you can or remove others freely to see or not see plots.

How it really works

This section explains for every class in the framework what it does. This might also include hints how to use it correctly. Ordered roughly from simple to complex.


This is an unspectacular wrapper around histogram-like things. It is used as the right-hand side of all tables that are actually kept in memory. It can contain either a root TH1, a MonitorElement (then the th1 points to the MEs TH1) or a simple counter (int). The counter can be used independently of the histogram and is used to concatenate histograms in harvesting and count things per event in step1.


This is the base class that all plugins should derive from. It instantiates HistogramManagers from config, sets up a GeometryInterface, and calls the book method of the HistogramManagers. If you need anything special, you can also do this yourself ad ignore the base class.

The same file declares the SiPixelPhase1Harvester, which is very similar to the base class but is an DQMEDHarvester and calls the harvesting methods. Usually this does not need to be modified, it is enough instantiate a copy and set the configuration to be the same as for the analyzer. If you want too use a custom step, derive from this class and call the setCustomHandler on the HistogramManager before the actual harvesting starts.


A dumb datastructure that represents a specification, as introduced above. The specification is in an internal, slightly different format, which is created by the SpecfiactionBuilder in Python code; the C++ SummationSpecification just takes the PSet structure and does no special processing, except for converting columns from the string form to the efficient GeometryInterface form.


This is the Python class that provides the specification syntax used above. It creates a nested structure of PSets with all the information, and also transforms the specification from the simple language explained above into something closer to the implementation. This includes

  • attaching the DQM step (here called Stage) where the step is to be executed to every Step.
  • creating different internal commands for groupBy steps, depending on whether it is a summation or a extension. A detail here is that while a normal GROUPBYhas a list of columns to keep, the internal EXTEND_* lists the columns to be dropped, to simplify step1 processing.
  • special-casing "/Event" grouping, which has to be done using a special STAGE1_2 only used for this purpose.
  • checking for all sorts of well-formedness, to catch possible problems as soon as possible.


This is a class, but one of the more important things are the types declared within it. They get used extensively in the HistogramManager, but we try to avoid that they leak into the plugin code. You need to know these types if you want to touch the actual implementation of the framework.


This is a dumb struct that holds a DetId and other useful stuff about a datapoint, namely a pointer to the event information and row/column. Note that a bare pointer is used here as a maybe: it could be null on any occasion, always check for that.


The value of "cells" in the table. Defined to be int. The reserved value UNDEFINED signals that this value is missing.


The internal form of a column name, like "PXLadder" or "DetId". Also defined to be int. To get an ID, call intern with the name. To get back to the string form, use unintern. The ID to string mapping is done with a std::map that grows automatically, so there is no such thing as a list of reserved names.

Only pass things returned by intern as an ID. Other values can make things crash.


This is what is actually used to represent a column in the code most of the time. Unlike the ID, this can represent something like PXLadder|PXBlade. The implementation is a std::array<ID, 2> (keep in mind that this thing needs to be explicitly initialized!). This means at the moment only two names are allowed using the | (more is possible, but at a significant performance and slight complexity cost). There is some magic around the Column type to make things work smoothly: By default, we expect Columns to be normalized, that is the second ID is 0. Then we can just use the col[0] as the ID of the column. The GeometryInterface will normalize Columns once a value is assigned and we know which value was actually used. Fuzzy matching is used to allow referring to multi-ID columns with a normalized Column and vice versa. Most code should not have to care about it, it can just pass around Column values and use pretty to create a string representation.


This is a mapping from Column names to Value values. While a std::map can be used perfectly, for performance reasons a different implementation was used. This is a std::vector<std::pair<Column, Value>>. All map-like operations are implemented using linear search, which should be pretty fast for the sizes (< 10) typically used. In this search, fuzzy matching is performed to handle multi-columns. This is also the reason why the methods providing and accepting Column-Value-pairs should be preferred, to ensure proper normalization. Values are used extensively as keys for std::map, but there are some caveats: Normalized and non-normalized values do not compare equal (this is why the rule should be, that a unnormalized Column only enters a Values object if and only if its Value is UNDEFINED), and the ordering in the vector (insertion order) matters (this is why it is usually a good idea to fill a Values object by looping over the columns of the first specified grouping).

In terms of memory management, it can be a good idea to keep one Values object around and erase, assign, and swap the vector inside it directly. This allows handling Values without any heap allocations (note that a map allocates all nodes on the heap, and a vector allocates its backing array on the heap, even if they are stack values in the code). This is the main point for having the Values type.

GeometryInterface itself

The heart of the GeometryInterface, apart from the types, is a mapping from IDs to extractor functions (stored as std::function<Value(InterestingQuantities const&)>), that can be used to obtain column values from DetIds. The mapping is a std::vector indexed by IDs (this is the reason for having a dense set of IDs in the first place). Since this mapping is a bit fragile, only the provided accessor functions should be used. Extractors are added while the GeometryInterface is loaded, which happens independent from construction. Use addExtractor(intern("Name"), <lambda>, min, max) to add more. The range passed to addExtractor cannot in general be precise, but it is used for histogram ranges and EXTEND in step1.


This is where most of the implementation hides.


This is the most important datastructure in the HistogramManager. It is a std::map<Values, AbstractHistogram>. This represents the conceptual table outlined above and is used in harvesting to perform all operations. In step1, things are a bit more complicated but the Table is still the main structure. Typically the AbstractHistograms in a table always have a th1 assigned (may or may not be a ME), unless it is a step1 counter. However, it can happen that you hit a row that was never touched before and does not have a th1 (e. g. if a foreign DetId was passed in), and these should be ignored. The histogram concatenation code relies on the lexicographical order of the map, which std::map does provide. The fast path for fill should make no more than one lookup in this table (per spec).

Booking Process

From the DQM booking function, HistogramManager::book is called. This method takes the list of all known modules from the GeometryInterface and executes the step1 commands for each spec. It tracks metadata like ranges and labels during this and sets them in the end, when the MEs are booked for each new table entry.


The fill function asks the GeometryInterface for the column values for the module data passed in, and executes the step1 commands on it. This is much easier than in the booking before, but also has to be much faster. A special case here is per-event counting, where the fill function does not fill a histogram but increments a counter (in an AbstractHistogram). Later, when executePerEventHarvesting is called, the counts are ran though the remaining step1 commands and fill is actually called, using the same code as the actual fill.


For the harvesting, first the internal table structure has to be repopulated (remember, we are in a completely new process now). To do this, loadFromDQMStore mirrors the booking process (massively stripped down and not actually sharing code) and gets the MEs from the DQMStore. So, in sum there are 3 places where step1 commands are interpreted: in booking, in filling, and in loading. Make sure to keep them in sync when anything changes.

Afterwards, a classical interpreter loop runs over the step2 commands and calls methods to actually execute them, by updating the table structure. This is mostly straight-forward code. Booking happens as the execution progresses, and all metadata is tracked in the TH1 fields (labels, range).

In the custom command, a custom handler function (that has to be set beforehand) is called. This is again a lambda (using inheritance would be possible as well, but it tends to be a mess in C++), which gets passed the internal table state and is allowed to change it at will. It is explicitly allowed to just save a copy of that state for later use, which may be necessary to compute quantities that depend on multiple other quantities. Later, custom step on a different HistogramManager (possibly one that did not record any data in step1) can take the saved tables, create derived quantities and put them into its own table, where the HistogramManager takes over again to book and save them with consistent names (also doing further summation, if specified).